
中南林业科技大学计算机与信息工程学院/人工智能应用研究所,长沙 410004









Inception-CSA deep learning model-based classification of bird sounds

College of Computer and Information Engineering/Institute of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha 410004,China

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    Bird sounds have diverse features, and most of the current convolutional neural network models based on a single receptive field are difficult to learn the diversity of bird sound features from audio containing complex background noise. In this article, we proposed a method of classifying bird sounds based on the Inception-CSA deep learning model, which consists of three steps including bird audio sample preprocessing, feature extraction, and classifier classification. First, the samples of bird sounds were preprocessed into Mel spectrum maps with the same size as the feature maps of bird sounds. Then the feature of bird sounds was extracted with the Inception-CSA model including the Inception module extracting the multi-scale local time-frequency domain features in the feature map of bird sounds and the CSA module obtaining the global attention weights of the feature map of bird sounds. The output of both was combined to obtain a stronger feature map. The feature maps were downsampled with the maximum pooling layer. Finally, the results of final classification were obtained with the fully connected layer. The calls of 10 wild bird species in the natural environment of south China were collected and the dataset was constructed to verify the effectiveness of the method. The results showed that the proposed method achieved 93.11% accuracy on the self-built dataset. The classification method based on the Inception-CSA model had higher accuracy with fewer model parameters compared with the classification methods based on other classical models.

    表 1 混淆矩阵分析结果Table 1 Confusion matrix analysis results
    表 2 与其他分类网络模型的试验结果对比Table 2 Comparison with experimental results of other classification network models
    图1 基于Inception-CSA模型的鸟鸣声分类方法总体结构图Fig.1 Overall structure of bird song classification method based on Inception-CSA model
    图2 银喉长尾山雀在不同情况下的鸣叫声波形图Fig.2 Waveforms of calls of the silver-throated long-tailed tit in different situations
    图3 Inception-CSA Block的结构图Fig.3 Structure diagram of Inception-CSA Block
    图4 CSA模块的结构图Fig.4 Structure diagram of CSA module
    图5 训练过程损失值(A)和准确率(B) 变化Fig.5 Loss value change (A) and accuracy rate change (B) during training
    图6 最终验证集的混淆矩阵Fig.6 Confusion matrix for final validation set
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  • 收稿日期:2022-09-19
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