
1.贵州大学林学院,贵阳 550025;2.贵州省植物园,贵阳 550004









Comparison of photosynthetic physiological characteristics between endangered plant Oreocharis esquirolii and two species of same genus

1.College of Forestry, Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;2.Guizhou Botanical Garden, Guiyang 550004, China

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    以濒危植物辐花苣苔(Oreocharis esquirolii)及同属植物紫花粗筒苣苔(O. elegantissima)和都匀马铃苣苔(O. duyunensis)为研究对象,在同等保育生境中进行叶光合生理特性及解剖结构的比较,探讨辐花苣苔与同属2种植物光合能力与叶生理结构之间的差异。结果显示:辐花苣苔的叶绿素a及(叶绿素a+叶绿素b)显著低于其他2种苦苣苔(P<0.05),叶绿素初始荧光显著高于紫花粗筒苣苔和都匀马铃苣苔(P<0.05),最大光化学效率、潜在光学活性、实际光化学量子产量、表观电子传递速率在3种植物中为最小;在光合日进程中,3种植物净光合速率呈现出较一致的双峰曲线特点,胞间CO2浓度趋势均呈“W”型,气孔导度随时间推移呈下降趋势,蒸腾速率随时间推移呈先下降后上升随后再下降的趋势,3种植物均出现明显的光合“午睡”现象,且各指标均呈现出辐花苣苔最低的特点;在光响应中辐花苣苔最大净光合速率值为2.24 μmol/(m2·s),显著较低,暗呼吸速率、光补偿点均值分别为1.14 μmol/(m2·s)和51.85 μmol/(m2·s),显著高于另2种植物(P<0.05);CO2响应曲线拟合得到辐花苣苔的最大羧化速率及最大光合电子传递速率分别为7.63 μmol/(m2·s)和26.04 μmol/(m2·s),均显著低于另外2种植物(P<0.05);组织结构切片结果显示,辐花苣苔上表皮厚为37.80 μm,下表皮厚为38.09 μm,均高于另外2种植物;栅栏组织厚度和海绵组织厚度分别为40.79 μm和30.07 μm,均显著低于紫花粗筒苣苔和都匀马铃苣苔(P<0.05),这可能与辐花苣苔长期适应荫蔽贫瘠的生境有关。研究结果表明,濒危植物辐花苣苔光合生理特性整体低于同属的非濒危植物紫花粗筒苣苔和都匀马铃苣苔,适应光环境及对光能利用率的能力相对较弱,这或许是其作为濒危物种的主要内在因素之一。


    The endangered plant Oreocharis esquirolii and two species of the same genus including O.elegantissima and O. duyunensis were used to compare the photosynthetic physiological characteristics and anatomical structures of leaves in the same cultivation habitat to study the differences in photosynthetic capacity between O. esquirolii and two species of the same genus.The results showed that Chl a and (Chl a+Chl b) of O. esquirolii was significantly lower than that of the other two kinds of Gesneriaceae (P<0.05).The results of chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics showed that Fo was significantly higher(P<0.05), Fv/FmFv/Fo,Y(Ⅱ) and ETR were the smallest among the three plants.During the photosynthetic diurnal process, the Pn of the three plants showed a relatively consistent bimodal curve.The intercellular CO2 concentration trend had a “W” shape, and the stomatal conductance had a downward trend with the passage of time.The transpiration rate had a downward trend, then increased and then decreased with the passage of time, and the three plants all had obvious photosynthetic “napping” phenomenon.Each index showed the lowest characteristic of O. esquirolii.In the photo response, the average Pmax value of O. esquirolii was 2.24 μmol/(m2·s), which was significantly lower.The average value of Rd and LCP was 1.14 μmol/(m2·s) and 51.85 μmol/(m2·s), significantly higher than that of the other two plants(P<0.05).The results of CO2 response curve fitting showed that the vcmax and Jmax of O. esquirolii were 7.6 μmol/(m2·s) and 26.04 μmol/(m2·s), significantly lower than that of the other two plants(P<0.05).The results of histological section showed that the upper epidermis and the lower epidermis of O. esquirolii were 37.80 μm and 38.09 μm, higher than that of the other two plants.The PT and ST of O. esquirolii were 40.79 μm and 30.07 μm, significantly lower than that of the other two plants(P<0.05), which may be related to the long-term adaptation of O. esquirolii to shady and barren habitats.It is indicated that the photosynthetic physiological characteristics of O. esquirolii are overall lower than two species of the same genus including O. elegantissima and O. duyunensis, and its ability to adapt to the light environment and the utilization rate of light energy is relatively weak, which may be one of the main internal factors of the endangered species.

    表 3 3种植物叶片CO2响应曲线模拟的光合参数Table 3 Photosynthetic parameters simulated by leaf CO2 response curve μmol/(m2·s)
    图1 辐花苣苔与紫花粗筒苣苔和都匀马铃苣苔的叶片叶绿素荧光参数比较Fig.1 Comparison of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaves of O. esquirolii between O. elegantissima and O. duyunensis
    图2 辐花苣苔与紫花粗筒苣苔和都匀马铃苣苔的叶片光合日变化参数比较Fig.2 Comparison of diurnal variation parameters of leaf photosynthesis betweenO. esquirolii between O. elegantissima and O. duyunensis
    图3 辐花苣苔与紫花粗筒苣苔和都匀马铃苣苔的叶片光响应曲线Fig.3 Light response curve of leaves of O. esquirolii between O. elegantissima and O. duyunensis
    图4 辐花苣苔与紫花粗筒苣苔和都匀马铃苣苔的叶片CO2响应曲线Fig.4 CO2 response curves of leaves of O. esquirolii between O. elegantissima and O. duyunensis
    图5 紫花粗筒苣苔(A)、都匀马铃苣苔(B)与辐花苣苔(C)的叶片解剖结构比较Fig.5 Leaves anatomical comparison of O. elegantissima (A), O. duyunensis(B) and O. esquirolii (C)
    图1 中国从中亚农产品进口额变动趋势(1992-2020年)Fig.1
    图2 中国农产品进口额占中亚各国出口市场份额变动趋势(1992-2020年)Fig.2
    表 4 叶片解剖参数Table 4 Leaf anatomical parameters
    表 1 叶片光合色素含量Table 1 Leaf photosynthetic pigment content
    表 2 3种植物叶片光响应曲线特征参数Table 2 Leaf light response curve characteristic parameters


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  • 收稿日期:2022-04-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-02-22