
1.园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室/华中农业大学园艺林学学院,武汉430070;2.南疆特色果树高效优质栽培与深加工技术国家地方联合工程实验室/塔里木大学植物科学学院/ 新疆生产建设兵团塔里木盆地生物资源保护与利用重点实验室,阿拉尔843300









Aroma and sensory qualities and their associated volatile components of three pear cultivars

1.Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology,Ministry of Education/ College of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences,Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070,China;2.The National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of High Efficiency and Superior-Quality Cultivation and Fruit Deep Processing Technology of Characteristic Fruit Trees in Southern Xinjiang/ College of Plant Science,Tarim University /Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Key Laboratory of Biological Resources Protection and Utilization in Tarim Basin,Alar 843300,China

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    为探究梨果皮挥发性物质和感官属性之间的潜在联系,为梨的风味品质育种和采后贮藏等提供理论支持,采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪测定库尔勒香梨(Pyrus sinkiangensis)、雪花梨(P. bretschneideri)及黄冠梨(P. bretschneideri)果皮挥发性物质;组建15人的感官评价小组对3个品种梨果实香气品质进行快闪剖面分析;并进行感官评分与挥发性物质的相关性分析。结果显示:3个品种梨果实中分别检测到50、48和37种挥发性物质,且均以醛类、萜烯类和脂肪酸类为主,占总挥发性物质的85%左右;库尔勒香梨以脂肪酸类及醛类含量占优,雪花梨以萜烯类含量占优,黄冠梨中各类物质含量均为最低。3个品种梨果实中属性强度最高的均为果香,属性强度最低的则为酸味;库尔勒香梨中,仅甜香属性显著高于雪花梨,而除莲雾味外的其他香气属性均显著高于黄冠梨。感官评分与挥发性物质的相关性分析表明,戊二酸二甲酯、丁香酚、2-十一烯醛、2-乙基-3-羟基己基-2-甲基丙酸酯、3-亚甲基-1-氧代螺环[4.5]癸-2-酮等8种挥发性物质的含量与花香、青草香和果香等多种感官属性的评分呈显著正相关。感官评价和代谢物的关联分析有助于解析影响梨果实风味的关键化合物。


    The aroma of fruit is an important sensory attribute that affects preference of consumer.Different pear cultivars have different aromas and are ideal materials to identify the volatile components associated with aroma and sensory qualities.In this article,gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to profile volatiles in three pear cultivars commonly marketed including Korla,Xuehua and Huangguan pears.Results showed that 50,48,and 37 volatile components were detected in the fruits of three pear cultivars respectively.The main volatile components belong to alkanes,terpenes and fatty acids,accounting for about 85% of the total volatile compounds.Korla is dominated by fatty acids and aldehydes.Xuehuais dominated by terpenes.Huangguan has the lowest content of various substances.The results of a 15-person sensory panel conducting a flash profiling analysis on the fruit aroma quality of three pear cultivars showed that ‘fruity’ of three cultivars was the most intense sensory attribute while ‘sour’ was the lowest.Among Korla pears,only the properties of sweetness are significantly higher than that of Xuehua pears.The properties of aroma except for wax apple are significantly higher than that of Huangguan pears.The results of correlation analysis between sensory scores and volatile compounds showed that 8 volatiles including dimethyl glutarate,eugenol,2-undecenal,2-ethyl-3-hydroxyhexyl-2-methylpropanoate and 3-methylene-1-oxa spiro [4.5] decan-2-one was significantly correlated with various sensory traits including ‘floral’‘green’ and ‘fruity’.The jointly analyzing sensory evaluation and metabolites helps to identify the key compounds which affect the fruit flavor. It will provide a theoretical basis for breeding pear cultivars with flavor quality in the future.

    表 2 不同品种梨中挥发性物质种类及含量Table 2 Constitutes and concentrations of volatile substances in fruits of different pear cultivars
    图1 3个品种梨果实的香味感官属性描述性分析雷达图Fig.1 Radar chart of descriptive analysis of aroma sensory attributes of three kinds of pear fruits
    图2 感官属性评分与挥发性物质的相关性分析Fig.2 Correlation analysis between sensory attribute scores and volatile substances
    表 1 3个品种梨果实挥发性物质比较Table 1 Comparison of volatile classes and compounds numbers in fruits of 3 different pear cultivars
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