从柚类、酸橙类、甜橙类、柑类、橘类、柠檬枸橼类中分别选取高班柚(C. grandis cv. ‘Gaoban’)、代代酸橙(C. aurantium cv. ‘Daidai’)、夏橙(C. sinensis cv.‘Valencia’)、稻叶温州蜜柑(C. unshiu cv. ‘Daoye’)、本地早橘(C. chuana cv. ‘Bendizao’)、尤力克柠檬(C. limon cv. ‘Eureka’) 6个柑橘品种(种植于华中农业大学国家柑橘育种中心),分别于2019年各品种的花后90和210 d采集未成熟(青果)和成熟(黄果)果实,每个样品均有3个生物学重复。用无菌手术刀将果实分割成有色层和汁胞2个部分。用冻干机(美国,Labconco FreeZone)将所有样品冷冻干燥,用液氮研磨成粉末,然后储存在-80 ℃超低温冰箱中,备用。
色谱级的甲醇、MTBE、乙腈均购于Merck(德国,达姆施塔特);ddH2O取自Milli-Q ULTRA 纯化系统(Millipore, Vimodrone,意大利);核糖醇、MSTFA、α-生育酚、δ-生育酚和γ-生育酚的标准品购自Sigma公司(美国,密苏里州圣路易斯);其他试剂:盐酸羟胺、吡啶、BHT、无水乙醇、氢氧化钾、正己烷、BNT、TEA、醋酸胺、异丙醇均购自国药集团。
利用5600 plus Accurate Mass Q-TOF(AB SCIEX, 美国)质谱仪系统,参照Wan

图1 6个柑橘品种青果和黄果的氨基酸积累特征
Fig.1 The accumulation characteristic of amino acids of green fruit and yellow fruit of six Citrus varieties
A:氨基酸相对含量的热图和聚类分析。P-1表示青果有色层,P-2表示黄果有色层,R-1表示青果汁胞,R-2表示黄果汁胞;B: 不同时期9种氨基酸总相对含量的比较;C:不同组织9种氨基酸总相对含量的比较;D:不同氨基酸含量变化的K均值分析。GP表示青果有色层,GR表示青果汁胞,YP表示黄果有色层,YR表示黄果汁胞。* 表示在0.05水平具有显著差异,** 表示在0.01水平具有显著差异,ns表示没有显著差异。DY表示稻叶温州蜜柑,BDZ表示本地早橘,YLK表示尤力克柠檬,GBY表示高班柚,DD表示代代酸橙,XC表示夏橙。下同。 A:The heat map and clustering analysis in relative content of amino acids. P-1 represents colored pericarp in green fruit period, P-2 represents colored pericarp in yellow fruit period, R-1 represents pulp in green fruit period, R-2 represents pulp in yellow fruit period; B: In different periods, the comparison in total relative content of nine amino acids; C:In different tissues, the comparison in total relative content of nine amino acids; D:K-means analysis on change in content of different amino acids. GP represents colored pericarp in green fruit period, GR represents pulp in green fruit period, YP represents colored pericarp in yellow fruit period, YR represents pulp in yellow fruit period. * represents significant difference at 0.05 level; ** represents significant difference at 0.01 level;ns represents no significant difference; DY represents C. unshiu cv. ‘Daoye’, BDZ represents C. chuana cv. ‘Bendizao’, YLK represents C. limon cv. ‘Eureka’, GBY represents C. grandis cv. ‘Gaoban’, DD represents C. aurantium cv. ‘Daidai’, XC represents C. sinensis cv. ‘Valencia’.The same as follows.
为进一步分析各氨基酸含量的变化趋势,根据相对含量的变化规律,通过K均值聚类将有色层和汁胞中所检测到的9种氨基酸各聚成3个簇。在有色层中,Cluster 1为缬氨酸和甘氨酸,Cluster 2为丙氨酸,另外6种氨基酸在Cluster 3中;在汁胞中,Cluster 1为天冬氨酸和谷氨酸,Cluster 2为苏氨酸,Cluster 3为其余6种氨基酸。缬氨酸与甘氨酸、天冬氨酸与谷氨酸在柑橘果实发育过程中变化趋势一致。另外,汁胞中9种氨基酸含量的变化趋势与9种氨基酸总量的变化趋势均保持一致。但对于有色层而言,存在相对含量随果实成熟而上升的氨基酸类型,例如脯氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸(
样本 Samples | α-Tocopherol-R | α-Tocopherol-P | γ-Tocopherol-R | γ-Tocopherol-P |
BDZ-1 | 54 524.67 ± 15 836.55a | 77 224.33 ± 22 356.72a | 0.00 | 9 567.67 ± 3 136.16a |
BDZ-2 | 236 720.67 ± 67 284.12b | 460 623.33 ± 199 791.80b | 0.00 | 373 672.33 ± 151 666.89b |
DD-1 | 28 274.67 ± 2 315.24a | 14 892.67 ± 5 114.03a | 0.00 | 0.00a |
DD-2 | 42 655.00 ± 21 052.50a | 761 058.67 ± 114 371.10b | 0.00 | 569 369.33 ± 103 310.56b |
GBY-1 | 0.00a | 33 743.67 ± 14 128.68a | 0.00 | 0.00a |
GBY-2 | 52 737.67 ± 9 737.53b | 428 137.33 ± 110 596.34b | 0.00 | 324 608.67 ± 188 866.22b |
DY-1 | 36 318.67 ± 4 917.68a | 189 454.33 ± 41 911.88a | 0.00 | 75 671.67 ± 47 754.87a |
DY-2 | 243 016.67 ± 135 515.83b | 790 518.33 ± 128 851.29b | 0.00 | 835 939.00 ± 48 062.67b |
XC-1 | 38 192.00 ± 2 597.16a | 73 557.67 ± 16 917.96a | 0.00 | 0.00a |
XC-2 | 128 729.00 ± 146 733.27b | 433 099.33 ± 15 346.55b | 0.00 | 285 507.67 ± 32 343.27b |
YLK-1 | 58 179.50 ± 884.50a | 86 130.50 ± 1 037.50a | 0.00 | 6 582.00 ± 977.00a |
YLK-2 | 173 230.33 ± 97 735.53b | 1 029 413.67 ± 94 067.81b | 0.00 | 73 567.33 ± 18 520.92b |
注: “-1”:青果时期,“-2”:黄果时期;“R”:汁胞,“P”:有色层;差异显著性比较为同一品种2个时期间的比较(P < 0.05)。Note:“-1”represents the period of green fruits; “-2” represents the period of yellow fruits; “R” represents pulp; “P” represents colored pericarp.The comparison of significant difference was conducted between the same variety at two periods (P<0.05).

图2 八类脂质的总相对含量在柑橘果实发育过程中的热图和聚类分析
Fig.2 The heat map and cluster analysis of the relative total content of eight types of lipids in developmental citrus
PC:卵磷脂;PE:磷脂酰乙醇胺;PG:磷脂酰甘油;PA:磷脂酸;MGDG:单半乳糖甘油二酯;DGDG:双半乳糖甘油二酯;DAG:甘油二酯;TAG:甘油三酯。R1:青果时期汁胞,R2:黄果时期汁胞,P1:青果时期有色层;P2:黄果时期有色层。PC:Phosphatidylcholine; PE:Phosphatidylethanolamine; PG:Pphosphatidylglycerol; PA:Pphosphatidic acid; MGDG:Mono-galactosyl diglyceride; DGDG:Di-galactosyl diglyceride; DAG:Diglyceride; TAG:Triglycerides. R1:Pulp in green fruit period; R2:Pulp in yellow fruit period; P1:Colored pericarp in green fruit period; P2:Colored pericarp in yellow fruit period.

图3 脂类物质的相对含量在柑橘果实发育过程中的主成分分析
Fig.3 The PCA analysis on relative content of lipids in developmental citrus
圆点表示青果期,R表示汁胞,P表示有色层。The dot represents the green fruit period, R represents the pulp, P represents the pericarp.

图4 三类代谢物相对含量在柑橘样品中的相关性分析
Fig.4 Correlation analysis in the relative content of three types of metabolites in citrus samples
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