
1.安徽农业大学林学与园林学院,合肥 230036;2.安徽农业大学低碳城乡规划设计创新研究院,合肥 230036




张云彬,E-mail: zhangyunbin@ahau.edu.cn





Spatiotemporal characteristics of agricultural carbon emissions in counties of Hefei City

1.College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036,China;2.Innovation Institute for Low Carbon Urban and Rural Planning and Design, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China

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    为探索县域层面农业碳排放量时空特征及其调控策略,以合肥市为例,将种植业与畜牧业生产过程中产生的温室气体作为主要碳源,从农业能源利用、农用物资投入、水稻种植和畜禽养殖4个层面构建碳排放量的测度指标体系,结合IPCC清单法构建农业碳排放计算模型,测算2003-2022年县域尺度下的合肥市农业碳排放量及碳排放强度,采用标准差椭圆和重心迁移模型、ArcGIS可视化方法分析其碳排放时空特征。结果显示:从农业碳排放总量和强度上看,合肥市县域农业碳排放量总量在121.338万~141.0324万t,总体呈“先缓慢上升达到峰值、后逐渐降低”的趋势;农业碳排放强度为0.482~2.358 t/万元,总体下降趋势明显;合肥市县域农业碳排放量在2003-2005年间多集中在庐江县、肥东县,南北差异稍小,2006-2022年呈现“北高南低”的空间格局,差异增大;碳排放强度的空间分布特征变化较大,在2003-2007年、2008-2017年、2018-2022年3个时间段内分别呈现“北高南低”“北低南高”“东北高西北低”的空间格局;从农业碳排放重心上看,合肥市农业碳排放重心整体向东北方向迁移,2003-2022年共计迁移约17.75 km。基于此,提出了合肥市县域层面农业碳减排措施。


    It is of great significance to study the spatiotemporal characteristics of agricultural carbon emissions and its strategies for realizing the target of carbon peak and carbon neutrality in China. Hefei City was used to study the spatiotemporal characteristics and regulation strategies of agricultural carbon emissions at the level of county. The greenhouse gases generated during the production process of planting and animal husbandry were used as the main carbon source to construct a measurement index system for carbon emissions from four levels including the utilization of agricultural energy, the input of agricultural material, the planting of rice, and the farming of livestock and poultry. A calculation model of agricultural carbon emission was constructed based on the IPCC inventory method. The agricultural carbon emission and carbon emission intensity of Hefei City at the level of county from 2003 to 2022 were calculated. The spatiotemporal characteristics of carbon emission were analyzed with standard deviation ellipse and center of gravity transfer model, ArcGIS visualization method. The results show that the total agricultural carbon emissions of counties in Hefei are 1 213 380-1 410 320 tons in terms of total agricultural carbon emissions and intensity, and the overall trend is “first slowly rising to the peak, and then gradually decreasing”. Agricultural carbon emission intensity is 0.482-2.358 tons/ten thousand yuan, and the overall downward trend is obvious; From 2003 to 2005, the agricultural carbon emissions of counties in Hefei were mostly concentrated in Lujiang County and Feidong County, with a slight difference between the north and the south. From 2006 to 2022, the spatial pattern of “high in the north and low in the south” increased. The spatial distribution characteristics of carbon emission intensity changed greatly, showing the spatial pattern of “north high and south low”,“north low and south high” and “northeast high and northwest low” in three time periods from 2003 to 2007, 2008 to 2017 and 2018 to 2022 respectively. From the agricultural carbon emission center of gravity, the agricultural carbon emission center of Hefei is northeast as a whole.From 2003 to 2022, the total migration was about 17.75 km. It will provide some references for calculating agricultural carbon emissions and the formulating policies of reducing agricultural carbon emissions in China.

    图1 2003-2022年合肥市农业碳排放总量Fig.1 Total carbon emissions of agriculture in Hefei City from 2003 to 2022
    图2 2003-2022年合肥市农业碳排放强度Fig.2 Carbon emissions intensity of agriculture in Hefei City from 2003 to 2022
    图3 2003-2022年合肥市农业碳排放来源Fig.3 Sources of carbon emissions of agriculture in Hefei City from 2003 to 2022
    图4 2003-2022年合肥市种植业、畜牧业碳排放量Fig.4 Total carbon emissions of planting industry and livestock in Hefei City from 2003 to 2022
    图5 2003-2022年合肥市种植业碳排放强度Fig.5 Carbon intensity of farming in Hefei City from 2003 to 2022
    图6 2003-2022年合肥市畜牧业碳排放强度Fig.6 Carbon intensity of livestock in Hefei City from 2003 to 2022
    图7 合肥市2003-2022年农业碳排放量空间演变概况Fig.7 Spatial evolution of agricultural carbon emissions at Hefei City from 2003 to 2022
    图8 合肥市2003—2022年农业碳排放强度空间演变情况Fig.8 Spatial evolution of agricultural carbon emissions intensity at Hefei City from 2003 to 2022
    图9 合肥市2003-2022年农业碳排放标准差椭圆分布及重心移动轨迹Fig.9 Ellipse distribution of standard deviation of agricultural carbon emissions and moving track of center of gravity in Hefei city from 2003 to 2022
    表 1 种植业碳排放源及碳排放系数Table 1 Carbon emission sources and their coefficients from crop cultivation
    表 2 畜禽养殖业碳排放源及碳排放系数Table 2 Carbon emission sources and their coefficients from livestock breeding
    表 3 碳排放标准差椭圆参数Table 3 Ellipse parameters of carbon emissions standard deviation


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  • 收稿日期:2024-09-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-07