Combining ability of major mineral elements in purple Cai-tai

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    The combining ability and genetic parameters were estimated for four major mineral elements(Ca,Mg,Fe and Zn) in F1 progenies of 32 crossing combinations of purple Cai-tai with the incomplete diallel cross using 2 novel male sterile lines as female parents and 16 inbreed lines as male parents.The results showed that male sterile line Eru-5 and male parents D,E,F and H,which had high GCA on Ca,Mg,Fe and Zn,could be regarded as good parents.The combinations Eru-5×G,Eru-5×H and Eru-3×L had high SCA on Ca,Mg,Fe and Zn.The analysis of heritability revealed that the heredity of Ca was mainly controlled by additive effect; those of Mg and Zn were mainly controlled by additive and non-additive effects; and the heredity of Fe was mainly controlled by non-additive effects.

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张 艳,徐跃进,谭远宝,李亭亭,鲁 凡,万正杰. Combining ability of major mineral elements in purple Cai-tai[J]. Jorunal of Huazhong Agricultural University,2012,31(2):178-181.

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  • Received:May 28,2011
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