The whole area of soil and typical profiles in Jianshi County were used to analyze the characteristics of the content of selenium in different soil types, the distribution of the content of selenium in vertical soil profiles, and the correlation between the content of in soil and the physical and chemical properties based on the survey results of geochemical evaluation of land quality in Jianshi County, Hubei Province from 2015 to 2020 to study the characteristics and influencing factors of selenium enrichment in the soil in Jianshi County. Results showed that the content of Se in the soil in Jianshi ranged from 0.08 mg/kg to 64.20 mg/kg, with a mean of 0.94 mg/kg. In general, the content of Se in the soil in Jianshi reached the level of seleniferous soils. Among the main types of soil in Jianshi County, the content of selenium in red soil, brown soil and yellow soil was relatively higher than that in other soil types, and the content of selenium in purple soil was the lowest. The depth of soil profile had a significant effect on the content of selenium in soil. The content of selenium in soil was gradually decreased with the increase of the depth of soil profile, consistent with the change trend of organic matter in soil. The content of SiO2, Al2O3, TFe2O3 and CaO in the soil was significantly positively correlated with the content of selenium in the soil. In addition, the content of selenium in the soil was strongly correlated with the content of Cr, Cd, Ni, and Mo in the soil, indicating that the source of Se in the soil is closely related to organic matter in the soil. At the same time, the content of available Se in soil was significantly positively correlated with the pH in soil, indicating that increasing the pH in soil is an effective approach for improving the bioavailability of Se in soil.
表 3 建始县土壤中不同氧化物含量Table 3 The soil oxides content in Jianshi County
表 2 不同土壤类型的硒含量Table 2 Characteristics of selenium content in different soil types
表 1 土壤样品元素分析方法Table 1 Methods for elemental analysis of soil samples
图1 不同土壤剖面采样深度的土壤硒含量(A)和有机质含量(B)Fig.1 Soil selenium(A) and organic matter(B) in different profile sampling depth
图2 土壤硒与其他元素之间的相关性Fig.2 Correlation between soil selenium and other elements
图3 土壤有效硒与土壤pH(A)、阳离子交换量(B)以及土壤有机碳(C)的关系Fig.3 The relationship between soil available selenium and soil pH(A), cation exchange capacity(B) and soil organic carbon(C)
表 4 土壤氧化物与硒(Se)含量的相关性分析Table 4 Correlation analysis of soil oxides and soil selenium content