Feeding Features of Scortum barcoo Larva

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    Scortum barcoois an excellent economic fresh water fish which was native in Australia and introduced into China in 2001. After several years domesticated, it can be reproduced and has been an aquaculture target in China. However, the fry produce efficiency was very low. In order to improve the practice of Scortum barcoofry production,daily feeding rhythms and food selection in full stomach of larva Scortum barcoo were studied. Artemia saline was observed as the best feed for 3-day-old larvae at water temperature 25.7~28.2 ℃. The 8-day-old arvae could be fed with cladocera and Artemia saline. After 13 days from hatching,the larvae could be fed with copepoda and cladocera. With the growth of the larvae, the amount of food in full stomach increased. For the daily feeding rhythm, the pre-larvae (seven-day-old larvae) and the post-larvae (twenty four-day-old larvae) under three treatments (natural light, continuous lighting, continuous dark) were used for study. The results were as follows: pre-larvae under natural light treatment, feeding peak appeared from 08:00 to 10:00, from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 20:00. Prelarva fed very actively especially at 9:00 AM and 19:00 PM.However, there were no feed activities at mid-night,under the treatment of continuous light, there were still feeding activities at mid-night. There were no feeding activities under continuous dark treatment. For the post-larvae under natural light treatment, feeding peak appeared at 9:00-13:00, and feeding activities appeared mostly at day time. No feeding activities were observed at mid-night. However, feeding activities were observed at mid-night under continuous lighting treatment. Feeding rhythm was obviousunder continuous dark treatment, with small feeding peak appearing at 10:00-12:00 and 20:00-22:00.The feeding of post-larvae depended less on light. Taken together, our result showed that feeding rhythm of larval Scortum barcoo was identical with the daytime feeding. The feeding behavior of larval Scortum barcoo had close relationship with light.

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骆豫江,陈昆慈,朱新平,潘德博,李凯彬,刘 苏. Feeding Features of Scortum barcoo Larva[J]. Jorunal of Huazhong Agricultural University,2010,29(1):90-95.

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  • Received:February 25,2009
  • Revised:June 28,2009
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