
华中农业大学食品科学技术学院/环境食品学教育部重点实验室,武汉 430070









Interaction mechanism between oligopeptides from yellow pond turtle and cyclooxygenase-2 based on fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular docking

College of Food Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University/ Key Laboratory of Environment Correlative Dietology,Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430070, China

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    为探究石金钱龟板来源的寡肽KNGP能否作为COX-2(环氧合酶-2)的新型抑制剂,通过紫外分光光度法测定石金钱龟板肽YPTP、合成肽段KNGP和RG的IC50值,利用内源荧光、同步荧光、三维荧光光谱和ANS(1-苯胺基-8-萘磺酸)荧光探针法分析KNGP对COX-2的疏水性影响,利用分子对接方法分析KNGP与COX-2间的相互作用方式。结果显示,YPTP、KNGP和RG的IC50值分别为0.609、0.046和0.056 mg/mL,KNGP的IC50值低于阳性药布洛芬(IC50=0.217 mg/mL),说明KNGP对COX-2具有显著的抑制潜力。内源荧光结果显示KNGP对COX-2的作用为静态猝灭且有单一作用位点,同时热力学参数计算结果显示,KNGP和COX-2的结合过程中疏水作用是主要驱动力,且KNGP和COX-2结合的是由熵驱动的自发过程。同步荧光、三维荧光光谱和荧光探针结果显示COX-2中的酪氨酸与色氨酸的疏水环境发生变化,且其表面的疏水性减弱。KNGP与COX-2的分子对接显示,KNGP分子主要通过NH基团、C=O结构、吲哚和咪唑结构与COX-2活性中心的氨基酸残基形成氢键和疏水相互作用,并通过形成静电作用增强结合的稳定性。以上结果表明, KNGP能与COX-2的单一位点通过氢键和疏水相互作用结合形成复合物,并改变酶的二级结构来抑制其活性。


    This study aimed to reveal the mechanism of action of oligopeptides KNGP on cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and to explore the interaction between KNGP from yellow pond turtle peptides (YPTP) and COX-2.The IC50 values of YPTP, synthesized KNGP and RG were determined by UV spectrophotometry.The mechanism of interaction between KNGP and COX-2 was investigated by intrinsic fluorescence, synchronous fluorescence, three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopic techniques and ANS fluorescence probe.The mode of action between KNGP and COX-2 was studied by molecular docking.The results showed that the IC50 values of YPTP, KNGP and RG were 0.609, 0.046 and 0.056 mg/mL, respectively.The IC50 of KNGP was lower than that of the positive drug ibuprofen (IC50=0.217 mg/mL), indicating that KNGP had a significant inhibitory effect on COX-2 enzyme.The intrinsic fluorescence results showed that KNGP had a static quenching effect on COX-2, and the action site was single.Meanwhile, the results of thermodynamic parameter calculations showed that hydrophobic interaction is the main driving force in the process of KNGP binding to COX-2, and KNGP binding to COX-2 is a spontaneous process driven by entropy.The results of synchronous fluorescence, three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopic and ANS fluorescence probe showed that the hydrophobic environment of tyrosine and tryptophan in COX-2 changed, and the hydrophobicity of COX-2 surface was weakened.The molecular docking between KNGP and COX-2 showed that KNGP molecules formed hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions with the amino acid residues of COX-2 active center mainly through NH, C=O structure, indole and imidazole structure, and enhanced the binding stability by forming electrostatic interaction.Therefore, the results showed that KNGP could form a complex with COX-2 at a single site through hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interaction, and change the secondary structure of the enzyme to inhibit its activity.

    表 4 KNGP、阳性对照(布洛芬和对乙酰氨基酚)与COX-2的对接打分结果Table 4 Results of molecular docking between KNGP, positive controls (ibuprofen and acetaminophen) and COX-2
    表 1 不同温度下KNGP对COX-2的猝灭常数Table 1 Quenching constants of KNGP on COX-2 at three temperatures
    表 2 不同温度KNGP对COX-2的结合常数和结合位点数Table 2 Binding constant and binding number of KNGP on COX-2 at three temperatures
    图1 石金钱龟龟板肽YPTP(A)、合成肽段KNGP(B)、RG(C)和布洛芬(D)对COX-2的抑制率Fig.1 Inhibitory rates of YPTP (A), KNGP (B), RG (C) and ibuprofen (D) on COX-2
    图2 COX-2与不同浓度的KNGP在298 K下的内源荧光光谱Fig.2 Intrinsic fluorescence spectra of COX-2 with KNGP at 298 K
    图3 COX-2与KNGP在298、304和310 K下的Stern-Volmer猝灭曲线Fig.3 Stern-Volmer plots for the quenching of COX-2 with KNGP at 298 K, 304 K and 310 K
    图4 KNGP与COX-2的双对数回归曲线Fig.4 The plots for calculating the binding constants and the number of binding sites of KNGP to COX-2
    图5 KNGP对COX-2的同步荧光光谱Fig.5 Synchronous fluorescence spectra of COX-2 with KNGP
    图6 KNGP对COX-2的RSFQ曲线Fig.6 The corresponding plot of RSFQ of COX-2 with KNGP
    图7 COX-2(A)三维荧光等高线图和在KNGP(0.47 mmol/L) 时COX-2(B)三维荧光等高线图Fig.7 Three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of COX-2 in absence (A) and presence of KNGP (0.47 mmol/L, B)
    图8 KNGP对COX-2的ANS荧光光谱Fig.8 ANS-fluorescence spectra of COX-2 with KNGP
    图9 KNGP与COX-2分子对接ROC曲线(A)及ROC的曲线下面积(B)Fig.9 ROC curves (A) and AUC of ROC curve (B) of docking between KNGP and COX-2
    图10 KNGP与COX-2对接的活性位点和特定氨基酸残基的3D(A)和2D(B)对接结果图Fig.10 3D (A) and 2D (B) docking mode of KNGP to the active site and specific amino acid residues of COX-2
    表 3 不同温度KNGP对COX-2的热力学参数Table 3 Thermodynamic parameters of KNGP on COX-2 at three temperatures


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  • 收稿日期:2022-05-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-11