





Methane emission and mitigation strategy of animal husbandry under low carbon background

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    为推动畜牧业甲烷减排进程以及实现畜牧业绿色可持续发展提供数据支撑和科学依据,利用FAO数据库1961-2019年的长时序统计数据,分析了全球畜牧业甲烷排放量的变化趋势,结果发现:(1)1961-2019年,全世界各地区畜牧业甲烷估计排放量存在显著差异,并且总体呈不断上升趋势。(2)全球反刍动物甲烷排放量由1961年的6 804.79万t增加至2019年的10 352.91万t,分别占畜牧业甲烷排放总量的96.98%、97.51%;在不同品种反刍动物中,甲烷排放量前3位分别是肉牛、奶牛、水牛,其排放量分别由1961年的3 498.87万、1 861.56万、520.98万t增加至2019年的5 666.16万、1 996.04万、1 208.33万t。(3)印度、中国、巴基斯坦等国作为畜牧生产大国,牛、羊等反刍动物产量均排名世界前10位,其甲烷排放量也在不断增长,且增量多增速较快。在此基础上本研究提出了控制畜牧业甲烷排放的策略:在政策层面,建立畜牧业甲烷排放的统计数据与规范测算标准,对畜牧业温室气体排放征税或使其参与碳市场,建立奖励机制激励农户降低农场甲烷排放,加强生产者和消费者的气候变化认知;在生产端层面,提高牧草质量,采取合理的放牧管理策略,添加饲料补充剂,优化遗传选育,提升畜牧粪污利用水平;在消费端层面,减少肉类和乳制品浪费和用植物性饮食减少或替代动物类饮食,多策并举减少畜牧业甲烷排放。


    Methane produced by animal husbandry is the main source of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing methane emissions has become the focus of studies in various countries. This article aimed to provide data support and scientific basis for promoting the process of methane emission reduction in animal husbandry and realizing the green and sustainable development of animal husbandry. The long-term statistical data of the FAOSTAT from 1961 to 2019 were used to analyze the changing trend of methane emission from global animal husbandry. The results showed that there were significant differences in estimated methane emissions from animal husbandry in various regions of the world from 1961 to 2019, and the overall trend was increasing. Methane emissions from ruminants increased from 68.047 9 million tons in 1961 to 103.529 1 million tons in 2019, accounting for 96.98% and 97.51% of the total methane emissions from animal husbandry. Among different species of ruminants, the top three methane emissions were beef cattle, dairy cattle, and buffalo. Its emissions increased from 34.988 7 million ton, 18.615 6 million ton, and 5.209 8 million tons in 1961 to 56.661 6 million ton, 19.960 4 million ton, and 12.083 3 million tons in 2019, respectively. India, China, Pakistan and other countries were major livestock producers, and the output of ruminants such as cattle and sheep ranked among the top 10 in the world. Its methane emissions are also increasing, and the increase is more and more rapid. On this basis, this article proposes that a multi-pronged approach can be taken to reduce methane emissions from animal husbandry. At the policy level, we should establish statistical data and measurement standards for methane emissions from animal husbandry, tax greenhouse gas emissions from animal husbandry or allow them to participate in the carbon market, establish an incentive mechanism to encourage farmers to reduce methane emissions from farms, and enhance the awareness of climate change among producers and consumers. At the production level, we should improve the quality of forage grass, adopt reasonable grazing management strategies, add feed supplements, optimize genetic selection, and improve the utilization level of livestock manure. At the consumer level, we should reduce the waste of meat and dairy and reduce or replace animal-based diets with plant-based diets as a combination of strategies to reduce methane emissions from animal husbandry.



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  • 收稿日期:2022-01-20
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-06-15
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