
1.贵州省农作物技术推广总站,贵阳 550001;2.贵州省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所,贵阳 550006;3.贵州省农业科学院油料研究所,贵阳 550006









Effects of optimizing models of fertilizer and pesticide on yield and economic benefits of winter rapeseed with direct seeding in Karst mountainous areas of Guizhou Province

1.Guizhou Provincial Agricultural Technology Extension Station,Guiyang 550001,China;2.Institute of Soil and Fertilizer,Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Science,Guiyang 550006,China;3.Institute of Oil Crops,Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Science,Guiyang 550006,China

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    为优化贵州喀斯特山区直播冬油菜肥药模式,于2018—2019年和2019—2020年在贵州省11个冬油菜主产县(市、区)连续2 a开展田间试验,研究不同肥药模式(T1:传统肥药模式、T2:优化肥药模式、T3:优化肥药模式下不施用化肥和T4:优化肥药模式下不喷施农药)对直播冬油菜产量及经济效益的影响,探讨适合贵州喀斯特山区直播冬油菜生产的高产高效肥药技术。结果显示,与T1相比,T2总养分投入量减少19.9%,农药投入量减少69.5%。T2模式(直播冬油菜)株高、茎粗、一次有效分枝数、角果长度、角果密度、单株角果数、每角粒数和千粒重均低于T1处理,2018—2019年T2处理的株高、茎粗、一次有效分枝数、角果长度和角果密度分别比T1处理低9.8%、26.4%、10.9%、10.2%和24.2%,2019—2020年分别低9.5%、28.3%、12.8%、10.9%、23.9%;但T2处理有群体优势,2 a收获密度较T1处理分别显著增加199.0%、194.2%。2 a T2冬油菜产量分别为2 224.4 和2 103.3 kg/hm2,较T1分别增加10.1%和3.7%。T2化肥利用效率和农药防治效率2 a分别为2.20、2.14和141.82、106.23 kg/kg,显著高于T1。T2冬油菜2 a产值和净收益分别为11 121.8、10 516.4和5 286.8、4 681.4 元/hm2,较T1分别增加1 020.0、371.6和2 625.0、1 976.6元/hm2,实现节本增收。结果表明,当前优化肥药模式(T2)能够满足贵州喀斯特山区直播冬油菜生长,能有效提高冬油菜产量、肥料和农药利用效率及经济效益,此优化肥药模式可作为贵州喀斯特山区直播冬油菜生产的主推模式进行推广应用。


    Field experiments were conducted in 11 major winter rapeseed producing counties (cities, districts) in Guizhou Province for two consecutive years from 2018 to 2019 and 2019 to 2020 to optimize the models of fertilizer and pesticide for winter rapeseed with direct seeding in Karst mountainous areas of Guizhou Province. The effects of different models of fertilizer and pesticide including the traditional model of fertilizer and pesticide (T1), the optimized model of fertilizer and pesticide (T2), no fertilizer application under the optimized model of fertilizer and pesticide (T3), and no pesticide spraying under the optimized model of fertilizer and pesticide (T4) on the yield and economic benefits of winter rapeseed with direct seeding were studied. The techniques with high-yield and efficient fertilizer and pesticide suitable for winter rapeseed with direct seeding in Karst mountainous areas of Guizhou Province were explored. The results showed that the total nutrient input of T2 decreased by 19.9% and the pesticide input decreased by 69.5% compared with that of T1. The plant height, stem diameter, effective number of branches per shoot, pod length, pod density of winter rapeseed with direct seeding under T2 was lower than that under T1, with a decrease of 9.8%, 26.4%,10.9%, 10.2%, 24.2% from 2018 to 2019, and 9.5%, 28.3%, 12.8%, 10.9% and 23.9%, from 2019 to 2020. T2 had an advantage of population with a significant increase in harvest density of 199.0% and 194.2%in two consecutive years compared to T1. In two consecutive years, the yield of winter rapeseed under T2 was 2 224.4 kg/hm2 and 2 103.3 kg/hm2, increasing by 204.0 kg/hm2 and 74.3 kg/hm2 compared to that under T1. The utilization efficiency of fertilizer and control efficiency of pesticide under T2 was 2.20 kg/kg, 2.14 kg/kg and 141.82 kg/kg, 106.23 kg/kg, significantly higher than that under T1. The total output value and net benefit of winter rapeseed in two consecutive years under T2 was 11 121.8 yuan/hm2, 10 516.4 yuan/hm2 and 5 286.8 yuan/hm2, 4 681.4 yuan/hm2, an increase of 1 020.0 yuan/hm2, 371.6 yuan/hm2, 26 285.0 yuan/hm2 and 1 976.6 yuan/hm compared to that under T1, achieving cost savings and income increase. It is indicated that the optimized model of fertilizer and pesticide (T2) can meet the requirements for the growth of winter rapeseed with direct seeding in Karst mountainous areas of Guizhou Province, effectively improving the yield, the utilization efficiency of fertilizer and pesticide, and the economic benefits of winter rapeseed. This optimized model of fertilizer and pesticide (T2) can be promoted and applied as the main promotion model for the production of winter rapeseed with direct seeding in Karst mountainous areas of Guizhou Province.

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