
1.华中农业大学园艺林学学院,武汉 430070;2.华中农业大学园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室,武汉 430070;3.江西绿萌科技控股有限公司,赣州 341600









Analyzing fruit quality of Newhall navel oranges with different cultivation patterns

1.College of Horticulture & Forestry Sciences,Huazhong Agriculture University,Wuhan 430070,China;2.Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology,Ministry of Eolucation,Wuhan 430070,China;3.Jiangxi Lümeng Technology Holdings Co.,Ltd ,Jiangxi Province,Ganzhou 341600,China

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    为筛选适于纽荷尔脐橙规模化果园的省力化和轻简化栽培模式,选取传统栽培模式、宽行窄株小冠和宽行窄株篱壁式3种纽荷尔脐橙栽培模式,对不同栽培模式和冠层下的果实进行品质分析。结果显示:传统栽培模式下的单果质量明显大于宽行窄株小冠和宽行窄株篱壁模式,上层单果质量达到(339.42±70.28) g;如不考虑层次差异,宽行窄株小冠模式的果形指数达到1.08±0.057,显著大于宽行窄株篱壁和传统栽培模式;宽行窄株篱壁模式的果实出汁率达到(51.07±3.84)%,显著高于宽行窄株小冠和传统栽培模式;宽行窄株小冠模式下,上层冠层的单果质量达(233.53±53.01) g,明显大于中层和下层;上层的可溶性固形物含量显著高于中层和下层;中层的果皮厚度最大,达(0.52±0.079) cm,显著大于下层;下层的果实出汁率最高、果实Vc含量最低;中层的可滴定酸含量最高、固酸比最低。宽行窄株篱壁模式下,上层的出汁率较下层偏低;中层的单果质量最大,上层的果皮厚度显著高于中下层。传统栽培模式下,单果质量和果皮厚度较大,上、中、下层没有显著差异,下层的果形指数最小;可溶性固形物含量较低,上、中、下层差异不显著;中层的固酸比最低;下层果实的Vc含量显著低于上层和中层;中层与下层的果实出汁率明显高于上层。本研究结果表明,栽培模式对果实品质具有显著影响,主要表现在单果质量、果皮厚度、固酸比、出汁率、可溶性固形物和Vc含量;冠层层次对宽行窄株篱壁模式果实品质无显著影响,对宽行窄株小冠和传统栽培模式影响较大。


    Three different cultivation patterns of Newhall navel oranges including traditional cultivation pattern,wide-row and narrow-plant pattern,wide-row and narrow-plant fence pattern were selected and the qualities of fruits under the canopy were analyzed to screen the labor-saving and light simplified cultivation patterns suitable for large-scale orchards of Newhall navel oranges.The results showed that the quality of single fruit in the general cultivation pattern was significantly greater than that of the two innovative patterns,and the quality of the upper single fruit reached (339.42±70.28) g.If the hierarchical differences were not considered,the fruit shape index of the wide-row and narrow-plant pattern reached 1.08±0.057,which was significantly greater than that of the wide-row and narrow-plant fence pattern and the general cultivation pattern.The fruit juice yield of the wide-row and narrow-plant pattern reached (51.07±3.84)%,which was significantly higher than that of the wide-row and narrow-plant fence pattern and the general cultivation pattern.In the wide-row and narrow-plant pattern,the single fruit quality of the upper canopy reached (233.53±53.01) g,which was significantly greater than that of the middle and lower layers.The soluble solids in the upper layer were significantly higher than that of the middle layer and the lower layer; the thickness of the peel in the middle layer was the largest,reaching (0.52±0.079) cm,which was significantly larger than that of the lower layer.The fruit juice yield of the lower layer was the highest,the content of fruit Vc was the lowest.The titratable acid of the middle layer was the highest,and the solid acid ratio was the lowest.In the wide-row and narrow-plant fence pattern,the juice yield of the upper layer was lower than that of the lower layer,and the single fruit quality of the middle layer was the largest.The peel thickness of the upper layer was significantly higher than that of the middle and lower layers.In the general cultivation pattern,the single fruit quality and peel thickness were larger.There was no significant difference between the upper,middle and lower layers.The fruit shape index of the lower layer was the smallest.The soluble solid content was low,and the difference between the upper,middle and lower layers was not significant.The solid acid ratio of the middle layer was the lowest.The Vc content of the lower layer was significantly lower than that of the upper and middle layers.The fruit juice yield of the middle and lower layers was significantly higher than that of the upper layer.The cultivation pattern had a significant impact on the fruit quality,mainly in the quality of single fruit,the thickness of the peel,the soluble solids,the solid acid ratio,the juice yield,and the Vc content.The canopy layer did not have a significant impact on the fruit quality of the wide-row and narrow-plant fence pattern,but had a greater impact on the wide-row and narrow-plant pattern and the general cultivation pattern.

    表 2 不同栽培模式下单果质量、果形指数、果皮厚度和出汁率差异Table 2 Differences in single fruit weight,fruit shape index,peel thickness and juice yield in different cultivation patterns
    表 5 同一栽培模式不同层次可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、固酸比差异Table 5 Differences in content of soluble solids,titrable acids,and solid acid ratios at different levels
    表 4 同一栽培模式不同层次单果质量、果形指数、果皮厚度和出汁率差异Table 4 Differences in single fruit weight,fruit shape index,fruit peel thickness and juice yield at different levels
    表 1 不同栽培模式柑橘的种植参数和生长状态Table 1 Planting parameters and growth status of citrus in different cultivation patterns
    表 3 不同栽培模式柑橘果实固酸比差异Table 3 Differences in solid acid ratio of citrus fruits in different cultivation patterns
    图1 柑橘果园不同模式情况Fig.1 Citrus orchards with different cultivation pattrens
    图2 不同冠层层次下栽培模式对可溶性固形物和可滴定酸的影响Fig.2 Effects of cultivation patterns on soluble solids and titratable acids under different canopy levels
    图3 不同冠层层次下栽培模式对Vc含量的影响Fig.3 Effects of cultivation pattern on Vc content under different canopy layers
    图4 Fig.4 Comparison of the differences in Vc content in citrus fruits at different layers


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  • 收稿日期:2022-04-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-11