
中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所, 北京 100081


张海钊,E-mail: HZ-Zhang7@outlook.com


胡向东,E-mail: huxiangdong@caas.cn





“Market-Government” co-construction mechanism: a framework for promoting low-carbon agriculture in China

Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081,China

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    In promoting the realization of the “Dual carbon” goals, the agricultural sector holds tremendous potential. However, the actual progress in unlocking this potential has been relatively slow. Currently, China’s agriculture is at a crucial juncture in its low-carbon transformation and urgently needs to define devolping mechanisms to steadily advance low-carbon agriculture in the new era. Based on this foundation, this paper aimed to conduct an in-depth analysis of the complex issues that hinder the sustainable development of low-carbon agriculture in our country, and to clarify the theoretical underpinnings of these issues. Through this analysis, the research seeked to explore a pathway for the development of low-carbon agriculture that aligns with our national conditions. This paper examineed a vast amount of literature to uncover the specific challenges facing China’s agriculture in its low-carbon transition, theoretically analyzed the key bottlenecks during this transformation, and identified opportunities for the stable development of low-carbon agriculture in China. The research indicated that significant pressures in the agricultural sector during the transition towards a low-carbon model. These pressures were primarily characterized by the absence of mechanisms to convert low-carbon concepts into new avenues for value creation. At the same time, agricultural operators and top-level designers still maintained the inertia of the high-carbon era development models. It is essential to reevaluate the roles of the market and the government in China’s transition to low-carbon agriculture, to seize the real opportunities under the “dual carbon” objectives, and to leverage the “Market-Government” co-construction mechanism. This approach aims to achieve low-carbon agricultural development targets that balance economic efficiency, social benefits, and ecological gains.

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