
1.辽宁省旱地农林研究所,朝阳 122099;2.海南大学南繁学院(三亚南繁研究院),三亚 572022;3.中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所,海口 571101




曾长英,E-mail: zengchangying@hainanu.edu.cn





Effects of nutrients combined application on growth and nutrients absorption of cassava

1.Liaoning Dryland Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Chaoyang 122099,China;2.School of Breeding and Multiplication(Sanya Institute of Breeding and Multiplication), Hainan University,Sanya 572022,China;3.Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,Haikou 571101,China

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    为了探讨氮钾钙铁锌5种营养元素及其交互作用对木薯产量、养分含量及5种营养元素吸收转运相关基因表达量的影响,以氢氰酸含量较低的食用型木薯品种SC9为试验材料,在盆栽与田间2种栽培条件下,设计N、K、Ca、Fe、Zn五因素两水平施肥配比的正交试验。通过比较各处理间木薯产量、叶绿素含量、大中微量元素累积量的差异及5种元素吸收转运相关基因表达量的变化,筛选出木薯N、K、Ca、Fe、Zn的最佳配施范围。结果显示:综合盆栽与大田下T5(N1K1Ca2Zn1Fe2)处理均能获得较高木薯产量。其中在盆栽条件下高氮能够促进叶绿素的合成,但施用高水平的大量元素会显著降低木薯产量,施用高水平的中微量元素则能提升木薯产量。在田间条件下高水平氮素既利于叶绿素的合成又能提高产量。块根养分累积量方面,盆栽下低氮、低钾处理的块根6种元素(N、P、K、Ca、Fe、Mg)平均累积量显著高于高氮、高钾处理;高钙处理的块根3种元素(P、K、Zn)平均累积量显著高于低钙处理;高锌处理的块根4种元素(N、K、Ca、Zn)平均累积量显著高于低锌处理;高铁处理的块根6种元素(P、K、Ca、Zn、Fe、Mg)平均累积量显著高于低铁处理。基因表达方面,高水平氮、钾、铁肥处理上调MeNRT1MeAKT1MeVIT1MeIRT1基因表达水平;而低水平钙、锌处理上调MeCBL7MeCNGC14MeZIP4基因表达水平。综上,不同施肥配比对木薯叶片叶绿素含量的合成、块根产量、块根养分累积量及养分转运蛋白相关基因的表达量均有显著影响,元素的缺乏或过量以及相对不平衡均不利于木薯的产量与质量,应注意合理配比施用才能发挥元素的最大功能。最终木薯盆栽试验适宜处理为T4或T6处理即肥料施用量为氮0.280~0.560 g/kg、钾0.210 g/kg、钙0.165~0.330 g/kg、锌0.081~0.163 g/kg、铁0.111 g/kg;田间试验适宜处理为T5处理即肥料施用量为尿素150 kg/hm2、氯化钾86 kg/hm2、氯化钙20 kg/hm2、七水硫酸锌90 kg/hm2、硫酸亚铁35 kg/hm2


    In order to explore the effects of N,K,Ca,Fe,and Zn and their interactions on cassava yield,nutrient content and expression of genes related to the absorption and transport of five nutrient elements,using the edible cassava variety SC9 with low hydrocyanic acid content as the test material,an orthogonal experiment of two-level fertilization with five factors of N,K,Ca,Fe,and Zn was designed under the conditions of pot culture and field culture.Differences of cassava yield,chlorophyll content,accumulation of large,medium and trace elements,and the expression of genes related to the absorption and transport of five elements were compared among the treatments,and the best application range of N,K,Ca,Fe and Zn was selected.The results showed that both pot and field T5 (N1K1Ca2Zn1Fe2) treatments could obtain the higher cassava yield.High N could promote the synthesis of chlorophyll under pot conditions,but the application of high levels of macronutrients would significantly reduce cassava yield,while the application of high levels of micronutrients would increase both chlorophyll synthesis and yields under both conditions.Under field conditions,high N levels not only promoted chlorophyll synthesis but also increased yield.Regarding element accumulation,the average accumulation of N,P,K,Ca,Fe,Mg in roots of low N and low K treatments was significantly higher than that of high N and high K treatments; the average accumulation of P,K,Zn in roots of high Ca treatment were significantly higher than those of low Ca treatment; the average accumulation of N,K,Ca,Zn in roots of high Zn treatment was significantly higher than that of low Zn treatment; the average accumulation of P,K,Ca,Zn,Fe,Mg in roots of high Fe treatment was significantly higher than that of low Fe treatment.From the perspective of gene expression,high concentration of N,K,Fe,Zn,fertilizer upregulated the expression of MeNRT1MeAKT1MeVIT1 and MeIRT1 genes,while low concentration of Ca and Zn fertilizer upregulated the expression of MeCBL7MeCNGC14 and MeZIP4 genes.In summary,different fertilization treatments have significant effects on the synthesis of chlorophyll content in plant leaves,root yield,root nutrient accumulation,and the expression of nutrient transporter related genes.The lack or excess of elements as well as the relative imbalance are not good for the yield and quality of cassava and we should pay attention to the application of reasonable proportion to maximize the function of elements.Finally,for cassava pot experiment,the suitable fertilizer application amounts were 0.280-0.560 g/kg of N,0.210 g/kg of K,0.165-0.330 g/kg of Ca,0.081-0.163 g/kg of Zn and 0.111 g/kg of Fe,and the suitable fertilizer application amounts in field experiment were 150 kg/hm2 of urea,86 kg/hm2 of potassium chloride,20 kg/hm2 of calcium chloride,90 kg/hm2 of zinc sulfate heptahydrate and 35 kg/hm2 of ferrous sulfate.

    表 1 试验各处理施肥量Table 1 Fertilizer treatments designed
    表 3 不同施肥处理下的木薯产量Table 3 Cassava yield under different fertilization treatments
    表 4 不同施肥处理下木薯块根氮磷钾钙铁锌镁的累积量变化Table 4 Changes of N, P, K, Ca, Fe, Zn and Mg accumulation in cassava roots under different fertilizer-combination treatments
    表 2 试验所用引物Table 2 Primers used in the test
    图1 不同施肥处理下木薯叶片叶绿素含量变化Fig.1 Changes of chlorophyll content in cassava leaves under different fertilizer-combination treatments
    图2 各元素高低水平下氮钾钙铁锌养分吸收相关基因的表达量Fig.2 Expression level of genes related to nutrients uptake of nitrogen,potassium,calcium,iron and zinc at high and low levels of each element
    图3 氮钾钙铁锌吸收相关基因表达量与块根该养分含量的相关性Fig.3 Relationship between nitrogen, potassium,calcium,iron and zinc related nutrient uptake associated gene expression level and corresponding nutrient content on root


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  • 收稿日期:2023-10-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-12-12