
1.赣南师范大学生命科学学院,赣州 341000;2.国家脐橙工程技术研究中心,赣州 341000









Effects of γ-aminobutyric acid on growth and mineral element uptake of trifoliate orange seedlings

1.College of Life Sciences,Gannan Normal University,Ganzhou 341000,China;2.National Navel Orange Engineering Research Center,Ganzhou 341000,China

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    为明确外源γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)对枳幼苗生长发育与矿质元素吸收的调控作用,采用营养液培养方式,设置G1(0.01 mmol/L)、G2(0.05 mmol/L)、G3(0.1 mmol/L)、G4(0.5 mmol/L)、G5(1 mmol/L)5个GABA浓度梯度处理,分析不同浓度下GABA对枳幼苗生长、根系形态及矿质营养吸收的影响。结果显示,低浓度GABA(0.01、0.05、0.1 mmol/L)对枳幼苗株高、总根长和生物量积累无明显影响,但根系形态发生明显变化,根表面积和根体积增加;高浓度GABA(0.5、1 mmol/L)则对枳幼苗生长及根系发育起抑制作用,0.5 mmol/L GABA浓度时总根长、主根长及侧根长显著降低,浓度高至1 mmol/L时会进一步抑制株高和生物量的积累,并显著降低根表面积。低浓度的GABA能促进枳幼苗根系中N、P、Ca、B、Mo含量,提高茎中K含量和叶中P含量,并提高N、P、K、Mo的单株积累量;而高浓度GABA会减少枳幼苗各器官矿质元素(N除外)含量,抑制枳幼苗的养分积累。以上结果表明,外源GABA对枳幼苗根系生长及矿质营养元素吸收的影响呈“低浓度促进,高浓度抑制”趋势,适宜浓度的GABA能够促进枳幼苗根系发育,增加根系养分吸收面积,有利于矿质元素的积累与向上运输,其中最适浓度为0.05~0.1 mmol/L;浓度过高时则使枳幼苗的正常生长及矿质元素吸收受阻。


    The effects of different concentrations of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the growth,root morphology,and mineral nutrient uptake of trifoliate orange [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] seedlings were studied to identify the regulatory effects of exogenous GABA on the growth and mineral nutrient uptake of trifoliate orange seedlings.A nutrient solution hydroponic culture was conducted with a control and five concentration gradients of GABA including G1 (0.01 mmol/L),G2 (0.05 mmol/L),G3 (0.1 mmol/L),G4 (0.5 mmol/L),and G5 (1 mmol/L).The plant height,biomass,root morphology and the content of mineral elements in trifoliate orange seedlings were measured after 30 days of treatment.The results showed that low concentrations of GABA including 0.01 mmol/L,0.05 mmol/L,and 0.1 mmol/L had no significant effect on the plant height,total root length,and biomass accumulation of trifoliate orange seedlings,but significantly changed the root morphology,increased the root surface area,and the root volume.High concentrations of GABA including 0.5 mmol/L and 1 mmol/L inhibited the growth and root development of trifoliate orange seedlings.When the concentration of GABA reached 0.5 mmol/L,it significantly reduced the total root length,main root length,and lateral root length.When the concentration reached 1 mmol/L,it further inhibited the accumulation of plant height and biomass,and significantly reduced the root surface area.Low concentration of GABA promoted the content of N,P,Ca,B,and Mo in the roots of trifoliate orange seedlings,increased the content of K in the stems and the content of P in the leaves,and increased the accumulation of N,P,K,and Mo per plant.However,high concentrations of GABA reduced the content of mineral elements (excluding N) in various organs of trifoliate orange seedlings,and inhibited the nutrient accumulation of trifoliate orange seedlings.It is indicated that the effects of exogenous GABA on the root growth and mineral nutrient absorption of trifoliate orange seedlings had a trend of promoting at low concentrations and inhibiting at high concentrations.The appropriate concentration of GABA can promote the root development of trifoliate orange seedlings,increase the root nutrient absorption area,and facilitate the accumulation and upward transportation of mineral elements.The optimal concentration is 0.05 mmol/L-0.1 mmol/L.When the concentration is too high,it hinders the normal growth and mineral element absorption of trifoliate orange seedlings.It will provide a theoretical reference for the practical application of GABA in enhancing the growth of citrus seedlings.

    图1 不同浓度外源GABA处理下枳幼苗生长情况Fig.1 Growth of trifoliate orange seedlings treated with different concentrations of exogenous GABA
    图2 不同浓度外源GABA处理下枳幼苗根系形态变化Fig.2 Morphological changes of roots of trifoliate orange seedlings treated with different concentrations of exogenous GABA
    图3 不同浓度外源GABA处理下根中矿质元素含量Fig.3 Content of mineral elements in roots treated with different concentrations of exogenous GABA
    图4 不同浓度外源GABA处理下茎中矿质元素含量Fig.4 Content of mineral elements in stems treated with different concentrations of exogenous GABA
    图5 不同浓度外源GABA处理下枳幼苗叶矿质元素含量Fig.5 Content of mineral elements in leaves treated with different concentrations of exogenous GABA
    图6 不同浓度外源GABA处理下枳幼苗单株矿质元素的积累和分配Fig.6 Accumulation and distribution of mineral elements in trifoliate orange seedlings treated with different concentrations of exogenous GABA
    图7 不同浓度外源GABA处理矿质元素主成分分析得分图(A-C)与载荷图(D-F)Fig.7 The score plot (A-C) and loading plot (D-F) from principal component analysis of the mineral elements in different concentrations of exogenous GABA treatments


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  • 收稿日期:2023-09-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-12-12