
1.广州商学院信息技术与工程学院,广州 511363;2.广东省农业人工智能重点实验室,广州 510642;3.华南农业大学工程学院,广州 510642


臧禹,E-mail: yuzang@gcc.edu.cn


臧英,E-mail: yingzang@scau.edu.cn



Effects of mode of operating agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles on deposition of droplet and prevention and control of corn borer

1.School of Information Technology and Engineering, Guangzhou College of Commerce,Guangzhou 511363, China;2.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Agricultural Artificial Intelligence (GDKL-AAL), Guangzhou 510642, China;3.College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China

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    为探索利用植保无人机实施玉米螟防治的最佳作业模式,以作业机型(XP2020、T16)、农药类型(氯虫苯甲酰胺悬浮剂、甲维·茚虫威水乳剂和氰·鱼藤乳油)、施药液量(15、22.5和30 L/hm2)以及空列作为对照设计了4因素3水平的正交试验;田间试验设9个无人机雾滴采集区和防效调查区,同时设置高地隙喷雾机作业区和空白区作为对照,以全面评估不同作业模式下的雾滴沉积效果和防治成效。结果显示:在当前试验条件下,试验区雾滴体积中径与沉积量呈正相关(R2=0.712,P<0.05);农药类型对玉米螟防效有显著影响(P<0.05),而作业机型(XP2020与T16)和所设范围内的施药液量(15~30 L/hm2)均未对防治效果产生显著影响。综合考量防治效果、作业效率、经济效益及抗风险能力等多方面因素,推荐采用T16植保无人机以22.5 L/hm2的施药液量喷施含氰·鱼藤EC与有机硅助剂的混合药液进行无人机防治玉米螟作业,施药后7 d对玉米螟的防治效果可达72%。


    An orthogonal experiment with 4 factors and 3 levels was designed using models of operating including XP2020 and T16, types of pesticide including chlorfenapyr suspension, methomyl indoxacarb water emulsion, and cyanogen caulis EC and silicone adjuvant, volumes of application including 15 L/hm2, 22.5 L/hm2, and 30 L/hm2, and empty column as control to study the optimal operation mode of using agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to prevent and control the corn borer. 9 collection areas of UAV droplet and investigation areas of prevention and control were set up in the field experiment, and high-gap operation areas of sprayer and blank area were set up as controls to comprehensively evaluate the deposition of droplet and the effect of prevention and control of corn borer under different modes of operation. The significance of each factor was analyzed in depth with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that there was a positive correlation between the diameter of droplet volume in the experimental area and the amount of deposition under the current experimental conditions (R2=0.712, P<0.05). The type of pesticide had a significant impact on the effect of prevention and control of corn borer (P<0.05). The model of operating and the volume of pesticide applied within the range (15~30 L/ hm2) had no significant impact on the effect of prevention and control of corn borer. It is recommended to use T16 UAV in combination with cyanogen caulis EC and silicone adjuvant, with an application rate of 22.5 L/hm2 to prevent and control the corn borers taking into account various factors including the effect of prevention and control, the efficiency of operation, economic benefits, and the mitigation of risk. The effect of prevention and control on corn borer can reach 72% after 7 days of application. It will provide a reference for using agricultural UAVs to prevent and control the corn borer larvae and an important guidance for optimizing the application of pesticide and improving the utilization of pesticide.

    图1 玉米长势(A)和玉米螟虫情(B)Fig.1 Corn growth(A) and corn borer situation(B)
    图2 试验小区整体布局平面图(A)和现场图(B)Fig.2 Test area overall layout plan (A) and grayscale (B)
    图3 水敏纸布置(A)和水敏纸(B)Fig.3 Water sensitivity papernd sampleing layout(A)and WSP(B)
    图4 雾滴沉积结果Fig.4 Droplet deposition results
    图 施药3 d (A)和7 d(B)后对玉米螟的防治效果Fig. Pest control effect after 3 days (A) and 7 days (B ) of pesticide application
    表 1 试验方案Table 1 Experimental scheme
    表 2 施药后第7天防治效果的方差分析结果Table 2 Analysis of variance of control effect after 7 days
    表 3 施药后第7天防治效果的Duncan’s多重比较分析Table 3 Duncan’s multiple comparison of control effect after 7 days


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  • 收稿日期:2024-09-23
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-07