红枣(Zizyphus jujube Mill.)属于鼠李科枣属,在我国广泛种植,是食品工业中的重要原
本研究采用超声(ultrasound,US)、超声辅助碱法(ultrasound-assisted alkaline method,US+AM)、超声辅助热水法(ultrasound assisted hot-water method,US+WM)、超声辅助酶法(ultrasound-assisted enzymatic method,US+EM)4种不同去糖预处理,对处理后红枣脆片理化性质和品质进行分析,寻求超声辅助去糖处理的最佳工艺,以期为新鲜红枣选择合适的去糖干燥方法,改善红枣脆片口感,最大限度地利用红枣营养成分提供科学依据。
采用多水分损失率(moisture loss rate,RML)、固形物减少率(solid reduction rate,RSR)评价预处理效率,分别按式(
(1) |
(2) |
维生素C含量采用直接滴定法测定;黄酮含量采用Folin-Ciocalteu法测定;多糖含量采用苯酚-硫酸法测定,利用多糖含量(polysaccharide content,PC)评价预处理效
2,2’-联氮-二(3-乙基-苯并噻唑-6-磺酸)二铵盐(2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sul-fonic acid) diammonium salt,ABTS)自由基清除能力测定、1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl,DPPH)自由基清除能力的测定、Fe离子还原能力(ferric-reducing antioxidant power,FRAP)测定参照Hou
组别 Group | 鲜样多水分损失率 Moisture loss rate of fresh samples(RML) | 固形物减少率 Solid reduction rate (RSR) |
US | 16.55±1.24d | 2.53±0.55c |
US+AM | 23.15±1.05a | 4.42±0.72a |
US+WM | 22.25±1.13b | 4.53±0.44a |
US+EM | 21.73±1.18c | 3.36±0.57b |
注: 同列不同小写字母表示不同处理间差异显著(P<0.05),下同。Note:Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant difference in different treatments (P<0.05),the same as follows.

图1 不同去糖预处理下热风干燥及压差闪蒸干燥红枣脆片的硬度及脆度比较
Fig. 1 Comparison of hardness and brittleness of red jujube slices dried by hot air drying and instant controlled pressure drop under different desugaring treatments
不同小写字母代表不同处理间差异显著(P<0.05),下同。Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different treatments (P<0.05),the same as follows.
干燥方法 Dring methods | 不同处理方式 Different desugaring treatments | 亮度值 | 红绿值 | 黄蓝值 | 总色差 ΔE |
鲜样 Fresh sample | 36.75±2.55b | 14.95±3.15d | 23.25±4.85d | 6.89±1.05c | |
热风干燥 Hot air drying (HAD) | US | 39.55±2.24a | 15.53±2.55c | 24.53±3.51c | 6.55±1.25c |
US+AM | 34.35±1.75d | 16.42±4.11b | 24.68±2.54c | 6.43±0.94c | |
US+WM | 36.25±1.81b | 16.53±3.58b | 25.29±4.15b | 6.72±1.35c | |
US+EM | 32.65±2.35e | 17.59±2.15a | 26.18±4.51ab | 6.37±1.12c | |
压差闪蒸干燥 Instant controlled pressure drop(DIC) | US | 36.32±2.88b | 14.61±4.19d | 24.65±4.27c | 7.51±1.54b |
US+AM | 35.82±2.12bc | 14.15±3.54e | 24.27±2.65c | 7.88±0.65b | |
US+WM | 36.02±1.15b | 14.31±2.25d | 23.65±3.45d | 7.72±1.11b | |
US+EM | 35.72±1.31bc | 14.01±2.78e | 26.65±4.56a | 8.05±2.08a |

图2 不同去糖预处理下热风干燥(A)及压差闪蒸干燥(B)红枣脆片的风味比较
Fig. 2 Comparison of flavor of red jujube slices dried by hot air drying (A) and instant controlled pressure drop (B) under different desugaring treatments

图3 不同去糖预处理下热风干燥及压差闪蒸干燥红枣脆片多糖含量
Fig. 3 Polysaccharide content in red jujube slices dried by hot air drying and instant controlled pressure drop under different desugaring treatments

图4 不同去糖预处理下热风干燥及压差闪蒸干燥红枣脆片中黄酮含量
Fig. 4 Flavonoids content in red jujube crisp dried by hot air and instant controlled pressure drop under different desugaring treatments

图5 不同去糖预处理下热风干燥及压差闪蒸干燥红枣脆片VC含量
Fig. 5 VC content in red jujube crisp dried by hot air and instant controlled pressure drop under different desugaring treatments

图 6 不同去糖预处理下热风干燥及压差闪蒸干燥红枣脆片的抗氧化能力
Fig. 6 Antioxidant capacity in red jujube crisp dried by hot air and instant controlled pressure drop under different desugaring treatments
A:ABTS自由基清除能力 ABTS free radical scavenging ability;B:铁离子还原抗氧化能力 Ferric ion reducing antioxidant power;C:DPPH自由基清除能力 DPPH free radical scavenging ability.
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