









Characteristics and scenario simulation of rainwater runoff effect reduction in urban catchment zoning green space from perspective of blue-green synergy:in case of South Lake of Wuhan

1.College of Horticulture & Forestry Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;2.Wuhan Design Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,Wuhan 430024,China

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    为探究不同绿地调控方式对降雨径流的削减作用,以武汉市南湖汇水分区为研究对象,基于暴雨洪水管理模型(storm water management model,SWMM)模拟分析海绵绿地改造措施下的年径流总量控制率、峰值流量及峰现时间的变化规律,揭示蓝绿协同视角下城市汇水分区绿地削减雨水径流效应特征。结果显示:城市汇水分区尺度20%~30%的下凹式绿地改造,可实现年径流控制率65%的海绵城市建设目标;不同的海绵绿地改造措施中,复杂下凹绿地(具备蓄水层和下排管)和简单下凹绿地(无蓄水层和下排管)对于单场降雨事件的作用差异不明显,但长历时多场次降雨情况复杂下凹绿地的效果会更加显著。


    In recent years, there has been a shift in the approach to using grey infrastructure for rainwater and flood management, and the rainwater and flood regulation and storage function from the perspective of blue-green synergy has begun to be emphasized. To explore the reduction effect of various green space regulation methods on rainfall runoff, taking the South Lake catchment zone of Wuhan City as the research object, this paper simulates the changes in the total annual runoff control rate, peak flow and peak time under the sponge green space renovation measures based on the SWMM (storm water management model), revealing the effect of green space on reducing rainwater runoff in the urban catchment zone from the perspective of blue-green synergy. The results show that: the transformation of concave green space with a scale of 20%-30% for urban catchment zones can achieve the sponge city construction goal of an annual runoff control rate of 65%.Among different sponge green space transformation measures, there is no significant difference in the effect of complex concave-down green space (with aquifer and lower pipe) and simple concave-down green space (without aquifer and lower pipe) on a single rainfall event. However, the performance of complex concave green space will be more significant for long-term and multi rainfall situations.

    图1 南湖汇水分区Fig.1 South Lake catchment area
    图2 南湖汇水区用地分布(A)和绿地分布(B)现状Fig.2 Land use distribution(A) and green space status(B) in South Lake catchment area
    图3 武汉海绵城市规划中南湖汇水区划分情况Fig.3 Division of South Lake catchment area in Wuhan sponge city planning
    图4 南湖汇水区排水管网概化结果Fig.4 Results of the generalisation of drainage network in the South Lake catchment area
    图5 南湖汇水区海绵化改造规划片区及新建绿地Fig.5 Sponge transformation planning area and new green space in Nanhu Lake catchment area
    图6 屋顶绿化建筑屋顶分布Fig.6 Green roof building roof distribution
    图7 LID措施示意图Fig.7 Schematic diagram of LID measures
    图8 不同下凹绿地率情景下达标子汇水区数量及分布Fig.8 The quantity and distribution of standard sub-catchment areas under different
    图9 重现期P=1 a的短历时降雨事件下不同情景的径流曲线(A)及洪峰流量及削减率(B)Fig.9 Runoff curves(A) and peak flows and reduction rates(B) under the short-calendar rainfall event with a return period P= 1 a
    图10 远期情景20%下凹绿地率情景在不同重现期降雨事件的径流曲线(A)及削峰效果(B)Fig.10 Runoff curves(A) and peak shaving effect(B) for the scenario of 20% concave-down green space ratio under the rainfall events with different return periods for the forward scenario
    表 1 LID措施相关参数取值Table 1 Values of LID measures
    表 2 规划情景详细设置Table 2 Detailed set of planning scenarios
    表 3 添加屋顶绿化前后不同下凹绿地率情景下径流削减率Table 3 Runoff reduction rate with different concave-down green space ratio under the scenarios with green roof and without green roof
    表 4 添加屋顶绿化前后不同下凹绿地率情景下洪峰流量变化Table 4 Changes in peak flow with different concave-down green space ratio under the scenario with green roof and without green roof
    表 5 不同重现期降雨事件下凹绿地的洪峰削减变化Table 5 Changes of peak flow reduction in the concave-down green space under the rainfall events with different recurrence periods


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  • 收稿日期:2023-08-11
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-07