
华中农业大学植物科学技术学院/湖北洪山实验室,武汉 430070









Effects of application dosage of nitrogen on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of direct-seeding cotton after harvesting rapeseed oil

College of Plant Science and Technology/Hubei Hongshan Laboratory, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China

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    为探讨长江流域棉区基于“增产不增投”理念的油菜收获后直播棉花合理施氮量,选用早熟棉品种华棉3097,于2022-2023年开展大田试验,考查施氮180(N180)、210(N210)、240(N240)、270(N270)、300(N300)、330(N330) kg/hm2棉花生长发育、光合特性和产量表现。结果显示:N270和N300棉花产量相当,但高于N180和N330。N270水平下2 a平均籽棉产量比N180和N330分别提高7.0%和5.4%,该施氮量的单位面积铃数比N180和N330分别高24.9%和21.6%,各施氮水平间株高、果枝数、果枝起始高度、绿叶数和节位数表现类似。棉花冠层透光率随生育进程降低,随施氮量增加而降低,冠层高度30~50 cm和棉行20 cm内,N270比N330高23.9%,比N180低10.0%,与N300相当。N270(N300)净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度高于N180和N330;N270胞间CO2浓度低于N180和N330。可见,油菜收获后直播棉花施氮270 kg/hm2有利于棉花生长发育,可以增加单位面积铃数,改善冠层透光状况,提高光合性能,从而获得较高产量。


    The early-maturing cotton cultivar Huamian 3097 was used to study the rational application dosage of nitrogen for the direct seeding cotton after harvesting rapeseed oil in the cotton area of the Yangtze River Basin based on the concept of “increasing yield without increasing input”. Field experiments were conducted in 2022 and 2023 to investigate the effects of six application dosages of nitrogen including N180 (180 kg/hm2), N210 (210 kg/hm2), N240 (240 kg/hm2), N270 (270 kg/hm2), N300 (300 kg/hm2), and N330 (330 kg/hm2) on the growth and development, photosynthetic characteristics, and yield of cotton. The results showed that the yield of cotton under N270 and N300 was comparable, but higher than that under N180 and N330.The two-year average yield of cotton seed and the number of bolls per unit area under N270 increased by 7.0% and 5.4%, 24.9% and 21.6% compared to that under N180 and N330, respectively. There was no difference in plant height, number of fruit branches, height of the first fruit branch, number of green leaves, and number of nodes between treatments. The light transmittance of cotton canopy decreased with the process of growth and the increase of application dosage of nitrogen. The light transmittance of cotton canopy within the canopy height of 30-50 cm and the cotton row of 20 cm under N270 was 23.9% higher than that under N330, 10.0% lower than that under N180, and comparable to that under N300.The net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance under N270 (N300) was higher than that under N180 and N330. The concentration of intercellular CO2 under N270 was lower than that under N180 and N330. It is indicated that applying 270 kg/hm2 nitrogen fertilizer to direct-seeding cotton after harvesting rapeseed oil is conducive to the growth and development of cotton, can increase the number of bolls per unit area and improve light transmission of canopy to enhance photosynthetic performance, and thus can achieve a higher yield.

    图1 2022年(A)和2023年(B)籽棉产量(y)与施氮量(x)关系Fig.1 Quadratic fitting function between seed cotton yield (y) and nitrogen application dosage(x) in 2022(A) and 2023(B)
    图2 2022年(A)和2023年(B)皮棉产量(y)与施氮量(x)二次函数关系Fig.2 Quadratic fitting function between lint yield (y) and nitrogen application dosage(x) in 2022(A) and 2023(B)
    图3 施氮量对棉花叶面积指数的影响Fig.3 Effects of nitrogen application dosages allocation strategies on leaf area index
    图4 棉花产量与农艺性状相关性热图Fig.4 Correlation heat map among cotton yield and agronomic traits
    图5 不同施氮水平水平下棉花功能叶净光合速率(A)、蒸腾速率(B)、胞间CO2浓度(C)和气孔导度(D)Fig.5 Cotton net photosynthesis rate(A),transpiration rate(B), intercellular CO2 concentration(C) and stomatal conductance(D) under differ ent nitrogen application dosages
    表 1 油菜收获后直播棉花施氮量Table 1 The application dosage of nitrogen for direct sown cotton after rapeseed harvested
    表 2 棉花产量及其构成因素Table 2 Cotton yield and its components
    表 3 施氮量对棉花农艺性状的影响Table 3 Effects of nitrogen application dosage on cotton agronomic traits
    表 4 不同生育期不同高度冠层的透光率Table 4 Light transmittance at different growth stages and canopy heights under different nitrogen application dosages (averaged across 2 years)
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  • 收稿日期:2023-12-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-07