
1.湖北民族大学生物资源保护与利用湖北省重点实验室/湖北民族大学林学园艺学院,恩施 445000;2.华中农业大学园艺林学学院/果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室,武汉 430070


牟蛟琳,E-mail: moujiaolin@hbmzu.edu.cn


邓秀新,E-mail: xxdeng@mail.hzau.edu.cn





Analyzing dynamics of amino acid, vitamin E and lipids during fruit ripening in Citrus

1.Hubei Key Laboratory of Biologic Resources Protection and Utilization, Hubei Minzu University/ College of Forestry and Horticulture, Hubei Minzu University, Enshi 445000,China;2.National Key Laboratory for Germplasm Innovation and Utilization of Horticultural Crops/ College of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070,China

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    Amino acids, vitamin E and lipids are three classes of metabolites with antioxidant activity. GC-MS, UPLC, and LC-MS/MS were used to detect the relative content of three types of metabolites in the fruits of six Citrus varieties during the ripening process to analyze the dynamic changes of amino acids, vitamin E, and lipids during the ripening process of citrus fruits and evaluate the antioxidant activity of citrus. The results showed that citrus fruits mainly accumulated serine, proline, and aspartic acid, while threonine was particularly abundant during the green fruit stage of citrus. The total content of nine amino acids in green pulp of C. chuana ‘Bendizao’ (BDZ) during the green fruit stage was the highest. For vitamin E, α- tocopherol is the main isomeric form in citrus, which accumulates abundantly in mature colored pericarp. Additionally, citrus fruits did not accumulate δ- tocopherol, and γ- tocopherol only accumulated in the colored pericarp of citrus. A total of 8 major categories (176 species) of lipids were identified and showed significant characteristics of spatiotemporal distribution in citrus fruits, with phosphatidylcholine being the main form of lipids in citrus. It was found that some amino acids are highly positively correlated with lipids through correlation analysis of the content of three types of metabolites in citrus fruits. It will have a guiding significance for the improvement of quality in citrus varieties.

    图1 6个柑橘品种青果和黄果的氨基酸积累特征Fig.1 The accumulation characteristic of amino acids of green fruit and yellow fruit of six Citrus varieties
    图2 八类脂质的总相对含量在柑橘果实发育过程中的热图和聚类分析Fig.2 The heat map and cluster analysis of the relative total content of eight types of lipids in developmental citrus
    图3 脂类物质的相对含量在柑橘果实发育过程中的主成分分析Fig.3 The PCA analysis on relative content of lipids in developmental citrus
    图4 三类代谢物相对含量在柑橘样品中的相关性分析Fig.4 Correlation analysis in the relative content of three types of metabolites in citrus samples
    表 1 维生素E在不同时期有色层和汁胞中的相对含量Table 1 Relative content of vitamin E in colored pericarp and pulp at different periods
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