
河南牧业经济学院艺术学院,郑州 450046









Effects of salt stress on physiological characteristics and leaf anatomical structure of lily

College of Art,Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy,Zhengzhou 450046,China

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    为探明百合响应盐胁迫的生理特性和综合评价百合耐盐性,以OT杂交系百合‘红色宫殿’(Lilium ‘Red palace’)种球为试材,设置不同浓度(0、50、100、150、200 mmol/L)NaCl处理,分析盐胁迫对其光合色素、光合参数、渗透调节物质及叶片解剖结构的影响,并对其指标进行相关性和主成分分析。结果显示,随着胁迫时间的延长,百合叶片叶绿素a(Chl a)和叶绿素b(Chl b)含量降幅明显,游离脯氨酸(Pro)、可溶性蛋白含量持续升高,而丙二醛含量在50~150 mmol/L NaCl处理条件下呈先升后降的趋势,在200 mmol/L NaCl处理条件下则呈现升高趋势;胁迫30 d时,随NaCl浓度增加,叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)被抑制,气孔导度(Gs)减小,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)呈先降低后升高趋势,而水分利用效率(WUE)呈先升高后降低趋势;盐浓度的持续升高,百合叶片与花蕾生长受抑制,叶片解剖结构指标除海绵组织厚度增大外,叶片厚度(LT)、上表皮厚度(UE)、下表皮厚度(LE)、栅栏组织厚度(PT)均呈减小趋势,组织结构疏松度(SR)增大,栅海比(P/S)则减小;主成分分析结果显示PnTr、Chl b、LT呈显著正相关,与Pro呈显著负相关,说明100 mmol/L盐浓度为百合的耐盐阈值,PnTrGs、Chl b、LT和Pro可作为评价百合耐盐能力的有效指标。以上结果表明,低盐胁迫下,百合主要通过降低TrGsCi及累积渗透调节物质以缓解盐害;高盐胁迫下,百合生长受阻,叶片解剖结构抗逆性减弱,非气孔因素是限制Pn的主要因素。


    The bulbs of Lilium ‘Red Palace’ were used to study the physiological characteristics of lily in response to salt stress and comprehensively evaluate the salt tolerance of lily.Different concentrations of NaCl including 0 mmol/L,50 mmol/L,100 mmol/L,150 mmol/L,and 200 mmol/L were set up.The effects of salt stress on photosynthetic pigments,photosynthetic parameters,osmoregulatory substances and anatomical structure of leaf were analyzed,correlation analysis and principal component analysis on related indexes were conducted.The results showed that the content of chlorophyll a (Chl a) and chlorophyll b (Chl b) in lily leaves decreased significantly with the prolongation of stress time,while the content of free proline (Pro) and soluble protein continued to increase.The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) had a trend of first increasing and then decreasing under the treatment of 50-150 mmol/L NaCl,and an increasing trend under the treatment of 200 mmol/L NaCl.When subjected to stress for 30 days,the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and transpiration rate (Tr) of the leaves were inhibited,stomatal conductance (Gs) decreased with the increase of NaCl concentration,intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) had a trend of first decreasing and then increasing,while water use efficiency (WUE) had a trend of first increasing and then decreasing.The continuous increase in salt concentration inhibited the growth of lily leaves and buds.The anatomical structure indexes of leaves had a decreasing trend in leaf thickness (LT),upper epidermal thickness (UE),lower epidermal thickness (LE),and palisade tissue thickness (PT),except for an increase in sponge tissue thickness.The spongy ratio (SR) increased,while the palisade tissue thickness/spongy tissue thickness ratio (P/S) decreased.The results of principal component analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between Pn and Tr,Chl b,LT,and a significant negative correlation with Pro.It is indicated that the concentration of 100 mmol/L is the salt tolerance threshold for lily,and PnTrGs,Chl b,LT,and Pro can be used as effective indexes to evaluate the salt tolerance of lily.Lily mainly alleviate salt damage by reducing TrGsCi and accumulating osmoregulatory substances under low salt stress.The growth of lily is hindered,and the stress resistance of leaf anatomical structures is weakened under high salt stress.Non-stomatal factors are the main limiting factors for Pn.

    表 1 不同浓度NaCl处理30 d百合叶片光合参数的变化Table 1 Changes of photosynthetic parameters of lily leaves under different NaCl concentrations treatment for 30 days
    表 2 不同浓度NaCl处理30 d百合叶片形态变化Table 2 Changes of leaf morphology of lily under different NaCl concentrations treatment for 30 days
    表 5 百合NaCl处理的综合得分及其排名Table 5 The comprehensive score and ranking of lily under NaCl treatment
    表 4 主成分分析旋转后的成分载荷矩阵Table 4 Rotated component matrix of principal component analysis
    图1 不同浓度NaCl处理百合光合色素含量的变化Fig.1 Changes of photosynthetic pigment content in lily under NaCl treatment
    图2 不同浓度NaCl处理百合渗透调节物质及丙二醛含量的变化Fig.2 Changes of osmotic adjustment substances and malondialdehyde in lily under NaCl treatment
    图3 不同浓度NaCl处理30 d百合花蕾生长变化Fig.3 Changes of bud growth of lily under different NaCl concentrations treatment for 30 days
    图4 不同浓度NaCl处理30 d百合叶片解剖结构(×100)Fig.4 Leaf anatomical structure of lily leaves under different NaCl concentrations treatment for 30 days(×100)
    图5 相关性分析热图Fig.5 The correlation heat map
    表 3 不同浓度NaCl处理30 d百合叶片解剖结构指标的变化Table 3 Changes of leaf anatomical structure indexes of lily under different NaCl concentrations treatment for 30 days
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