
华中农业大学作物遗传改良全国重点实验室/华中农业大学微量元素研究中心,武汉 430070









Ionome study on angiosperms leaves in Huazhong Agricultural University campus

Microelement Research Centre/National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China

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    为明确被子植物的离子组及其与植物种类的关系,以及不同科被子植物叶片离子组组成的差异与联系,本研究对《狮山兰芷》中收录的华中农业大学校园种植的被子植物进行系统分类,从中筛选出102种被子植物,测定叶片中氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、硫(S)、铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、硼(B)、钼(Mo)和镍(Ni)等13种矿质元素的浓度,建立这些植物离子组指纹图谱并分析这些植物的离子组成分及其与植物种类的关系。结果显示,叶片中N、K和Ca 3种元素含量最高,P、Mg和S其次,微量元素含量最低。其中,豆目植物叶片N含量较高,石竹目植物叶片中P和K含量较高,7种微量元素含量在这102种被子植物叶片中也表现出较显著的差异。相关性分析显示,每种元素都至少与其他4种矿质营养元素存在显著相关性,其中Ca分别与Mg和B,N、P和K三者之间都存在极显著的正相关,Zn与Ca、Mg,P和Mn之间存在极显著的负相关。主成分分析显示,同一科植物的叶片离子组相似,不同科植物叶片离子组不同。聚类分析结果显示,Ca、N、K、S、Mg、P这6种矿质元素在不同科植物离子组的变异中具有较大的贡献率。以上结果表明,被子植物的系统发育与叶片离子组相互关联,同一科的植物叶片离子组表现出高度的相似性,我们或许能通过植物叶片离子组对植物进行种类鉴定。


    In this study, 102 species of angiosperms grown in the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University collected by Shishanlanzhi were systematically classified, and their mature leaves were sampled to determine the ions composition for the clarification of the ionome of angiosperms and their relationship with plant species, and the differences and connections in the ionome composition of the leaves of angiosperms from different families. The concentrations of mineral nutrients included nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), potassium(K), calcium(Ca), magnesium(Mg), sulfur(S), iron(Fe), manganese(Mn), copper(Cu), zinc(Zn), boron(B), molybdenum(Mo)and nickel (Ni) in the leaves were determined. The ionic fingerprints of these plants were established and the ionic components of these plants and their relationship with plant species were analyzed. The results showed that the concentrations of N, K and Ca were the highest, and that of seven micronutrients were the lowest in the leaves. The N concentration in the leaves of leguminous plants was higher than those of plants of other orders, while the P and K concentration in the leaves of caryophyllous plants was higher than those of plants of other orders. The concentration of seven micronutrients in the leaves of these 102 angiosperms also showed significant differences. Correlation analysis showed that there were significant correlations between each mineral nutrient and at least four other mineral nutrients in the leaves. Among them, the concentrations of Ca significantly positively correlated with the concentrations of Mg and B in plants. Additionally, there were highly significant positive correlations among N, P and K. However, there was a highly significant negative correlation between Zn and Ca, Mg, P, and Mn. Principal component analysis showed that the leaf ionome of plants in the same family were similar, but the leaf ionome of plants in different families were different. Cluster analysis showed that Ca, N, K, S, Mg, P have a great contribution to the variation of plant ionome in different families. These results indicated that the phylogeny of angiosperms is closely related to the leaves ionome, and the ionome in leaves of plants in the same family exhibit high similarity. We may be able to identify plant species by their leaf ionome.

    表 1 华中农业大学校园部分被子植物生长地点土壤矿质养分含量Table 1 Soil total mineral nutrients concentration of some angiosperms grown at the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University
    图1 华中农业大学校园内102种被子植物遗传发育树状图Fig.1 Phylogenetic tree of 102 agniosperm species at the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University
    图2 华中农业大学校园内被子植物叶片离子组的热图Fig.2 Heatmaps of ionomics in the leaves of angiosperms at the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University
    图3 华中农业大学校园内被子植物叶片微量元素含量的热图Fig.3 Heatmap of microelements contentation in the angiosperm leaves of Huazhong Agricultural University
    图4 华中农业大学校园内被子植物叶片矿质营养元素离子的相关性图Fig.4 Correlations among the mineral nutrients in the leaves of agniosperm species at the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University
    图5 华中农业大学校园内被子植物叶片离子组的主成分分析(PCA)Fig.5 Principal component analysis(PCA) of leaf ionome of families of angiosperms at the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University
    图6 华中农业大学校园内被子植物叶片离子组的聚类热图Fig.6 Cluster heatmaps of ionomics in leaves of angiosperms at the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University
    图7 华中农业大学校园内被子植物基于叶片离子组的聚类图Fig.7 Clustering analysis based on the leaf ionome of angiosperms at the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University


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  • 收稿日期:2023-10-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-12-12