
1.上海海洋大学信息学院,上海 201306;2.农业农村部渔业信息重点实验室,上海 201306









Research on data collection and transmission of aquatic trade measurement based on blockchain

1.College of Information Technology,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;2.Key Laboratory of Fisheries Information,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shanghai 201306,China

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    为解决目前水产交易中手动录入计量数据易篡改、易丢失的问题,本研究提出一种基于区块链技术的水产交易计量数据采集与传输安全模型。首先设计一套基于树莓派的数据采集平台,用于数据的自动采集和录入;其次通过智能合约和共识机制保证所采集交易数据的传输与存储安全;最后,基于区块链技术设计一套水产交易计量数据采集与传输系统,实现水产交易计量数据采集和查询等功能,并基于Hyperledger Fabric平台搭建测试环境进行验证。结果显示,基于区块链技术的数据采集与传输系统可以有效地完成数据采集,保证数据传输与存储过程中的数据安全,数据传输率可达100%,丢包率相比传统传输系统更低。结果表明,本研究所提出的模型有效提高了数据的安全可靠性,提升了水产交易效率,更适合在实际水产交易中使用。


    In order to solve the current problem of manual measurement data entry in aquatic transactions that is susceptible to tampering and loss, this study proposes a secure model for collecting and transmitting such data, based on blockchain technology. Firstly, a data collection platform based on Raspberry Pi is designed for automatic data collection and input; Secondly, secure the transmission and storage of collected transaction data through smart contracts and consensus mechanisms; Finally, based on blockchain technology, a set of aquatic transaction measurement data collection and transmission system is designed to achieve aquatic transaction measurement data collection and query functions, and a test environment is built based on the Hyperledger Fabric platform for verification. The results show that the data collection and transmission system based on blockchain technology can effectively complete data collection, ensuring data security during data transmission and storage. The data transmission rate can reach 100%, and the packet loss rate is lower than traditional transmission systems. The results indicate that the model proposed in this study effectively improves the security and reliability of data, enhances the efficiency of aquatic product transactions, and is more suitable for practical applications in aquatic product transactions.

    表 1 水产交易关键数据Table 1 Key data for aquatic trade
    图1 水产交易计量数据自动采集与传输安全模型Fig.1 A security model for automatic collection and transmission of aquatic trade measurement data
    图2 水产交易计量数据采集平台硬件结构图Fig.2 Hardware structure diagram of data acquisition platform
    图3 硬件控制主板Fig.3 Hardware control board
    图4 数据上传智能合约流程图Fig.4 Data upload smart contract flowchart
    图5 基于BPFT改进共识机制的执行流程Fig.5 Improving the execution process of consensus mechanism based on BPFT
    图6 水产交易计量数据传输与存储系统架构图Fig.6 Data transmission and storage system architecture diagram
    图7 系统功能模块结构图Fig.7 System functional module structure diagram
    图8 系统登录(A)及查询界面(B)Fig.8 System login(A) and query interface diagram(B)
    图9 数据上传及查询对比结果Fig.9 Data upload and query comparison results
    表 2 数据传输测试结果Table 2 Data transmission test results
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  • 收稿日期:2023-03-07
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