本文基于诱致性技术变迁理论分析地块规模约束下的化肥减施逻辑,利用2020年中国乡村振兴综合调查(CRRS)7个省(自治区)的玉米种植户数据,运用两阶段最小二乘法(two-stage least squares regression,2SLS)分析地块规模对化肥投入的影响。实证结果表明:扩大地块规模可以降低化肥投入强度,提高化肥投入效率。异质性分析发现,与小农户相比,规模农户扩大地块规模对化肥减施的影响更大;对于化肥投入强度越高、投入效率越低的农户,扩大地块规模对化肥投入的影响越大。进一步的分析发现,机械作业替代农业劳动,是扩大地块规模促进化肥减施的作用机制。
上述研究主要关注经营规模,但“肥瘦搭配、按人均分”的承包制度引发的耕地细碎化问题十分突出,承包耕地平均地块面积不足0.1 h

图1 理论分析图
Fig.1 Theoretical analysis figure
(1) |
(2) |
研究数据来源于中国社会科学院组织的中国乡村振兴调查(CRRS)数据库。2020年8—9月,CRRS共在全国10个省份开展,采用分层抽样与随机抽样相结合的方式,共抽取50个县(区)、150个乡镇、308个行政村的3 833户农户。调查内容包括家庭人口特征、收支状况、耕地利用、种植结构、作物投入产出等多个方面。玉米是我国种植面积与产量最大的粮食作物,研究地块规模能否以及如何影响玉米化肥减施具有现实意义。基于CRRS数据库中黑龙江、山东、河南、四川、贵州、陕西与宁夏等7个玉米主产省(自治区)的调查数据,在剔除地块规模、化肥投入情况等指标有缺失的样本后,使用1 226户玉米种植户数据进行分析。
1)被解释变量。一是化肥投入强度(consumption intensity of chemical fertilizer,CICF),使用单位面积化肥投入量来衡量;二是化肥投入效率(consumption efficiency of chemical fertilizer,CECF),参考Zhu
变量名称 Variable names | 变量定义 Variable definition | 平均值 Mean | 标准差 SD |
被解释变量 Dependent variables | |||
化肥投入强度 Consumption intensity of chemical fertilizer (CICF) | |||
单位面积用量 Usage per unit area | 玉米每公顷化肥施用量/kg Consumption of chemical fertilizer per hectare of corn | 938.813 | 576.790 |
单位面积费 Cost per unit are | 玉米每公顷化肥费用/元 Chemical fertilizer cost per hectare of corn | 2 444.910 | 1 707.329 |
化肥投入效率 Consumption efficiency of chemical fertilizer (CECF) | |||
50 kg玉米用量 Usage of 50 kg corn | 生产50 kg玉米的化肥施用量/kg Consumption of chemical fertilizer for producing 50 kg of corn | 8.220 | 6.846 |
50 kg玉米费 Cost of 50 kg cor | 生产50 kg玉米的化肥费用/元 Chemical fertilizer cost for producing 50 kg of corn | 21.404 | 21.137 |
核心解释变量Independent variables | |||
地块规模 Plot scale |
种植玉米地块的平均面积/(h | 0.272 | 0.799 |
机制变量 Mechanism variables | |||
机械作业 Mechanical operation | 种植玉米是否使用机械施肥或秸秆粉碎还田,1=是,0=否Whether mechanical fertilization or straw crushing is used for planting corn, 1=Yes, 0=No | 0.706 | 0.456 |
劳动投入 Labor input |
种植玉米施肥环节单位面积劳动投入量/(工日/h | 3.822 | 5.047 |
控制变量 Covariates | |||
年龄 Age | 家庭加权平均年龄,以家庭成员农业劳动时间占比为权重Average age of the family, weighted by the proportion of agricultural labor time of family members | 52.954 | 9.826 |
受教育年限 Years of education | 家庭加权平均教育年限,以家庭成员农业劳动时间占比为权重Average years of education of the family, weighted by the proportion of agricultural labor time of family members | 7.283 | 2.773 |
劳动力占比 Share of family labor force | 家庭成员中劳动力人数占比 Share of labor force among family members | 0.619 | 0.286 |
农业收入占比 Share of agricultural income | 家庭农业净收入占总收入的比例 Share of household agricultural net income to total income | 0.377 | 0.415 |
可灌溉面积占比 Share of irrigable area | 可灌溉面积占总面积的比例 Share of irrigable area to total area | 0.507 | 0.454 |
粮食播种面积占比 Share of grain sown area | 3种主粮播种面积占总播种面积的比例 Share of planting area for 3 main grains to total planting area | 0.794 | 0.255 |
销售占比Sold share | 2019年玉米销售量占总产量的比例 Share of corn sales to total production in 2019 | 55.333 | 45.660 |
减产份额 Share of production reduction | 2019年玉米受灾减产的比例 Share of corn yield reduction due to disasters in 2019 | 0.101 | 0.181 |
村庄地势Village terrain | 本村是否属于平原地区,1=是,0=否 Whether the village is located in a plain area, 1=Yes, 0=No | 0.475 | 0.500 |
注: *表示该变量仅用于稳健性检验。Note: * indicates that this variable is used only for robustness test.
项目 Items | 全样本 All samples | (0,0.05] h | (0.05,0.10] h | (0.10,0.33] h | (0.33,0.67]h | (0.67,+∞) h |
样本量 Sample size | 1 226 | 238 | 236 | 503 | 156 | 93 |
化肥投入强度/(kg/h | 938.813 | 1 112.042 | 970.191 | 911.968 | 812.133 | 773.555 |
化肥投入效率/kg CECF | 8.220 | 11.398 | 9.306 | 7.336 | 6.072 | 5.710 |
机械施肥 Mechanical fertilization | 0.462 | 0.134 | 0.373 | 0.499 | 0.712 | 0.914 |
秸秆粉碎还田 Straw mulching and incorporation | 0.546 | 0.421 | 0.566 | 0.606 | 0.523 | 0.522 |
劳动投入/(工日/h | 3.822 | 7.562 | 5.346 | 2.725 | 1.548 | 0.725 |
地块规模方面,种植玉米的平均地块面积在0.1~0.33 h
2)农户经营规模与化肥投入。按照世界银行的标准,将经营规模小于2 h
类型 Types | 经营规模/h Operation scale | 样本量 Sample size | 化肥投入 强度/ (kg/h | 化肥投入效率/ kg CECF |
全体小农户 All small-scale farmers | 972 | 960.565 | 8.705 | |
小农户 Small-scale farmers | (0,0.33] | 383 | 982.923 | 9.468 |
(0.33,0.67] | 300 | 936.388 | 8.215 | |
(0.67,2] | 289 | 956.032 | 8.204 | |
全体规模农户 All large-scale farmers | 245 | 851.491 | 6.349 | |
规模农户 Large-scale farmers | (2,3] | 77 | 957.569 | 6.910 |
(3,5] | 67 | 860.783 | 6.839 | |
(5,7] | 33 | 888.636 | 6.802 | |
(7,+∞) | 68 | 704.193 | 5.010 |
变量名称 Variable names | 类别Types | 样本量 Sample size | 化肥投入 强度/(kg/h | 化肥投入效率/kg CECF |
机械作业环节数量 Number of mechanical operations | 0 | 166 | 1 046.337 | 11.319 |
1 | 264 | 1 039.391 | 10.434 | |
2 | 227 | 934.398 | 7.879 | |
3 | 215 | 856.014 | 6.457 | |
4 | 187 | 911.681 | 7.346 | |
5 | 167 | 815.914 | 5.349 | |
机械施肥 Mechanical fertilization | 是 Yes | 567 | 871.924 | 6.903 |
否 No | 659 | 996.364 | 9.352 | |
秸秆粉碎还田 Straw mulching and incorporation | 是 Yes | 662 | 890.528 | 7.775 |
否 No | 551 | 1 000.190 | 8.798 |
使用两阶段最小二乘法(two-stage least squares regression,2SLS)对(1)式的估计结果如
变量 Variables | 第一阶段 First stage | 第二阶段Second stage | |
(A)CICF | (B)CECF | ||
地块规模 Plot scale | — |
-86.24 |
-2.31 |
工具变量 IV |
0.83 | — | — |
年龄 Age |
-0.00 | 0.614(1.825) | 0.003(0.019) |
受教育年限 Years of education |
-0.01 |
-11.23 |
-0.11 |
劳动力占比 Share of family labor force | 0.062(0.071) | 41.728(59.221) | 0.825(0.668) |
农业收入占比 Share of agricultural income |
0.18 | 30.876(35.053) | -0.298(0.461) |
可灌溉面积占比 Share of irrigable area |
-0.20 | 66.878(43.745) | -0.166(0.443) |
粮食播种面积占比 Share of grain sown area | 0.126(0.089) | 86.596(67.686) |
1.27 |
销售占比 Sold share |
0.00 |
-0.79 | -0.006(0.004) |
减产份额 Share of production reduction |
0.28 | 126.286(88.105) |
14.52 |
村庄地势 Village terrain | -0.045(0.06) | -18.394(40.165) |
-1.21 |
常数项 Constant term |
-0.33 |
712.94 | 2.345(1.515) |
K-P rk LM statistic |
244.83 | ||
K-P rk Wald F statistic | 831.708 | ||
C-D Wald F statistic | 763.064 | ||
样本量 Sample size | 1 226 | 1 226 | 1 226 |
注: ***、**和*分别表示1%、5%和10%的统计水平上显著,括号内为稳健标准误。下表同。Note: ***, ** and * denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% level, respectively. The parentheses indicate robust standard errors. The same as below.
变量Variables | OLS | LIML | 2SLS | |||
(A) CICF | (B) CECF | (C) CICF | (D) CECF | (E) CICF | (F) CECF | |
地块规模Plot scale |
-86.91 |
-1.39 |
-86.24 |
-2.31 |
-380.04 |
-6.93 |
(17.215) | (0.186) | (23.952) | (0.280) | (75.154) | (0.921) | |
控制变量Covariates | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled |
2)更换被解释变量。以化肥投入费用替代化肥投入量,使用单位面积化肥费用与每生产50 kg玉米化肥费用分别表示化肥投入强度与投入效率,实证结果如
变量 Variables | CICF | CECF | ||
LTZ | UCI | LTZ | UCI | |
地块规模 Plot scale |
-86.66 | [-125.885,-46.608] |
-2.73 | [-3.019,-1.615] |
控制变量 Covariates | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled |
被解释变量 Dependent variables | 检验方法 Testing method | 判断标准 Check standards | 估计结果 Estimation results | 检验结果 Test results |
CICF | (1) | 是Yes | ||
(2) | 是Yes | |||
CECF | (1) | 是Yes | ||
(2) | 是Yes |
变量 Variables | 小农户 Small-scale farmers | 规模农户 Large-scale farmers | ||
地块规模 Plot scale |
-82.40 |
-2.45 |
-160.54 |
-3.23 |
(42.102) | (0.472) | (91.626) | (1.046) | |
控制变量 Covariates | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled |
样本量 Sample size | 972 | 972 | 245 | 245 |
百分位点 Percentile point | CICF | CECF |
15% | -18.155(23.501) |
-0.80 |
25% | -10.893(16.131) |
-0.96 |
50% |
-32.63 |
-1.55 |
75% |
-123.21 |
-2.93 |
85% |
-204.96 |
-4.02 |
注: 表内为加入控制变量的估计结果。Note: The table shows the estimation results with covariates.
变量 Variables | (A) CICF | (B) CECF | (C) 劳动投入 Labor input | (D) 劳动投入 Labor input | (E) 劳动投入 Labor input |
地块规模 Plot scale | 84.400 | -0.508 |
-2.56 |
-2.32 |
-2.70 |
(63.587) | (0.620) | (0.248) | (0.251) | (0.245) | |
地块规模×机械作业 Plot scale×Mechanical operation |
-203.66 |
-2.26 | — | — | — |
(65.266) | (0.650) | ||||
机械作业 Mechanical operation |
-601.73 | 0.296 |
-0.63 | — | — |
(171.202) | (0.602) | (0.355) | |||
机械施肥 Mechanical fertilization | — | — | — |
-1.24 | — |
(0.330) | |||||
秸秆粉碎还田 Straw mulching and incorporation | — | — | — | — |
-0.73 |
(0.331) | |||||
控制变量 Covariates | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled | Controlled |
K-P rk LM statistic |
236.47 |
220.82 |
223.55 |
207.32 | |
K-P rk Wald F statistic | 251.674 | 706.236 | 632.198 | 652.884 | |
C-D Wald F statistic | 344.145 | 659.710 | 569.499 | 709.456 | |
样本量 Sample size | 1 226 | 1 226 | 1 083 | 1 083 | 1 072 |
注: 由于部分变量存在缺失值,C、D、E列样本量略有下降。Note:Due to missing values in some variables,the sample size in columns C, D, and E slightly decrease.
本研究基于诱致性技术变迁理论,从耕地禀赋的角度分析化肥减施的逻辑,然后使用2020年CRRS提供的7省微观调查数据,利用2SLS模型实证分析扩大地块规模对化肥投入的影响。主要研究结论包括以下3个方面:第一,基准回归结果表明,扩大地块规模对化肥减量增效有促进作用。地块规模扩大1%,单位面积化肥用量平均下降86.25 kg/h
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