
1.江西农业大学农学院/作物生理生态与遗传育种教育部重点实验室, 南昌 330045;2.江西省瑞昌市农业技术推广中心, 瑞昌332200







Identifying key metabolic pathways and genes in fibers of interspecific F1 hybrids of cotton

1.College of Agronomy, Jiangxi Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Education, Nanchang 330045, China;2.Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Ruichang City, Ruichang332200,China

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    为在表型和遗传上揭示远缘杂种F1纤维的杂种优势并解析产量性状杂种优势不明显的原因,分别对远缘杂种F1与陆地棉亲本发育10 d的纤维组织样品进行混池取样,利用转录组学解析材料间在遗传转录水平上的差异,采用生物信息学方法鉴定材料间存在明显差异的代谢路径和关键基因。结果显示,杂种F1长纤维细胞数量少,并且种子表面有绿色短绒;陆地棉亲本和远缘杂种F1纤维转录组数据共鉴定到1 128个上调基因,678个下调基因;通过基因富集分析发现,差异基因主要富集在苯丙烷生物合成及其分支类黄酮生物合成路径;差异基因的偏亲表达分析显示,杂种F1纤维等位基因偏向海岛棉表达,其中杂种F1的类黄酮代谢路径的二氢黄酮醇-3', 5'-羟化酶(F3'5'H)基因只表达海岛棉的等位基因。总体来看,海岛棉-陆地棉远缘杂种F1纤维产量性状具有负向杂种优势并且具有明显的绿色短绒,这可能与苯丙烷生物合成和类黄酮生物合成路径所产生的次生代谢物有关。本研究在遗传转录水平挖掘陆地棉-海岛棉远缘杂交F1纤维的杂种优势及其重要的代谢路径和基因,并建立了表型性状与遗传转录及遗传转录与代谢合成的联系。


    Bulk sampling was conducted on the fiber (10 days after anthesis) of interspecific F1 hybrids and parents of upland cotton to study the heterosis in fibers of interspecific F1 hybrids in terms of phenotype and genetics and analyze the reasons for the unclear heterosis in traits of yield. Transcriptomics was used to analyze the significant differences in transcription levels between samples. Bioinformatics was used to identify the significant differences in metabolic pathways and key genes between samples. The results showed that the F1 hybrid had fewer long fiber cells and the surface of the seed was covered by green fuzz. A total of 1 128 upregulated genes and 678 downregulated genes were identified in the transcriptome data of fiber between parents of upland cotton and interspecific F1 hybrids. The results of analyzing gene enrichment showed that the differential expression genes (DEGs) were mainly enriched in the biosynthesis of phenylpropane and biosynthesis pathways of flavonoid. The results of parental allele-specific expression analysis of DEGs showed that the allele of fiber in interspecific F1 hybrids tended to be expressed in sea- island cotton, among which the dihydroflavonol-3 ',5' - hydroxylase (F3'5'H) genes in the metabolic pathway of flavonoid in interspecific F1 hybrids only expressed the alleles of sea-island cotton. Overall, the traits of fiber yield in the interspecific F1 hybrids between sea-island cotton and upland cotton had negative heterosis and significant green and short fuzz in the fibers, which may be related to the secondary metabolites produced by the biosynthesis of phenylpropane and flavonoid. It is indicated that the heterosis and key metabolic pathways and genes of fibers in the interspecific F1 hybrids between upland cotton and sea-island cotton are investigated at the transcription level. The relationship between phenotypic traits and transcription and the relationship between transcription and metabolic synthesis are established.

    图1 海岛棉3-79、陆地棉LDM和杂种F1的籽棉表型(A)和短绒表型(B)Fig.1 The phenotype of seed cotton (A) and fuzz (B) in sea-island cotton 3-79, upland cotton LDM and F1
    图2 陆地棉LDM与杂种F1测序样本间的主成分(A)和差异基因分析(B)Fig.2 The principal component analysis (A) and differential expression genes (B) between upland cotton LDM and F1
    图3 陆地棉LDM与杂种F1间差异基因的GO注释分析Fig.3 The gene ontology(GO) annotation of differential expression genes between upland cotton LDM and F1
    图4 陆地棉LDM与杂种F1间差异基因的GO富集分析Fig.4 GO enrichment analysis of differential expression genes between upland cotton LDM and F1
    图5 陆地棉LDM与杂种F1间差异基因的KEGG富集分析Fig.5 The KEGG analysis of differential expression genes between upland cotton LDM and F1
    图6 陆地棉和杂种F1在苯丙烷和类黄酮代谢路径上的差异Fig.6 The difference of phenylpropanoid pathway and flavonoid pathway in upland cotton LDM and F1
    图7 ANS和F35H基因在LDM和F1材料间的RT-PCR检测Fig.7 The RT-PCR test of ANS and F35H in LDM and F1
    表 1 用于本研究的引物及序列Table 1 Three pairs of primer sequences in this study
    表 2 杂种优势在杂种F1种子和纤维中的表现Table 2 The hybrid vigor in the seed and fiber of F1
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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-27
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-07