









Relationship between diversity of arthropods and microenvironmental factors in urban green spaces of Beijing

1.National Key Laboratory of Efficient Production of Forest Resources, Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China;2.Beijing Key Laboratory of Ecological Function Evaluation and Regulation Technology for Landscape and Green Space,Beijing Academy of Landscape and Greening Sciences,Beijing 100102,China

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    为厘清节肢动物多样性与绿地微环境因子间关系,进而促进城市绿地生物多样性,利用截获器法采集了北京市三环内6个中小型公园的节肢动物种群,应用Pearson相关性分析方法、回归分析、主成分分析探究节肢动物及其天敌多样性与绿地微环境因子间的关系。结果显示:节肢动物中蚜科为优势科,占总多度的52.12%;食蚜天敌昆虫中菜蚜茧蜂Semidalis rapae、广重粉蛉Diaeretiella aleyrodiformis为优势种,分别占总多度的27.73%和23.92%;天敌多度、丰度、香农-维纳指数在不同样地间差异显著。相关分析表明花期植物面积、丰度和香农-维纳指数与节肢动物多度(P<0.001)、食蚜天敌昆虫丰度(P<0.001)及多度(P<0.001)呈显著正相关,与节肢动物香农-维纳指数呈显著负相关(P<0.001),施药频次和施药剂量比与节肢动物多度呈显著正相关(P<0.001)。主成分分析结果显示施药剂量比、花期植物面积、施药频次、花期植物均匀度、花期植物香农-维纳多样性和花期植物丰度是影响绿地节肢动物科多样性的主要微环境因子。RDA分析结果显示花期植物面积、均匀度、香农-维纳多样性和丰度与节肢动物及食蚜天敌昆虫的多度显著正相关,与节肢动物多样性显著负相关。


    The interceptor collection method was used to collect arthropod communities from six small and medium-sized parks within the third ring road of Beijing to study the relationship between the diversity of arthropods and microenvironmental factors in urban green spaces and promote the stability of ecosystems in urban green spaces.Pearson correlation analysis,regression analysis,and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to analyze the relationship between the diversity of arthropods and their natural enemies and the microenvironmental factors in urban green spaces.The results showed that Aphididae was the dominant family in arthropods,accounting for 52.12% of the total abundance.Diaeretiella rapae and Semidalis aleyrodiformes were the dominant species of aphidophagus predator insects,accounting for 27.73% and 23.92% of the total abundance,respectively.There were significant differences in the richness,abundance,and Shannon-Wiener index of predator insects among different plots.The areas,richness and Shannon Wiener index of flowering plants were significantly positively correlated with the abundance of arthropods(P<0.001),the richness(P<0.001) and the abundance(P<0.001) of aphidophagus predator insects,and significantly negatively correlated with the Shannon Wiener index of arthropod communities(P<0.001).The frequency and dosage ratio of pesticide application were significantly positively correlated with the abundance of arthropods(P<0.001).The results of principal component analysis showed that the main microenvironmental factors affecting the diversity of arthropods in urban green spaces included the dosage ratio of pesticide,the area of flowering plant,the frequency of pesticide application,the evenness of flowering plants,the Shannon Wiener diversity of flowering plants,and the abundance of flowering plants.The results of RDA analysis showed that the area,evenness,Shannon Wiener diversity and abundance of flowering plants were significantly positively correlated with the abundance of arthropods and aphidophagus predator insects,and significantly negatively correlated with the diversity of arthropods.The results of comprehensive ranking showed that the top three factors with the greatest influence were the dosage ratio of pesticide,the area of flowering plant and the frequency of pesticide application.The microenvironmental factors and their impacts on the diversity of arthropods in urban green spaces were preliminarily clarified.It will provide references for promoting the protection of biodiversity in urban green spaces.

    图1 研究公园区位Fig.1 Location of the researched park
    图2 昆虫飞行截获器Fig.2 Flight interceptor for insect
    图3 3种样地节肢动物科丰度和多度时序动态Fig.3 The temporal dynamics of family richness and abundance of arthropods communities in 3 plots
    图4 节肢动物多样性多重比较Fig.4 Multiple comparisons among the diversity of arthropod
    图5 食蚜天敌昆虫多样性多重比较Fig.5 Multiple comparisons among the diversity of aphidophagus natural enemy insects
    图6 微环境因子与节肢动物多样性的冗余分析(RDA)排序Fig.6 Redundancy analysis (RDA) biplot of micro-environment factors and diversity of arthropods
    表 1 样地微环境因子参数差异的显著性Table 1 Significance of difference in micro-environmental characteristics among sample plots
    表 2 微环境因子与节肢动物群落参数的相关性分析Table 2 The correlation analysis between environmental factors and parameters of arthropod community
    表 3 影响节肢动物群落参数差异的各因子的主成分值Table 3 The values of principal components in different influential factors affecting the arthropod community


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  • 收稿日期:2024-03-13
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-07