
1.华中农业大学园艺林学学院/果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室,武汉 430070;2.宜昌芮溪电子商务有限公司,秭归443600









Effects of sunlight withering on quality of processed black tea with different fresh leaf tenderness and tea plant varieties

1.College of Horticulture & Forestry Sciences/National Key Laboratory for Germplasm Innovation & Utilization of Horticultural Crops, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;2.Yichang Ruixi E-commerce Co., Ltd., Zigui443600, China

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    Sunlight withering treatment was conducted on different tea varieties including black tea, green tea and red green mixed varieties, and different tenderness of fresh leaf including one bud with one leaf, one bud with two leaves to study the effects of sunlight withering on the quality of processed black tea with different fresh leaf tenderness and tea plant varieties. The results showed that the effects of sunlight withering on the quality of processed black tea of different fresh leaf tenderness and tea plant cultivars were different. There was less damage to the leaves and the content of tea polyphenols and amino acids respectively decreased by 1%, 6%, 8% and 11%, 19%, 14% during the withering process of the tenderness of fresh leaf including one bud with two or three leaves and below. The content of soluble sugar increased more, increasing by 15%, 13% and 11%, respectively. The content of theaflavins was relatively high, with a significant increase of 32% in black tea with one bud with three leaves and 10% with one bud with four or five leaves. It is indicated that sunlight withering has a significant effect on treating the tenderness of fresh leaf including one bud with two or three leaves and below, and is suitable for tea tree varieties with weaker floral and fruity aromas. It is not necessary to perform sunlight withering on varieties of processed black tea with strong floral and fruity aromas. Albino and purple varieties are not suitable for sunlight withering.

    图1 不同嫩度原料日光萎凋红茶萎凋叶变化Fig.1 Changes of withered leaves of black tea with different tenderness of sunlight withering
    图2 不同嫩度原料日光萎凋红茶滋味和香气因子雷达图Fig.2 Radar chart of taste and aroma factors of black tea with different tenderness of sunlight withering
    图3 不同品种原料日光萎凋红茶萎凋叶变化Fig.3 Changes of withered leaves of black tea with different tea plant varieties of sunlight withering
    图4 不同品种原料日光萎凋红茶香气和滋味因子热图Fig.4 Heat map of aroma and taste factors of black tea with different tea plant varieties of sunlight withering
    图5 不同品种原料日光萎凋红茶理化分析Fig.5 Physical and chemical analysis of black tea with different varieties of sunlight withering
    图6 不同品种原料日光萎凋红茶茶黄素组分含量Fig.6 Content of theaflavin components of black tea with different varieties of sunlight withering
    表 1 不同嫩度原料日光萎凋红茶感官审评Table 1 Sensory evaluation of black tea with different tenderness of sunlight withering
    表 2 不同嫩度原料日光萎凋红茶理化分析Table 2 Physical and chemical analysis of black tea with different tenderness of sunlight withering
    表 3 不同嫩度原料日光萎凋红茶茶黄素组分含量Table 3 Content of theaflavin components in black tea with different tenderness of sunlight withering
    表 4 不同品种原料日光萎凋红茶感官审评结果Table 4 Sensory evaluation of sunlight withering of black tea with different varieties
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