









Integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties of Jiangsu Province: measurement evaluation, barrier identification and digital driven analyses

1.College of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;2.College of Economics and Management, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian271000, China

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    An evaluation system for urban-rural integration indexes was constructed to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas in Jiangsu Province and other regions. The natural discontinuity method, nuclear density estimation method and exploratory spatial analysis method were combined to describe the spatiotemporal distribution and evolution of urban-rural integration in counties in Jiangsu Province from 2013 to 2021. The internal obstacles and external driving factors of urban-rural integration in counties in Jiangsu Province were identified based on obstacle degree model and geographic detector model. The results showed that the level of urban-rural integration in counties in Jiangsu Province had continued to rise since 2013, but there were differences in the level of urban-rural integration between counties and the differences were still expanding. The integration level of each dimension by 2021 from high to low was as follows: social integration, ecological integration, spatial integration, economic integration, and population integration. The integration level of each region from high to low was as follows: southern Jiangsu region, central Jiangsu region, and northern Jiangsu region. There was a global spatial positive correlation between urban and rural integration in counties in Jiangsu Province, and the local spatial distribution pattern was characterized by high-high agglomeration type and low-low agglomeration type, with low-level agglomeration accounting for the main part. Overall, the low level of industrial structure and employment structure, the deviation between industrial structure and employment structure, were the main internal obstacles to the integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties in Jiangsu Province. There were differences in the resistance levels of various obstacles in the southern, central, and northern regions of Jiangsu from a regional perspective. Digital technology was an important external driving force for the integration of urban and rural areas in counties in Jiangsu Province. Among them, the digitalization of rural economy had the most obvious driving effect on the integration of urban and rural areas, and digital marketing was the main driving path. It is believed that efforts should be made to strengthen communication and interaction between counties, and promote coordinated and balanced development among them; optimize the industrial structure and employment structure of counties simultaneously, adapt to local conditions, target the advantages and disadvantages of each county, and break down obstacles to the integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties in Jiangsu Province. Focus should be put on supporting the application of digital technology in the rural economy, cultivating new business models represented by rural e-commerce, and helping the integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties to reach a new level.

    图1 2013年(A)与2021年(B)江苏省县域城乡融合水平的空间分布格局Fig.1 Spatial distribution pattern of urban-rural integration in Jiangsu Province in 2013(A) and 2021(B)
    图2 江苏省县域城乡融合水平动态演变趋势图Fig.2 Dynamic evolution trend of urban-rural integration in Jiangsu Province
    图3 2013年(A)与2021年(B)江苏省县域城乡融合水平局域空间分布格局Fig.3 Local spatial distribution pattern of urban-rural integration in Jiangsu Province in 2013(A) and 2021(B)
    表 1 县域城乡融合评价指标体系Table 1 Evaluation index system of urban-rural integration at county level
    表 3 江苏省县域城乡融合水平及各维度融合水平Table 3 The level of county urban-rural integration and the level of integration in various dimensions in Jiangsu Province
    表 4 江苏省县域城乡融合水平全局Moran’s I指数Table 4 Moran’s I index of the overall level of urban-rural integration in counties of Jiangsu Province
    表 5 江苏省县域城乡融合水平障碍度(总体、苏北地区、苏中地区、苏南地区)Table 5 Barrier degree of urban-rural integration in Jiangsu Province (overall,northern Jiangsu,central Jiangsu and southern Jiangsu)
    表 6 江苏县域城乡融合发展的地理探测器模型结果(基于数字乡村总指数及4个分维度)Table 6 Results of the geographic detector model of urban-rural integration in Jiangsu counties (based on the total digital rural index and four sub-dimensions)
    表 7 交互作用探测结果Table 7 Interaction detection results
    表 8 江苏县域城乡融合发展的地理探测器模型结果(基于数字乡村12个分指数)Table 8 Results of geographic detector model for urban-rural integration in Jiangsu counties (based on 12 sub-indices of digital countryside)


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  • 收稿日期:2024-04-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-07