
1.中国农业大学资源与环境学院,北京 100000;2.云南褚氏农业有限公司,昆明 650000;3.云南省绿色食品发展中心,昆明 650000;4.云南省玉溪市新平县者竜乡农业农村综合服务中心,玉溪 653400;5.西南大学资源与环境学院,重庆 400715;6.华中农业大学资源与环境学院,武汉 430070


陈梦昕,E-mail: mercicy@163.com


董治浩,E-mail: dzh2018303010025@163.com





Preliminary studies on current input and recommended application amount of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium in Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping County

1.College of Resources and Environment,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100000,China;2.Yunnan Chushi Agriculture Co.,Ltd.,Kunming 650000,China;3.Yunnan Green Food Development Center,Kunming 650000,China;4.Zhelong Agricultural and Rural Comprehensive Service Center,Yuxi 653400,China;5.College of Resources and Environment,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;6.College of Resources and Environment,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China

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    为明确新平县果园氮磷钾投入现状,对新平县70个冰糖橙果园采用实地走访调研与土壤/果实样品采集分析相结合的方法,调查县域不同冰糖橙果园施肥情况、土壤养分利用状况、果实养分携出状况,并根据产量进行果园推荐施肥量研究。结果表明,新平县果园全年施肥2~4次,以施肥3次为主,主要集中在2-3月、5月和12月,全县氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)平均投入量分别为444.43、407.07、507.35 kg/hm2,投入比为1∶0.92∶1.14。土壤pH值和有机质平均含量分别为6.08、17.97 g/kg,整体处于适宜水平;果园碱解氮平均含量为74.43 mg/kg,整体处于缺乏水平,78.26%的果园碱解氮含量较低;果园有效磷和速效钾平均含量分别为91.57、245.05 mg/kg,整体处于高量水平,超50%的果园土壤有效磷/钾含量过高。新平县冰糖橙果园氮磷钾减施潜力分别为8.53%~70.31%、56.95%~87.35%和33.64%~78.69%。根据果园养分携出与养分利用效率,新平县不同产能冰糖橙果园氮磷钾养分推荐用量分别为82.39~386.80、33.89~163.59和69.20~299.25 kg/hm2。以上结果表明,新平县冰糖橙果园肥料投入量较大,引起土壤营养盈余,应针对不同产能的果园进行针对性施肥,增加有机肥投入,优化肥料施用结构。


    A combination of the field survey and the collection and analysis of soil/fruit sample was conducted in 70 Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping County to clarify the current input of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium in orchards in Xinping County. The status of fertilization practices,available nutrient in soil,and nutrient removal of fruit in different Bingtang orange orchards in the county was investigated. The recommend amount of fertilizer for orchards was studied based on the yield. The results showed that orchards in Xinping County were fertilized 2-4 times throughout the year,with the main fertilization being 3 times,mainly concentrated in February-March,May,and December. The average input of nitrogen (N),phosphorus (P2O5),and potassium (K2O) in the county was 444.43,407.07,507.35 kg/hm2,respectively,with an input ratio of 1∶0.92∶1.14. The soil pH value and average content of organic matter was 6.08 and 17.97 g/kg,respectively,generally at an appropriate level. The average content of alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen in orchards was 74.43 mg/kg,generally at a deficiency level. 78.26% of orchards had lower content of alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen. The average content of available phosphorus and available potassium in orchards was 91.57 and 245.05 mg/kg,generally at a high level. More than 50% of orchard had high content of available phosphorus/potassium in soil. The potential for reducing the application of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium in the Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping County was 8.53%-70.31%,56.95%-87.35%,and 33.64%-78.69%,respectively. According to the removal and utilization efficiency of nutrient in orchards,the recommended amount of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium for orchards with different yield levels is 82.39-386.80 kg/hm2,33.89-163.59 kg/hm2,and 69.20-299.25 kg/hm2,respectively. It is indicated that the large input of fertilizer in the Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping County has caused a surplus of nutrients in soil. Targeted fertilization should be applied to Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping County with different production capacities through increasing the input of organic fertilizer and optimizing application structure of fertilizer.

    表 3 新平县冰糖橙果园氮、磷、钾推荐用量与减施潜力Table 3 Recommended dosage and reduction potential of N,P and K in Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping
    表 1 果园土壤速效氮磷钾丰缺标准Table 1 Soil N,P and K abundance and deficiency standard of citrus orchards
    表 2 新平县冰糖橙果园氮磷钾投入现状与投入比例Table 2 N,P and K fertilizer application and proportion in Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping
    图1 新平县冰糖橙果园施肥次数(A)与月份(B)分布特征Fig.1 Distribution characteristics of times(A) and months (B) of fertilization of Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping
    图2 冰糖橙果实养分含量(A)与每吨果实养分携出量(B)Fig.2 The fruit nutrients contents (A) and nutrition removal by per ton fruit (B) in Bingtang orange orchards
    图3 新平县冰糖橙果园肥料偏生产力Fig.3 The partial productivity of fertilizer in Bingtang orange orchards of Xinping
    图4 新平县冰糖橙果园土壤pH值(A)、有机质(B)、速效氮磷钾养分(C-E)现状Fig.4 Soil pH(A),organic matter(B),available-N(C),available-P(D),and available-K(E)in Bingtang orange orchards of Xinping
    图5 新平县冰糖橙果园氮磷钾投入与土壤养分、肥料偏生产力相关性分析Fig.5 The correlation analysis of N,P and K input with soil nutrition and fertilizer partial productivity of the Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping
    图6 新平县冰糖橙果园产量与氮磷钾投入量(A-C)、土壤pH(D)和土壤养分(E-H)边界线分析Fig.6 The boundary line analysis of yield with N,P and K input (A-C), soil pH (D) and soil nutrition (E-H) of the Bingtang orange orchards in Xinping


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  • 收稿日期:2023-06-19
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-12-12