
1.四川农业大学机电学院,雅安 625014;2.四川省作物带状复合种植工程技术研究中心,成都 611130




张黎骅, E-mail:zhanglihua69@126.com





Design and experiment of air suction type dense planting precision seed metering device

1.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Sichuan Agricultural University,Ya’an 625014,China;2.Sichuan Engineering Research Center for Crop Strip Intercropping System,Chengdu 611130,China

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    为提高排种器在小株距密植条件下的播种单粒性和均匀性,根据大豆-玉米带状复合种植模式的农艺要求,设计一种具有双重清种作用的小株距密植气吸式精量排种器。通过分析排种器工作原理及确定关键部件结构参数,以合格指数、重播指数和漏播指数为评价指标,以排种盘型孔数、外清种距离和内清种距离为试验因素进行三因素五水平正交试验,确定试验因素的主次顺序及最优水平;通过中心组合试验对试验因素及水平进行优化和验证。结果显示:排种盘型孔数和内外清种距离对排种性能均影响显著;玉米排种最优工作参数组合为型孔数35个、外清种距离6.2 mm、内清种距离1.6 mm;大豆排种最优工作参数组合为型孔数62个、外清种距离4.1 mm、内清种距离1.6 mm。对该参数组合下的排种性能进行试验验证,结果显示:玉米排种合格指数为95.40%,重播指数为1.50%,漏播指数为3.10%;大豆排种合格指数为97.78%,重播指数为0.32%,漏播指数为1.90%,与优化预测结果相吻合,且各项指标均满足播种需求。


    Aiming at the problem of poor single seed and uniformity of the existing seed metering device under the condition of small plant spacing and dense planting, according to the agronomic requirements of soybean maize strip composite planting mode, a small plant spacing and dense planting air suction precision seed metering device with double seed clearing function is designed.By analyzing the working principle of the seed metering device and determining the structural parameters of key components, taking the qualified rate, over-seeding rate, and missed seeding rate as the evaluation indexes, and taking the number of holes in the seed metering disc, the outer clearing distance, and the inner clearing distance as the experimental factors, the three-factor five-level orthogonal test is carried out to determine the primary and secondary order and the optimal level of the experimental factors.Through the central combination test, the test factors and levels are optimized and verified.The results showed that the number of holes in the seed metering disc and the distance between inner and outer seed eliminating had significant effects on the seed metering performance; The optimal working parameter combination of corn seed metering is 35 holes, the outer seed eliminating distance is 6.2 mm and the inner seed eliminating distance is 1.6 mm; The optimal working parameter combination of soybean seed metering is 62 holes, the outer seed eliminating distance is 4.1 mm and the inner seed eliminating distance is 1.6 mm.The results showed that the qualified rate of maize seed metering was 95.40%, the over-seeding rate was 1.50%, and the missed seeding rate was 3.10%.The qualified rate of soybean seed metering was 97.78%, the over-seeding rate was 0.32%, and the missed seeding rate was 1.90%, which was consistent with the optimization prediction results, and all indexes met the seeding demand.

    表 5 正交试验结果统计分析P值Table 5 Statistical analysis of orthogonal test results P value
    表 4 正交试验结果极差分析表Table 4 Range analysis of orthogonal experiment results
    表 2 正交试验因素水平表Table 2 Factors and levels of orthogonal experiment
    图1 气吸式排种器结构示意图Fig.1 Schematic diagram of air-suction seed metering device
    图2 气吸式排种器工作过程示意图Fig.2 Schematic diagram of working process of air-suction seed metering device
    图3 排种盘结构示意图Fig.3 Schematic diagram of the structure of the seeding tray
    图4 扰种凸台结构示意图Fig.4 Schematic diagram of disturbing boss structure
    图5 内外清种刀整体安装示意图Fig.5 Schematic diagram of the overall installation of internal and external seed cleaning knives
    图6 内外清种刀结构示意图Fig.6 Schematic diagram of the structure of internal and external seed cleaning knives
    图7 种子在充种区的受力分析Fig.7 Force analysis of seeds in filling area
    图8 种子在清种区的受力分析Fig.8 Force analysis of seeds in clearing area
    图9 排种器性能检测仪Fig.9 Seed meter performance tester
    表 1 大豆和玉米种子的三轴尺寸Table 1 Triaxial dimensions of soybean and maize
    表 3 正交试验结果Table 3 Results of orthogonal experiment
    表 6 中心组合试验因素水平编码表Table 6 Test factors and levels of CCD
    表 7 中心组合试验设计方案及结果Table 7 Scheme and results of central composite design
    表 9 最优参数组合及预测结果Table 9 Optimal working parameters and prediction results
    表 10 排种验证性试验结果Table 10 Validation experiment results
    表 8 中心组合试验结果统计分析P值Table 8 Statistical analysis of CCD test results P value


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  • 收稿日期:2022-05-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-02-22