




谭启玲, E-mail:qltan@mail.hzau.edu.cn





Evaluating risk of heavy metals in fruits, vegetables and soils under continuous application of organic fertilizers in field

1.College of Resources and Environment,Huazhong Agricultural University/Hubei Provincial Engineering Laboratory for New-Type Fertilizers,Wuhan 430070,China;2.The National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Beijing 100125,China

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    The field plot experiments were conducted to apply organic fertilizer to vegetables including cabbage, radish, pepper for three consecutive seasons and citrus (Majia pomelo) for many years to compare the effects of applying organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer on the yield, quality of fruits and vegetables and the content of heavy metals in soil. Using no fertilization (CK) and fertilizer application (CF) as the control, two organic fertilizer treatments with equal nitrogen fertilizer application including OF1, OF2 were set up. The results showed that both OF1 and OF2 treatments ensured that the yield of vegetables in the first two seasons and Majia pomelo do not decrease, and significantly increase the contents of soluble solids in Majia pomelo and the content of organic matter in vegetable soil compared with CF treatment. There was no significant difference in the content of heavy metals between vegetables under different treatments in the first two seasons, but the content of Pb in the edible part of radish treated with OF1 and OF2 was close to the limit standard. In the vegetables of third season, the contents of Cr, As, Cu and Zn in edible parts of pepper treated with OF1 and OF2 were significantly higher than those treated with CF. The content of Pb in the pulp and peel of Majia pomelo fruit treated with OF1 exceeded the limit standard, and that with OF2 treatment was close to the limit standard. The content of various heavy metals in vegetable soil was far lower than the value of risk control, but the content of Pb, Cd, Hg had significantly accumulated compared with CF treatment, among which the content of Hg was the fastest. It is indicated that the application of two organic fertilizer with equal nitrogen fertilizer can increase the yield and quality of fruits and vegetables, improve the physical and chemical properties of soil in a short time, but increase the accumulation of heavy metals in soil as well. Therefore, continuous application of organic fertilizer will lead to the risk that the content of heavy metals in fruits and vegetables exceeds the limit standard.

    表 5 不同施肥处理对土壤理化性质的影响Table 5 Effects of different types of fertilizers on physical and chemical properties of soil
    图1 不同施肥处理对果蔬产量的影响Fig.1 Effects of different types of fertilizers on yield of vegetables and fruits
    图2 不同施肥处理对土壤有机质含量的影响Fig.2 Effects of different types of fertilizers on organic matter content of soi
    图3 不同施肥处理对蔬菜土壤重金属含量的影响Fig.3 Effects of different types of fertilizers on heavy metals contents of vegetable soil
    表 2 两季蔬菜及马家柚各处理施肥的纯养分含量Table 2 Pure nutrient content in fertilization of two season vegetables and Majia pomelo
    表 4 不同施肥处理对马家柚内外在品质的影响Table 4 Effects of different types of fertilizers on external quality of Majia pomelo
    表 6 不同施肥处理对果蔬重金属含量(干基)的影响Table 6 Effects of different types of fertilizers on heavy metals contents (DW) of vegetables
    表 3 不同施肥处理对蔬菜外在品质的影响Table 3 Effects of different types of fertilizers on growth of vegetables
    表 7 不同施肥处理对马家柚果园土壤重金属含量的影响Table 7 Effects of different types of fertilizers on heavy metals contents of soil
    表 1 供试有机肥养分及重金属含量状况Table 1 Nutrient contents and heavy metals contents in tested organic fertilizers
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  • 收稿日期:2022-09-15
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