
1.华中农业大学食品科学技术学院/国家大宗淡水鱼加工技术研发分中心(武汉),武汉 430070;2.湖北安井食品有限公司,潜江 433100


郑文栋,E-mail: 1490040390@qq.com


尤娟,E-mail: juanyou@mail.hzau.edu.cn





Effect of ozone oxidation on rheological properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) myosin

1.College of Food Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University/National R & D Branch Center for Conventional Freshwater Fish Processing (Wuhan),Wuhan 430070, China;2.Hubei Anjoy Foods Co., Ltd., Qianjiang 433100, China

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    为探究鲢鱼糜加工中臭氧的氧化作用对鱼糜凝胶品质的改善效果,以臭氧氧化的鲢肌球蛋白为原料,采用流变仪并结合Ostwald-de Waele方程、Burgers方程拟合,研究臭氧氧化鲢肌球蛋白的流变特性,并分析其凝胶化过程中凝胶特性的变化。结果显示,肌球蛋白溶液储能模量G'始终大于损耗模量G'',臭氧氧化45 s时,肌球蛋白溶液G'G''最大,对频率依赖性最弱;臭氧氧化使肌球蛋白溶液黏性系数k值下降;不同臭氧氧化时长的肌球蛋白凝胶化趋势相似,但臭氧氧化作用使肌球蛋白G'达到峰值所需时间减小、峰值增加;在蠕变-恢复扫描测试中,臭氧氧化作用使肌球蛋白弛豫时间减少,弹性响应变快,臭氧氧化45 s时形变量ε最小。结果表明,肌球蛋白溶液属于弱凝胶及假塑性流体,一定程度的臭氧作用可使肌球蛋白在热诱导凝胶化中加速形成凝胶且凝胶特性得到一定程度提升。


    Ozone is used in the processing of aquatic products to remove the fishy odour and improve the whiteness. In order to investigate the effect of ozone oxidation on processing adaptability of silver carp surimi, the rheological properties of ozone-oxidized silver carp myosin were studied by using rheometer and the fitting of Ostwald-de Waele equation and Burgers equation. Meanwhile, the gelation process and gel properties were also analyzed. The results showed that the storage modulus (G') of the myosin solution was always larger than the loss modulus (G''). At 45 s of ozone oxidation, G' and G'' reached their maximum values, with the weakest frequency dependency. Ozone-oxidation decreased the viscosity coefficient k of myosin solution. The gelation trend of myosin was similar in different ozone oxidation time, but the time required for myosin G' to reach the peak value decreased and the peak value increased due to ozone oxidation. In the creep recovery scanning test, the relaxation time of myosin was reduced and the elastic response was accelerated by ozone oxidation. The shape variable ε was the smallest at 45 s of ozone oxidation. Therefore, myosin solution belongs to weak gel and pseudoplastic fluid, and a certain degree of ozone can accelerate the formation of myosin gel in heat-induced gelation, and the gel properties can be improved to a certain extent.

    表 3 不同臭氧处理时间下鲢肌球蛋白溶液蠕变阶段Burgers模型的拟合参数Table 3 Burgers model parameters in creep test of sliver carp myosin solution by ozone-treated for different time
    表 2 肌球蛋白流变特性参数变化的关键点Table 2 Critical points of rheological parameters of sliver carp myosin ozone-treated for different time
    图1 鲢肌球蛋白的提取工艺Fig.1 Extraction process of myosin from silver carp
    图2 不同臭氧处理时间下鲢肌球蛋白溶液的应力变化Fig.2 Stress sweep for sliver carp myosin solution by ozone-treated for different time
    图3 不同臭氧处理时间下鲢肌球蛋白溶液的储能模量G(A)和损耗模量G(B)Fig.3 Storage modulus G(A) and loss modulus G(B) of sliver carp myosin solution by ozone-treated for different time
    图4 不同臭氧处理时间下鲢肌球蛋白溶液表观黏度的变化Fig.4 Apparent viscosity of sliver carp myosin solution by ozone-treated for different time
    图5 不同臭氧处理时间下鲢肌球蛋白溶液储能模量的变化Fig.5 Changes of storage modulus (G) of sliver carp myosin solution by ozone-treated for different time
    图6 不同臭氧处理时间下鲢肌球蛋白溶液的蠕变恢复测试Fig.6 Creep-recovery curve of sliver carp myosin solution by ozone-treated for different time
    表 1 不同臭氧处理时间下鲢肌球蛋白溶液的Ostwald-de Waele模型拟合参数Table 1 Fit parameter of Ostwald-de Waelemodel for sliver carp myosin solution by ozone-treated for different time
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-01-30