
1.长江大学农学院/主要粮食作物产业化湖北省协同创新中心 ,荆州 434025;2.湖北工程学院生命科学技术学院/特色果蔬质量安全控制湖北省重点实验室 ,孝感 432000







Symbiotic mechanisms of rice-crayfish based on field distribution of crayfish

1.Hubei Province Collaborative Innovation Centre for Grain Industry/College of Agriculture, Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434025,China;2.Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Quality Control of Characteristic Fruits and Vegetables/ College of Life Science and Technology,Hubei Engineering University,Xiaogan 432000,China

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    为探究稻虾共生机制,运用地笼捕获法研究了小龙虾分别在高频分布采样区(GP)、低频分布采样区(DP)和无虾对照区(CK)的田间分布特征,结合稻田土壤性状、病虫草害调查和稻谷产量性状分析,研究稻虾共作模式的生态效应。结果显示:小龙虾稻田分布数量与田面水深呈显著正相关关系,一元线性回归方程为y=197.69x-25.77;小龙虾高频分布可以改善土壤结构,显著降低0~10 cm土壤容重6.25%~11.76%,显著增加0~10 cm土层总毛管孔隙度8.08%~10.78%(P<0.05);小龙虾高频分布显著增加0~10 cm土壤有机质含量6.24%~10.30%,显著增加0~20 cm土层的土壤微生物生物量碳(P<0.05),并能显著抑制杂草生长;小龙虾不同分布频度对病虫害和水稻产量及其构成因子无显著影响,但水稻产量随着分布频度的加大具有增加的趋势。因此,生产和科研上可适当区分小龙虾不同分布频度(水深)进行管理和研究,促进稻虾生态种养绿色可持续发展。


    Rice-crayfish co-culture system is a successful model of the coupling development of green rice and green aquatic products.The field distribution characteristics of crayfish in high-frequency distribution sampling area (GP),low-frequency distribution sampling area (DP) and none-crayfish control area (CK) were studied with cage capture method to explore the symbiotic mechanism of rice and crayfish.The soil properties,diseases,pests and weeds in rice field and the yield of rice were investigated to study the ecological effects of rice-crayfish co-culture system.The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the distribution quantity of crayfish in paddy field and the water depth,with the univariate linear regression equation of y=197.69x-25.77.The high frequency distribution of crayfish improved the soil structure,significantly reduced the soil bulk density of 0-10 cm by 6.25%-11.76%,and significantly increased the total capillary porosity of 0-10 cm soil layer by 8.08%-10.78% (P<0.05).The high frequency distribution of crayfish significantly increased the content of organic matter in 0-10 cm soil by 6.24%-10.30% and the microbial biomass carbon in 0-20 cm soil layer (P<0.05),and significantly inhibited the growth of weeds.Different distribution frequencies of crayfish had no significant impacts on diseases and pests,yield and yield components of rice,but the yield tended to increase with the increase of distribution frequency.Therefore,different distribution frequencies (water depth) of crayfish can be properly distinguished by management and studied in terms of production and scientific research to promote the green and sustainable development of ecological planting and breeding of rice and crayfish.

    表 5 小龙虾不同分布频度对产量及其构成因子的影响Table 5 Effects of different distribution frequencies of crayfish on Yield and its components
    表 2 小龙虾不同分布频度对土壤结构的影响Table 2 Effects of different distribution frequencies of crayfish on soil structure
    表 1 小龙虾不同分布频度对土壤肥力的影响Table 1 Effects of different distribution frequencies of crayfish on soil fertility
    图1 地笼捕获量与田面水深之间关系Fig.1 Relationship between cage catch and field water depth
    图2 不同田面水深条件下水体光照强度(A)、温度(B)、pH(C)及溶解氧(D)变化Fig.2 Changes of light intensity(A),temperature(B),pH(C)and dissolved oxygen(D) of groundwater under different field water depth
    图3 田间地形与采样区设置Fig.3 Field topography and sampling area setting
    表 3 小龙虾不同分布频度对病虫害的影响Table 3 Effects of different distribution frequencies of crayfish on diseases and insect pests
    表 4 小龙虾不同分布频度对杂草生物多样性的影响Table 4 Effects of different distribution frequencies of crayfish on weed biodiversity
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