Page 23 - 《华农农业大学学报》2020年第3期
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                                                   华 中 农 业 大 学 学 报                                    第 39 卷
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                                Asim p lefastandefficientmethodofconstructin g
                                          dualGtar g etCRISPR Cas9vector

                                   ZHANG Yan g HUANG Weifen gZHOUFei , LIN Yon gj un
               Colle g eo fBiolo gyScienceandTechnolo gy NationalKe yLaborator yo fCro pGeneticIm p rovement ,
                                   Huazhon gA g riculturalUniversit y Wuhan430070 , China

                   Abstract Asim p le , fastandefficientmethodofconstructin gdualGtar g etCRISPR / Cas9vectorwas
               establishedbasedontheGoldenGateli g ation.Thetwodesi g nedsmalltar g etDNAfra g mentsandone
               exo g enousfra g mentwereconstructedto g etherintotheCRISPR / Cas9vectorwithT 4DNAli g ase.20duG
               alGtar g etCRISPR / Cas9vectorsa g ainst10re p ortedrice g eneswereconstructedwiththismethod , andthe
               p ositiveratewas100% withnomutationinse q uences.Thisvectors y stemp rovidesaneas yra p idandefG
               ficientmethodforconstructin gdualGtar g etCRISPR / Cas9vectorforrice.Italsop rovidesareferencefor
               theconstructionofdualGtar g etCRISPR / Cas9vectorsinother p lants.
                   Ke y words rice ; CRISPR / Cas9 ; eneknockout ; eneeditin g dualGtar g et ; vectorconstruction
                                                                                            ( 责任编辑: 张志钰)
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