
华中农业大学公共管理学院/华中农业大学自然资源管理与全球治理研究中心,武汉 430070









Effects of manufacturing agglomeration on green utilization efficiency of industrial land in terms of environmental regulation

College of Public Administration/Research Center for Natural Resources Management and Global Governance, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China

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    Improving the green utilization efficiency of industrial land is an important way to achieve sustainable land use and development of industrial economy with high-quality, and the agglomeration of manufacturing (AGG) industry is an important factor affecting the green utilization efficiency of industrial land (EIL). The panel data from 30 provinces in China from 2000 to 2019 were used to study the mechanism and effects of manufacturing agglomeration (AGG) on the green utilization efficiency of industrial land (EIL) from the perspective of environmental regulation (ER). The results showed that the green utilization efficiency of industrial land (EIL) in China from 2000 to 2019 had a trend of steady increase followed by rapid growth, with an average annual growth rate of 2.942%. The green utilization efficiency of industrial land (EIL) in the eastern region of China remained higher than that in the central and western regions of China, with an average annual growth rate of 4.993% and 1.061%, respectively. The effects of manufacturing agglomeration (AGG) on the green utilization efficiency of industrial land (EIL) had a threshold characteristic with the changes in the intensity of environmental regulation (ER). There was a U-shaped relationship between the manufacturing agglomeration (AGG) and the green utilization efficiency of industrial land (EIL) with the increase of the intensity of environmental regulation (ER). It was found from heterogeneity analyses that the negative effect of AGG on EIL gradually weakened with the improvement in the level of ER from 2000 to 2009, and had a negative to positive trend from 2010 to 2019. Voluntary ER was the first to generate a threshold effect, while market-oriented and command-and-control types of ER were observed to manifest at a higher level of ER. It is indicated that the differentiated policies for environmental regulation (ER) should be formulated to upgrade the industrial structure of manufacturing industry and the green utilization of industrial land.

    图1 理论框架图Fig.1 Theoretical framework
    图2 ER、AGG和EIL三维关系Fig.2 Three-dimensional relationship between ER,AGG and EIL
    图3 全国及各地区EIL时间变化趋势(A)与EIL省际差异(B)Fig.3 Temporal trends of EIL nationwide and across regions (A) and interprovincial differences in EIL (B)
    图4 全国(A)及东部(B)、中西部地区(C)双重门槛估计结果Fig.4 Results of the double-threshold estimation for the whole country(A) and the eastern(B),
    表 1 工业用地绿色利用效率投入产出指标体系Table 1 Input-output index system of EIL
    表 2 环境规制指标分类及指标选取Table 2 Classification of ER indicators and selection of indicators
    表 3 变量描述性统计Table 3 Statistical description of the variables
    表 4 全国及东部地区、中西部地区门槛效应检验Table 4 Threshold effect tests for the nation as a whole and for eastern and midwestern regions
    表 5 门槛回归结果Table 5 Threshold regression results
    表 6 稳健性检验(1)结果Table 6 Results of robustness test (1)
    表 7 稳健性检验(2)、(3)结果Table 7 Results of robustness tests (2),(3)
    表 8 异质性分析门槛效应检验Table 8 Threshold effect test for heterogeneity analysis
    表 9 异质性分析门槛回归结果Table 9 Heterogeneity analysis threshold regression results
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