
1.北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院,北京 100083;2.内蒙古自治区赤峰市敖汉旗双井林场,赤峰 024300;3.河北省沧县国家枣树良种基地,沧州 061000;4.山东省果树研究所,泰安 271000




庞晓明, E-mail:xmpang@163.com





Study on differences in response to phytoplasma infection in different resistant jujube germplasms

1.College of Biological Sciences and Technology,Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;2.Shuangjing Forestry Farm,Aohan Banner,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Chifeng 024300,China;3.National Foundation for Improved Cultivars of Chinese Jujube, Cangzhou 061000, China;4.Shandong Institute of Pomology,Taian271000,China

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    为揭示抗病性枣种质响应植原体侵染的关键生物学途径,通过嫁接侵染法对324份枣种质进行枣疯病抗性鉴定。以筛选到的抗病种质‘QS10’‘UU12’‘EQ15’和易感种质‘中阳木枣’‘壶瓶枣’‘鲁枣5号’为材料,分别测定侵染后90、120 d时保存的叶片组织的植原体含量,并通过转录组测序揭示响应差异。结果显示,嫁接感染后抗病种质的植原体浓度水平低且逐渐下降,易感种质的植原体浓度高且逐渐上升。抗病和易感种质的差异表达基因(differentially expressed genes,DEG)都显著富集在植物病原体互作、植物激素信号转导、次生代谢产物的生物合成等通路中,并在过氧化物酶体、光合作用途径和类黄酮生物合成途径中存在表达差异。WGCNA分析发现,脂质磷酸酶、RNA编辑因子 MORF 3、LysM结构域受体样激酶、丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶sty13样等核心基因和抗病种质相关。研究表明,应对植原体入侵时,植物病原体互作、次生代谢产物的合成、植物激素信号转导、MAPK信号途径的基因差异表达可能是抗病种质和易感种质响应差异的原因;抗病种质中过氧化物酶体相关的基因上调表达,光合作用的基因受植原体入侵的影响较小,可能有助于能量代谢的正常进行和氧化还原的平衡,增强其抗病性,黄酮类、萜类等次级代谢产物可能在消除活性氧的危害方面发挥作用。


    Jujube witches’ broom disease is a significant threat to jujube trees.To reveal the key biological pathways associated with disease resistance in jujube germplasm in response to phytoplasma infection, a graft-inoculation method was used to evaluate the resistance of 324 jujube germplasm resources to this disease.The study utilized disease-resistant germplasms ‘QS10’,‘UU12’,‘EQ15’ and the susceptible germplasms ‘Zhongyangmuzao’,‘Hupingzao’,‘Luzhao 5’ as materials.The phytoplasma content in leaf tissues was measured at 90 days and 120 days post-infection,and transcriptome sequencing was conducted to elucidate the differential responses.The results showed that the concentration of phytoplasma in resistant germplasm was low and gradually decreased after grafting,while the concentration of phytoplasma in susceptible germplasm was higher and gradually increased over time.The DEGs of both resistant and susceptible germplasm were significantly enriched in pathways such as plant-pathogen interaction,plant hormone signal transduction,and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites.Notable differences were observed in the expression of genes related to peroxisome,photosynthetic pathway and flavonoid biosynthesis pathway.WGCNA analysis revealed that core genes such as lipid phosphatase,RNA editing factor MORF 3,LysM domain receptor-like kinase,and serine/threonine protein kinase sty13-like were associated with resistant germplasm.Research indicated that in response to phytoplasma invasion,the differential expression of genes involved in plant-pathogen interaction,synthesis of secondary metabolites,plant hormone signal transduction,and MAPK signaling pathways may contribute to the differential phenotypes observed between resistant and susceptible germplasms.The peroxisome-related genes are upregulated in disease-resistant germplasm,while photosynthetic genes are less affected by phytoplasma invasion,which may contribute to the normal progression of energy metabolism and redox balance of resistant germplasm,thereby enhancing its disease resistance.Additionally,secondary metabolites such as flavonoids and terpenes may play a role in eliminating the damage caused by active oxygen.

    图1 嫁接侵染色120 d时抗病种质和易感枣种质表型对比Fig.1 The phenotype of resistant and susceptible germplasm at 120 days after grafting
    图2 抗病组(RG)和易感组(SG)差异表达基因统计Fig.2 Statistics of differentially expressed genes between resistant and susceptible groups
    图3 差异表达基因的GO富集结果Fig.3 GO enrichment results of differentially expressed genes
    图4 DESeq2处理得到的差异表达基因的KEGG富集结果Fig.4 KEGG enrichment results of differentially expressed genes obtained by DESeq2 respectively
    图5 枣树中植物与病原体互作通路Fig.5 Plant and pathogen interaction pathway in jujube tree
    图6 枣树应对植原体侵染相关通路差异基因分析Fig.6 Differential gene analysis of pathways related to phytoplasma infection in jujube trees
    图7 枣树抗感品种应答植原体侵染的过氧化物酶体、光合作用和类黄酮生物合成通路DEG分析Fig.7 DEG analysis of peroxisome, photosynthetic and flavonoid biosynthesis pathways in response to phytoplasma infection in resistant and susceptible cultivars of jujube
    图8 基因共表达网络及其核心基因Fig.8 Gene co-expression network and its core genes
    表 1 各种质的植原体含量Table 1 Phytoplasma contents of the germplasm after grafting invasion
    表 2 不同模块中核心基因的功能注释Table 2 Functional annotations of hub genes in different modules


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  • 收稿日期:2024-03-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-07