
湖北大学资源环境学院,武汉 430062









Effects of adding microplastics and rice straw on emission of CO2 from typical farmland soils

College of Resources and Environment, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China

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    为探究微塑料污染对水稻秸秆还田下土壤有机碳矿化的影响,采集3种典型农田土壤(水稻土、红壤和潮土),进行70 d室内培养试验,每种土壤设置对照(control check,CK)、添加微塑料(polyethylene,PE)、添加水稻秸秆(rice straw,RS)、添加微塑料和水稻秸秆(rice straw-polyethylene, RS-PE)4个处理,测定各处理土壤理化性质、CO2释放量、可溶性有机碳(soluble organic carbon,DOC)和微生物生物量碳(microbial biomass carbon,MBC)含量。结果显示:3种土壤中PE和RS-PE处理下70 d 内CO2累积释放量大小为潮土> 稻土> 红壤。与CK处理相比,RS处理后3种土壤CO2累积释放量均显著增加,PE处理后红壤和潮土中CO2累积释放量显著增加。添加微塑料和水稻秸秆提高了3种土壤DOC和MBC含量,促进土壤有机碳矿化。3种土壤中平均相对分子质量(E2/E3)值依次为水稻土>红壤>潮土;且添加微塑料和水稻秸秆提高了土壤DOC平均相对分子质量、芳香性和疏水性。3种土壤有机碳矿化均与DOC E2/E3呈显著负相关,且水稻土和潮土有机碳矿化与DOC芳香性(SUVA254)和疏水性(SUVA260)呈显著正相关。研究结果表明,微塑料和水稻秸秆还田显著影响土壤有机碳的矿化。


    Microplastics are widely present in soil, and the problem of microplastic pollution in soil has been considered during recent years. Three typical farmland soils including the paddy soil, the red soil and the fluvo-aquic soil were used to conduct indoor incubation experiments for 70 days to study the effects of microplastic pollution on the mineralization of organic carbon in soil under rice straw returning. 4 treatments including the control (CK), addition of microplastics (polyethylene, PE), addition of rice straw (RS), addition of microplastics and rice straw (RS-PE) were set for each type of soil. The physical and chemical properties, the emission of CO2, the content of soluble organic carbon (SOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) in each soil treated were measured. The results showed that the cumulative emission of CO2 from three types of soils within 70 days under the PE and RS-PE treatment was in the order of fluvo-aquic soil>paddy soil>red soil. Compared with CK, the cumulative emission of CO2 from three types of soils significantly increased after RS treatment, and the cumulative emission of CO2 from the red soil and fluvo-aquic soil significantly increased after PE treatment. Adding PE and RS increased the content of SOC and MBC in three types of soils, promoting the mineralization of organic carbon in soil. The E2/E3 value in three types of soils was in the order of paddy soil>red soil>fluvo-aquic soil. The addition of PE and RS increased the average relative molecular weight, aromaticity, and hydrophobicity of SOC in soil. The mineralization of organic carbon in three types of soils was significantly and negatively correlated with the average relative molecular weight of SOC (E2/E3), and the mineralization of organic carbon in paddy and fluvo-aquic soil was significantly and positively correlated with the aromaticity (SUVA254) and hydrophobicity (SUVA260) of SOC. It is indicated that t the addition of microplastics and rice straw significantly affect the mineralization of organic carbon in soil.

    图1 培养过程中CO2-C释放动态与累积释放量Fig.1 Cumulative CO2-C emission during co-incubation with exogenously added materials during 70 days
    图2 土壤与微塑料、水稻秸秆共培养后可溶性有机碳(A)和微生物量碳(B)含量Fig.2 Soluble organic carbon (A) and microbial biomass carbon (B) content of soil co- incubation with microplastics, rice straw, and both
    图3 三维荧光光谱-平行因子分析确定的3种组分(C1、C2、C3)的荧光光谱及载荷Fig.3 Fluorescence spectra and loadings of the three components(C1, C2, C3) determined by EEM -PARAFAC analysis
    图4 土壤与微塑料、水稻秸秆及二者共培养后DOC组分C1(A)、C2(B)和C3(C)的荧光强度Fig.4 Fluorescence intensity of DOC components C1(A), C2(B) and C3(C) after co-incubation of soil with microplastics, rice straw, and both
    表 1 供试材料的基本性质Table 1 Basic properties of tested materials
    表 2 土壤与微塑料、水稻秸秆及二者共培养后的基本性质Table 2 The properties of soils co-incubation with microplastics, rice straw and both
    表 3 土壤与微塑料、水稻秸秆及二者共培养后DOC紫外光谱指数Table 3 UV spectral indices of DOC after co-incubation of soil with microplastics, rice straw and both
    表 4 CO2累积释放量与DOC、MBC含量及紫外光谱指数的相关系数Table 4 Correlation coefficients of cumulative CO2 emission with DOC, MBC and UV spectral index


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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-16
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-07