
华中农业大学食品科学技术学院/环境食品学教育部重点实验室,武汉 430070


张亚杰, E-mail:zyjie@webmail.hzau.edu.cn







Content and composition of tannins in persimmon fruit from different regions and varieties

College of Food Science and Technology,Huazhong Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Environment Correlative Dietology,Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430070, China

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    为探究不同地域条件下不同品种柿果有效成分组成、含量及活性差异,以湖北武汉地区种植的19个柿品种、陕西杨凌地区种植的33个柿品种为试材,探讨不同地域及品种间可溶性单宁含量及组成、不溶性单宁含量及清除DPPH·自由基能力的差异。结果显示:湖北武汉与陕西杨凌的柿果单宁含量及组成存在差异;柿果可溶性单宁的单体成分主要有没食子酸(gallic acid,GA)、表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(epigallocatechin gallate,EGCG)、表儿茶素(epicatechin,EC)和儿茶素(catehin,C);湖北武汉种植的完全甜柿(pollination content non-astringent,PCNA)可溶性单宁的总酚含量及组成整体上高于其在陕西杨凌的完全甜柿(PCNA)中的含量;绝大多数非完全甜柿(non-PCNA)品种的总酚含量和没食子酸含量显著高于甜柿品种。甜柿和涩柿品种中的不溶性单宁的含量没有显著差异,但湖北武汉的非完全甜柿和完全甜柿中不溶性单宁含量整体上高于其在陕西杨凌的涩柿和完全甜柿中的含量;且涩柿中不溶性单宁清除DPPH·和羟基自由基的能力高于甜柿中的不溶性单宁。这表明地区差异和品种差异均是影响柿果中单宁含量及组成的重要因素,


    Nineteen persimmon varieties grown in Wuhan, Hubei Province and thirty-three persimmon varieties grown in Yangling, Shanxi Province, were used to investigate the differences in the content and composition of soluble tannins, the content of insoluble tannins and the free radical scavenging ability of DPPH· among different regions and varieties to study the effects of factors including geography and variety on the composition, the content and the activity of active ingredients in persimmon fruit. The results showed that there were differences in the content and composition of tannins in the persimmon fruits from Wuhan, Hubei Province and Yangling, Shaanxi Province. The monomer components of soluble tannins in persimmon fruits were mainly gallic acid (GA), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin (EC) and catechin (C). The content of total phenol and the composition of soluble tannins in the pollination content non-astringent (PCNA) grown in Wuhan, Hubei Province were generally higher than those in the PCNA in Yangling, Shaanxi Province. There was no significant difference in the content of insoluble tannins between non-astringent persimmon varieties and astringent persimmon varieties. However, the content of insoluble tannins in astringent varieties and PCNA from Wuhan was generally higher than that from Yangling. The scavenging ability of DPPH· and hydroxyl radical by insoluble tannins in astringent varieties was higher than that in non-astringent varieties. It is indicated that the differences in regions and varieties are important factors affecting the content and composition of tannins in the persimmon fruits.

    表 1 柿品种及来源Table 1 Persimmon varieties and source
    表 3 柿不溶性单宁含量Table 3 Content of insoluble tannin in persimmon
    图1 柿不溶性单宁清除DPPH·自由基能力Fig.1 Determination of DPPH· radical scavenging ability of insoluble tannin in Persimmon
    图2 柿不溶性单宁清除羟基自由基能力Fig.2 Determination of hydroxyl radical scavenging ability of insoluble tannin in Persimmon
    表 2 柿可溶性单宁的总酚含量及组成Table 2 Total phenolic content and composition of soluble tannins in persimmon
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  • 收稿日期:2022-05-10
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-11