为优化贵州喀斯特山区直播冬油菜肥药模式,于2018—2019年和2019—2020年在贵州省11个冬油菜主产县(市、区)连续2 a开展田间试验,研究不同肥药模式(T1:传统肥药模式、T2:优化肥药模式、T3:优化肥药模式下不施用化肥和T4:优化肥药模式下不喷施农药)对直播冬油菜产量及经济效益的影响,探讨适合贵州喀斯特山区直播冬油菜生产的高产高效肥药技术。结果显示,与T1相比,T2总养分投入量减少19.9%,农药投入量减少69.5%。T2模式(直播冬油菜)株高、茎粗、一次有效分枝数、角果长度、角果密度、单株角果数、每角粒数和千粒重均低于T1处理,2018—2019年T2处理的株高、茎粗、一次有效分枝数、角果长度和角果密度分别比T1处理低9.8%、26.4%、10.9%、10.2%和24.2%,2019—2020年分别低9.5%、28.3%、12.8%、10.9%、23.9%;但T2处理有群体优势,2 a收获密度较T1处理分别显著增加199.0%、194.2%。2 a T2冬油菜产量分别为2 224.4 和2 103.3 kg/h
地区 Regions | 油菜品种 Winter rapeseed varieties | 前茬作物 Previous crops | 所属贵州油菜种植区 Winter rapeseed planting area of Guizhou |
金沙 Jinsha | 黔油早2号 Qianyouzao No.2 | 水稻 Rice |
黔中黔东黔北油菜区黔中亚区 Central, eastern, and northern Guizhou winter rapeseed areas central subregion |
黔西 Qianxi | 黔油早2号 Qianyouzao No.2 | 水稻 Rice | |
播州 Bozhou | 黔油早2号 Qianyouzao No.2 | 水稻 Rice | |
西秀 Xixiu | 阳光131 Yangguang No.131 | 水稻 Rice | |
绥阳 Suiyang | 黔油早2号 Qianyouzao No.2 | 水稻 Rice | |
瓮安 Weng’an | 阳光131 Yangguang No.131 | 水稻 Rice | |
平坝 Pingba | 黔油早2号 Qianyouzao No.2 | 水稻 Rice | |
开阳 Kaiyang | 黔油早2号 Qianyouzao No.2 | 水稻 Rice | |
余庆 Yuqing | 油研早18 Youyanzao No.18 | 水稻 Rice | |
碧江 Bijiang | 油研早18 Youyanzao No.18 | 水稻 Rice |
黔中黔东黔北油菜区黔东亚区 Central, eastern, and northern Guizhou winter rapeseed areas eastern subregion |
黎平Liping | 阳光131 Yangguang No.131 | 水稻 Rice |
2)肥料。常规复合肥(14-16-15),由贵州西洋肥业有限公司生产;宜施壮油菜专用缓释肥(25-7-8),由湖北宜施壮农业科技有限公司生产;尿素(含N 46%),由贵州赤天化股份有限公司生产。
地区 Regions | pH | 全氮/(g/kg) Total nitrogen | 有机质/(g/kg) Organic matter | 有效磷/(mg/kg) Available phosphorus | 速效钾/(mg/kg) Available potassium |
金沙 Jinsha | 5.9 | 1.20 | 22.39 | 13.62 | 122.8 |
黔西 Qianxi | 6.5 | 1.21 | 23.55 | 13.15 | 118.3 |
播州 Bozhou | 6.2 | 1.38 | 25.08 | 15.80 | 127.1 |
西秀 Xixiu | 6.0 | 1.04 | 16.37 | 10.69 | 100.2 |
绥阳 Suiyang | 6.1 | 1.25 | 26.56 | 12.96 | 115.9 |
瓮安 Weng'an | 6.2 | 1.02 | 15.41 | 9.89 | 95.4 |
平坝 Pingba | 6.3 | 1.46 | 26.33 | 16.04 | 125.7 |
开阳 Kaiyang | 5.9 | 0.97 | 15.11 | 9.94 | 98.3 |
余庆 Yuqing | 6.0 | 1.25 | 24.11 | 13.64 | 115.4 |
碧江 Bijiang | 6.1 | 1.23 | 23.15 | 14.21 | 120.4 |
黎平 Liping | 6.0 | 1.18 | 20.98 | 14.51 | 119.6 |
处理 Treatment | 化肥投入量 Fertilizer input | 农药投入量 Pesticide input | ||||
N | P2O5 | K2O | 除草剂 Herbicide | 杀虫剂 Pesticide | 杀菌剂 Fungicide | |
T1 | 222.0 | 96.0 | 90.0 | 1.65 | 0.00 | 4.500 |
T2 | 214.5 | 52.5 | 60.0 | 0.90 | 0.45 | 0.525 |
T3 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.90 | 0.45 | 0.525 |
T4 | 214.5 | 52.5 | 60.0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 |
处理 Treatment | 株高/cm Plant height | 茎粗/cm Rootstock diameter | 一次有效分枝数 1 st branch | 角果长度/cm Pod length | 角果密度/(个/cm) Pod density | |||||
2018— 2019 | 2019— 2020 | 2018— 2019 | 2019— 2020 | 2018— 2019 | 2019— 2020 | 2018— 2019 | 2019—2020 | 2018—2019 | 2019—2020 | |
T1 | 190.8a | 191.5a | 1.63a | 1.66a | 9.1a | 9.4a | 7.63a | 7.72a | 1.53a | 1.55a |
T2 | 172.1b | 173.3b | 1.20b | 1.19b | 8.1b | 8.2b | 6.85ab | 6.88b | 1.16b | 1.18b |
T3 | 138.6c | 137.3c | 0.79c | 0.77c | 5.3c | 5.2c | 5.43b | 5.41b | 0.90c | 0.87c |
T4 | 170.2b | 171.0b | 1.08b | 1.10b | 7.8b | 7.7b | 6.57ab | 6.55b | 1.11b | 1.08b |
注: 表中同列不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。下同。Note:Different lowercase letters within the same column indicate significant differences (P<0.05). The same as below.
试验点 Regions | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | ||||
2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | |
金沙 Jinsha | 2 212.5 | 2 287.5 | 2 239.5 | 2 347.5 | 1 479.0 | 1 358.1 | 2 158.5 | 2 100.3 |
黔西 Qianxi | 2 248.5 | 2 352.0 | 2 307.0 | 2 413.5 | 1 720.5 | 1 708.3 | 2 112.0 | 2 085.4 |
播州 Bozhou | 2 373.0 | 2 365.5 | 2 457.0 | 2 424.0 | 1 516.5 | 1 482.7 | 2 238.0 | 2 158.9 |
西秀 Xixiu | 1 684.5 | 2 224.5 | 2 202.0 | 2 284.5 | 1 476.0 | 1 414.2 | 1 657.5 | 1 786.3 |
绥阳 Suiyang | 2 179.5 | 1 887.0 | 2 287.5 | 1 953.0 | 1 773.0 | 1 448.5 | 2 133.0 | 1 759.7 |
瓮安 Weng’an | 1 513.5 | 1 483.5 | 1 686.0 | 1 564.5 | 1 435.5 | 1 253.1 | 1 485.0 | 1 401.7 |
平坝 Pingba | 2 382.0 | 2 481.0 | 2 682.0 | 2 544.0 | 1 488.0 | 1 412.7 | 2 238.0 | 2 300.2 |
开阳 Kaiyang | 1 647.0 | 1 689.0 | 1 791.0 | 1 795.5 | 1 233.0 | 1 114.2 | 1 581.0 | 1 598.7 |
余庆 Yuqing | 2 038.5 | 1 852.5 | 2 373.0 | 1 929.0 | 1 627.5 | 1 571.4 | 1 965.0 | 1 911.4 |
碧江 Bijiang | 2 067.0 | 1 924.5 | 2 215.5 | 2 022.0 | 1 564.5 | 1 479.8 | 2 058.0 | 1 985.3 |
黎平 Liping | 1 878.0 | 1 771.5 | 2 227.5 | 1 858.5 | 1 257.0 | 1 188.9 | 1 917.0 | 1 857.2 |
平均 Mean | 2 020.4ab | 2 029.0a | 2 224.4a | 2 103.3a | 1 506.4c | 1 402.9b | 1 958.5b | 1 904.1a |
产量较T1增加 Increase compared with T1 | — | — | 204.0 | 74.3 | -514.0 | -626.1 | -61.9 | -124.9 |
收获指数 Harvest index | 0.328 | 0.331 | 0.339 | 0.342 | 0.322 | 0.319 | 0.325 | 0.323 |
注: 表中平均值后不同小写字母表示试验点产量差异显著(P<0.05)。下同。Note:Different lowercase letters after means indicate significant differences between regions(P<0.05).
处理 Treatment | 密度/(万株/h Plant density | 单株角果数 Pods per plant | 每角粒数 Seeds per plant | 千粒重/g 1 000-seed weight | ||||
2018—2019 | 2019—2020 | 2018—2019 | 2019—2020 | 2018—2019 | 2019—2020 | 2018—2019 | 2019—2020 | |
T1 | 10.5c | 10.5c | 271.3a | 273.9a | 25.8a | 26.1a | 3.33a | 3.35a |
T2 | 31.4a | 30.9a | 163.8b | 167.5b | 19.6b | 20.7b | 3.11b | 3.13b |
T3 | 21.2b | 20.8b | 76.0b | 75.1c | 15.3c | 14.7c | 3.01c | 2.98c |
T4 | 29.7a | 29.5b | 151.9b | 146.4b | 18.0b | 17.9b | 3.08b | 3.06b |
处理 Treatment | 化肥农学效率 Agronomic efficiency of fertilizer | 农药防治效率 Pesticide control efficiency | ||
2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | |
T1 | 1.26b | 1.53b | 10.07b | 20.30b |
T2 | 2.20a | 2.14a | 141.82a | 106.23a |
时间 Time | 处理 Treatment | 成本 Cost | 油菜籽 总产值 Total output value | 净收益 Net benefit | 节本增收 Income increase | 产投比 Output/ input ratio | ||||
种子 Seed | 肥料 Fertilizer | 农药 Pesticide | 其他 Others | 合计 Total | ||||||
2018—2019 | T1 | 150 | 3 000 | 540 | 3 750 | 7 440 | 10 101.8 | 2 661.8 | — | 1.358 |
T2 | 600 | 2 625 | 360 | 2 250 | 5 835 | 11 121.8 | 5 286.8 | 2 625.0 | 1.906 | |
2019—2020 | T1 | 150 | 3 000 | 540 | 3 750 | 7 440 | 10 144.8 | 2 704.8 | — | 1.364 |
T2 | 600 | 2 625 | 360 | 2 250 | 5 835 | 10 516.4 | 4 681.4 | 1 976.6 | 1.802 |
注: 油菜籽总产值=籽粒产量×籽粒价格;净收益=油菜籽总产值-成本总投入。2018—2019年各区域平均油菜籽收购价格为5.0元/kg,14-16-15复合肥4.0元/kg,25-7-8油菜专用肥3.5元/kg,尿素2.0元/kg,种子100元/kg,其他成本主要包括机械整地和机械收获。2019—2020年各区域平均油菜籽收购价格为5.0元/kg,14-16-15复合肥4.0元/kg,25-7-8油菜专用肥3.5元/kg,尿素2.0元/kg,种子100元/kg,其他成本主要包括机械整地和机械收获。Note:Total output value of rapeseed=Grain yield×grain price; Net income=Total output value of rapeseed-total cost input. From 2018 to 2019,the average purchase price of rapeseed in each region was 5.0 yuan/kg,14-16-15 compound fertilizer was 4.0 yuan/kg,25-7-8 rape special fertilizer was 3.5 yuan/kg,urea was 2.0 yuan/kg,and seed was 100 yuan/kg. Other costs mainly included mechanical land preparation and mechanical harvesting. From 2019 to 2020,the average purchase price of rapeseed in each region is 5.0 yuan/kg,14-16-15 compound fertilizer is 4.0 yuan/kg,25-7-8 rape special fertilizer is 3.5 yuan/kg,urea is 2.0 yuan/kg,and seed is 100 yuan/kg. Other costs mainly include mechanical land preparation and mechanical harvesting.
增加1 020和371.6元/h
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