
1.华中农业大学园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室,武汉 430070;2.湖北省当阳市特产技术推广中心,当阳 444100;3.华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070;4.湖南省邵阳市农业科学院,邵阳 422002









Effects and mechanisms of mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning on improving quality of Ponkan fruit

1.Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology,Ministry of Education,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;2.Dangyang Extension Centre of Technology for Specialty Products,Hubei Province, Dangyang 444100,China;3.College of Engineering,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;4.Shaoyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hunan Province,Shaoyang 422002,China

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    为提升椪柑果实品质,以‘鄂柑1号’椪柑为材料,探究机械修剪疏果对果实品质的影响并基于糖酸代谢相关基因表达解析其作用机制。结果显示:机械修剪疏果显著加快了疏果进程,极大地节约了疏果用工;机械修剪疏果显著增大了果实横径、纵径、单果质量和果皮硬度,显著提高成熟期大果比例至57%;机械修剪疏果还加快了果实转色,显著提高果实可溶性固形物含量至11.57%,降低了可滴定酸含量;通过气相色谱法发现机械修剪疏果显著提高果实的蔗糖含量至52.10 mg/g;实时荧光定量PCR分析发现机械修剪疏果的果实中蔗糖合成相关基因和柠檬酸降解相关基因表达量显著上调。研究结果表明,机械修剪可以作为一种省力化的疏果方式,通过促进蔗糖合成基因和柠檬酸降解基因表达来提升椪柑果实的品质。


    ‘Egan No.1’ Ponkan was used to study the effects of mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning on improving fruit quality to find a labor-saving way for thinning fruit in a more efficient manner.At the same time,the expression patterns of genes associated with sucrose and citric acid metabolism were analyzed.The results showed that the fruit thinning speed and efficiency were substantially accelerated by mechanical pruning,leading to significant labor-saving.In addition,mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning significantly increased the transverse diameters,longitudinal diameters,single fruit weight and fruit firmness of the Ponkan fruit.Meanwhile,the proportion of large-sized fruit at the stage of ripening was significantly increased to 57%.Mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning accelerated the color change of fruit peel,significantly increased total soluble solids to 11.57% and reduced the content of titratable acids.The content of sucrose was significantly increased to 52.10 mg/g.The result of quantitative real-time PCR showed that genes involved in the synthesis of sucrose and the degradation of citric acid were significantly up-regulated in the fruits collected from the thinned trees in comparison with the unthinned trees.Mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning can be used as a labor-saving fruit thinning method to improve the quality of Ponkan fruit by up-regulating genes associated with the synthesis of sucrose and the degradation of citric acid.

    表 1 基因表达分析用的引物及序列Table 1 List of primers used for expression analyses of the genes in this study
    图1 机械修剪疏果对椪柑果实外观品质的影响Fig.1 Effects of mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning on external quality of Ponkan fruits
    图2 机械修剪疏果对椪柑果面色泽的影响Fig.2 Effect of mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning on the color parameters of Ponkan fruit
    图3 机械修剪疏果对椪柑果实可溶性固形物(A)和可滴定酸(B)的影响Fig.3 Effects of mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning on TSS (A) and TA (B)
    图4 机械修剪疏果对椪柑果实可溶性糖和有机酸含量的影响Fig.4 Effects of mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning on soluble sugars and organic acids of Ponkan fruit
    图5 机械修剪疏果对椪柑果实蔗糖代谢相关基因表达的影响Fig.5 Effects of mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning on expression of genes associated with sucrose metabolism
    图6 机械修剪疏果对椪柑果实柠檬酸代谢相关基因表达水平的影响Fig.6 Effects of mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning on expression levels of citric acid metabolism related genes
    表 2 机械修剪疏果对椪柑果实大小及产量的影响Table 2 The effect of mechanical pruning-mediated fruit thinning on the size and yield of Ponkan fruit
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  • 收稿日期:2022-02-22
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-11