
1.中华人民共和国黄埔海关技术中心,广州 510770;2.江南大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室/江南大学食品学院,无锡214122


徐正华,E-mail: xuzhciq@163.com


张毅,E-mail: zhangyijnu@jiangnan.edu.cn




国家自然科学基金项目 (21876066) ;中华人民共和国海关总署科技计划项目(2020HK199); 江南大学基础科研计划项目(JUSRP21921); 江苏省食品安全与质量控制协同创新中心项目

Development and application of synchronous and rapid test strip array device for detecting multiple mycotoxins

1.Huangpu Customs Technology Center of the People’s Republic of China,Guangzhou 510770,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology/ College of Food Science and Technology,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China

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    为进一步压缩检测时长、实现进出口食品快速通关,研制阵列装置用于多毒素同步快速检测。设计并以3D打印技术构建了卧式和立式2种适配于胶体金侧流免疫分析(LFIA)试纸的阵列装置,并对装置的性能进行评价。以阵列装置同时集成黄曲霉毒素B1(aflatoxin B1,AFB1)、玉米赤霉烯酮(zearalenone,ZEN)、赭曲霉毒素A(ochratoxin A,OTA)以及脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(deoxynivalenol,DON)等4种真菌毒素的LFIA试纸并应用于玉米、玉米面和麦仁等食品的检测。试验结果显示:4种毒素的检测限分别达0.031、0.190、0.780、0.220 ng/mL,回收率为74.42%~112.40%,结果无交叉反应,包括前处理时间在内单一样品的四指标同步检测可在40 min内完成。


    An array device for synchronously and rapidly detecting multiple mycotoxins was developed to further reduce the time of detection and achieve rapid customs clearance of import and export food. Due to the interaction between probe and analyte,it is difficult to quantify the existing scheme of fixing multiple detection lines on a single test paper,and single quality control line cannot guarantee the effectiveness of multiple channels,and the real “synchronous” detection is not achieved. In this article,two kinds of horizontal and vertical arrays adapted to colloidal gold lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) strips were designed and constructed by 3D printing technology,with four channels synchronous detection capability. The LFIA strip of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1),zearalenone (ZEN),ochratoxin A (OTA) and deoxynienol (DON) was integrated into the array and used to detect corn,corn meal and wheat kernel. Results showed that the detection limit (LOD) of the four toxins was 0.031 ng/mL,0.19 ng/mL,0.78 ng/mL,0.22 ng/mL,respectively,with recoveries ranging from 74.42% to 112.40%. There was no cross-reaction. The synchronous detection of the four indicators of a single sample,including the pretreatment time,was completed within 40 minutes. The array device constructed will provide a potential equipment support for synchronous and rapid detection of multiple mycotoxins.

    表 3 4种毒素试纸对3种加标粮食样品的检测结果Table 3 Results of detection for three kinds of spiked grain samples by four kinds of toxin test strip
    表 1 试纸阵列装置3D打印的成本核算Table 1 Cost accounting of 3D printing of strip array device
    图1 卧式同步快检侧流层析试纸阵列装置Fig.1 Schematic diagram of horizontal synchronous rapid inspection lateral flow chromatography array device
    图2 立式同步快检侧流层析试纸阵列盒Fig.2 Schematic diagram of vertical synchronous fast inspection lateral flow chromatography array box
    图3 试纸阵列装置描述性评定结果Fig.3 Descriptive evaluation results of dipstick array device
    图4 Fig.4 Experimental results and images of analytical performance of AFB1 (A),ZEN (B),OTA (C) and DON (D) test strips
    图5 4种试纸的特异性试验结果Fig.5 Test results and images of AFB1(A),ZEN (B),OTA(C),DON(D) test strips
    表 2 谷物中4种毒素的检测结果Table 2 Test results for four toxins in grain
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