
1.华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070;2.农业农村部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070;3.湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,武汉 430070









Design and test of silver carp head processing device based on machine vision

1.College of Engineering,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;2.Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-Lower Yangtze River,Wuhan 430070,China;3.Institute of Agricultural Products Processing and Nuclear-Agricultural Technology, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430070,China

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    针对目前国内淡水鱼鱼头加工装备缺乏、鱼头加工机械化程度低等问题,以鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)为研究对象,设计了基于机器视觉的鲢鱼头加工装置。鲢鱼头加工装置由鱼体输送装置、鱼体图像采集装置、鱼体翻转部件、立式夹持输送带、鱼头切割部件、鱼头剖切部件和装置控制系统等部分组成。鱼体图像采集装置获取输送装置上的鱼体图像,计算鱼头切割路径;鲢鱼体经鱼体翻转部件进入立式夹持输送带,在立式夹持输送带作用下向前移动;当鱼体到达鱼头切割位置,立式夹持输送带调整鱼体位置后停止,鱼头切割部件按照鱼头切割路径对鱼体进行切割后复位,立式夹持输送带带动鱼头继续前进;切割后的鱼头经过鱼头剖切部件将鱼头对半剖切。样机性能试验结果显示,鲢鱼头切割后,鱼体吻端分别至上切割点和下切割点的实际水平距离与预测水平距离的线性拟合的决定系数分别为0.911和0.985,均方根误差分别为6.31、2.61 mm;鱼头切割路径检测时间为(0.055±0.009) s,鱼头加工时间为(13.28±0.35) s,鱼头的外观评分为0.88±0.02,满足鲢鱼头加工的生产要求。


    A silver carp head processing device was designed based on machine vision to solve problems including the lack of domestic freshwater fish head processing equipment and the low degree of mechanization of fish head processing.This device is composed of a fish body conveying device,fish body image acquisition device,fish body turnover part,vertical clamping conveyor belt,fish head cutting part,fish head sectioning part,device control system.The fish body image acquisition device obtains the fish body image on the conveying device and calculates the fish head cutting path.The fish body enters the vertical clamping conveyor belt through the fish body turnover part and moves forward under the action of the vertical clamping conveyor belt.When the fish body reaches the fish head cutting position,the vertical clamping conveyor belt stops after adjusting the fish body position,the fish head cutting part cuts the fish body according to the fish head cutting path and resets,and the vertical clamping conveyor belt drives the fish head forward.The cut fish head is a section in half through the fish head sectioning part.The performance of the prototype was tested with silver carp.The results showed that the determination coefficients of the linear fitting between the actual horizontal distance from the upper cutting point and the lower cutting point and the predicted horizontal distance after the fish head was cut were 0.911 and 0.985,with the root means square errors of 6.31 mm and 2.61 mm.The detection time of fish head cutting path,the processing time of fish head,and the appearance score of the fish head was (0.055±0.009) s,(13.28±0.35) s,and 0.88±0.02,meeting the production requirements of the silver carp head processing.It will provide new methods and equipment for the industry of silver carp head processing and theoretical and methodological references for the automatic processing of silver carp head.

    表 1 角度控制精度验证试验结果Table 1 Angle control accuracy verification test results
    表 2 距离控制精度验证试验结果Table 2 Test results of distance control accuracy verification
    图1 鲢鱼头加工装置结构示意图Fig.1 Structure diagram of head processing device of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
    图2 鲢鱼头加工控制系统组成Fig.2 Composition of head processing control system of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
    图3 计算机软件界面图Fig.3 Computer software interface diagram
    图4 鲢鱼头加工装置工作流程图Fig.4 Working flow chart of the head processing device of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
    图5 鱼体尺寸测量示意图Fig.5 Measurement schematic diagram of fish body size
    图6 鱼体体长同腹鳍根部(A)与生殖孔(B)的位置的关系拟合结果Fig.6 Fitting results of the relationship between body length and the position of ventral fin root (A)and genital pore(B)
    图7 鱼体的图像处理过程Fig.7 Image processing process of fish body
    图8 鱼体表面关键点位置示意图Fig.8 Schematic diagram of key points on fish surface
    图9 步进电机角度计算原理图Fig.9 Schematic diagram of angle calculation of stepper motor
    图10 伺服电机速度示意图Fig.10 Servo motor speed diagram
    图11 鲢鱼头加工试验Fig.11 Processing test of the head of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
    图12 鱼体吻端至上切割点(A)和下切割点(B)的实际水平距离与预测水平距离的拟合结果Fig.12 Fitting results of the actual horizontal distance from the snout of the fish to the upper(A),lower(B) cutting point and the predicted horizontal distance
    图13 鲢鱼头加工效果图Fig.13 Effect drawing of processing a section of the head of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
    表 3 鲢鱼头加工装置验证结果Table 3 Verification results of the head cutting device of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
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