
西北农林科技大学经济管理学院,杨凌 712100


赵敏娟,E-mail: minjuan.zhao@nwsuaf.edu.cn




国家社会科学基金重大项目(22&ZD083)姚柳杨,E-mail: liuyang.yao@nwafu.edu.cn

Paths to enhance farmers’ income by agricultural carbon trading

College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China

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    Agricultural carbon trading is an essential tool that facilitates the transition from traditional to low-carbon agriculture, offering significant potential to enhance farmers’ income. At present, notable progress has been achieved in China’s pilot agricultural carbon trading initiatives. However, how to achieve widespread participation among farmers and effectively enhance their income remains a key issue that needs to be urgently addressed. To synergistically propel the attainment of the “Dual-carbon” objectives and the realization of common prosperity, by examining the typical scenarios of agricultural carbon trading pilots and delineating the process of agricultural carbon trading, this study elucidated the mechanisms through which agricultural carbon trading promotes farmers’ income. Additionally, we categorized agricultural carbon trading projects based on farmers’ participation demands and income potential, delving into the real-world challenges faced by different types of projects and offering corresponding countermeasures and recommendations. The study revealed that the benefits of farmers’ income enhancement stem from transfer payments from regulatory agencies, input contributions from farmers, organization and guidance from intermediary institutions, and product purchases from consumers. Therefore, it is imperative to improve the policy support system for agricultural carbon trading, strengthen capacity building for agricultural carbon trading, stimulate social service vitality in agricultural carbon trading, and optimize the mechanism for sharing benefits of farmers’ income enhancement.

    表 1 国内农业碳交易典型试点统计表Table 1 Statistics of typical pilot projects in agricultural carbon trading in China
    图1 农业碳交易流程图Fig.1 Flow chart of agricultural carbon trading
    图2 农业碳交易促进农民增收作用机制图Fig.2 Mechanism of agricultural carbon trading to enhance farmers’ income
    图3 农业碳交易类型象限图Fig.3 Agricultural carbon trading type quadrant diagram
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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-10
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-06-06