









Progress and application of novel iron biochelates

1.State Key Laboratory of Nutrient Use and Management/College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University/National Academy of Agriculture Green Development, Beijing 100193, China;2.College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China;3.Yunnan ICL YTH Phosphate Research and Technology Co., Ltd., Kunming 650228, China

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    Iron is an essential micronutrient for the normal development of all living things. In particular, cultivating iron-rich seeds through biofortification is an important technical solution to solve the "hidden hunger" of human beings, and chelated iron fertilizer is widely used due to its high efficiency. Therefore, the research and development of novel micronutrient chelators is always a competitive hotspot in the world.The plant-secreted mugineic acids and microbial-secreted siderophores, which can efficiently activate insoluble iron to be bioavailable for plants, are potential novel biochelates, especially microorganisms that can efficiently secrete siderophores have application potential. These novel iron fertilizers can improve the iron nutrition of plants without external iron input, but can activate the rich iron resources in the soil effectively by utilizing the strong chelating property of the active substance of the strain itself, and provide enough bioavailable iron for plants. Therefore, these findings offer applied opportunities for novel biochelates to improve plant iron nutrition and crop yield and sustainable development of agriculture. To further explore and develop those novel and green biochelates, provide new pathways for the development of green intelligent fertilizer, and achieve the sustainable development of agriculture, based on the research progress of the molecular and physiological mechanism of iron uptake and utilization by plants and microorganisms, the research progress and application of novel iron biochelates from plants and microorganisms were reviewed. The study covers the status and causes plant iron deficiency, ways to improve iron nutrition, molecular ecological advantages of iron absorption and utilization by plant root exudates under mechanism Ⅱ, as well as the potential of microbial siderophores to improve plant iron nutrition. It is expected that further research and development will lead to a deeper understanding of the mechanism of these novel biochelates to improve the efficiency of iron nutrient uptake in plants, and provide new ways for realizing the sustainable development of green agriculture. It is expected that further research and development will lead to a deeper understanding of the mechanism of these novel biochelates to improve the efficiency of iron nutrient uptake in plants, and provide new ways for realizing the sustainable development of green agriculture.

    表 6 微生物铁载体作为生物源螯合剂开发绿色智能肥料的特点和优势Table 6 Characteristics and advantages of microbial siderophores as biochelators towards the development of green intelligent fertilizers
    表 2 不同铁肥的种类及其功能特性Table 2 Types and characteristics of different iron fertilizers
    图1 植物吸收铁的生理分子机制Fig.1 Physiological and molecular mechanisms of iron uptake in plants
    表 5 微生物铁载体与植物铁载体螯合铁的能力比较分析Table 5 Comparative analysis of the ability of microbial siderophores and phytosiderophores to chelate iron
    表 4 微生物铁载体对改善植物铁营养的效应及其机制分析Table 4 Analysis of the effects and mechanisms of microbial siderophores on improving plant iron nutrition
    表 3 PDMA对于改善作物铁营养及提高产量方面的潜力与优势Table 3 Potentials and advantages of PDMA for improvement of crop iron nutrition and yield
    表 1 不同铁肥处理对植物铁营养和产量的影响Table 1 Effects of different iron fertilizer treatments on plant iron nutrition and yield
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