Designing a deep shallow rotary tillage device of direct rapeseed seeder

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    A deepshallow rotary tillage device was designed to reduce the operation power consumption of direct rapeseed seeder.Installed in a way of symmetric helix arrangement with multiple section,the device blades divided seed bed into seed bed strip rotating deeply and stubblechopping strip rotating shallowly and chopping stubble by cross arrange.The main design parameters of seed bed strip,stubblechopping strip and the blade arrangement were decided.The result of field test showed that the power consumption of rotary part was 72.53%82.20% of whole power consumption of direct rapeseed seeder under certain condition of field test.Compared with the original rotary tillage device,the operation power consumption of deepshallow rotary tillage device decreased 14.13%18.04%.The value of working evaluation indexvegetation buried rate,soil breaking rate and smooth field surface decreased,meeting the standard requirement of rotary tillage device.The smooth seed bed and steady ditch width were obtained with analyzing the seed bed outline of field test operated by deepshallow rotary tillage device.It is indicated that the deepshallow rotary tillage device can reduce the operation power consumption of direct rapeseed seeder.It will provide reference for further optimization.

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张青松,肖文立,廖庆喜,丁幼春,廖宜涛,万国伟,周洋. Designing a deep shallow rotary tillage device of direct rapeseed seeder[J]. Jorunal of Huazhong Agricultural University,2016,35(4):121-125.

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  • Received:December 08,2015
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  • Online: June 30,2016
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