
国家柑桔工程技术研究中心/西南大学柑桔研究所,重庆 400712


黄林华,E-mail: huanglh@cric.cn





Effects of different packaging materials on storage quality of NFC orange juice at room temperature

National Citrus Engineering Research Center/Citrus Research Institute, Southwest University,Chongqing 400712,China

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    为降低非浓缩还原(not from concentrate,NFC)橙汁储运销成本并提高其贮藏品质,以长叶香橙为原料,脱气杀菌后分别灌装至玻璃(glass,GL)、聚丙烯(polypropylene,PP)和聚乙烯(polyethylene,PE)(透氧率:GL<PP<PE)材质的包装中,25 ℃下避光贮藏并定期测定溶解氧(dissolved oxygen,DO)含量和相关品质指标。结果显示,DO值变化速度与包装材料的透氧率差异一致,GL、PP和PE中的还原糖含量均先降后升,可接受感官品质的贮藏时间分别为60、15和7 d,VC含量和色泽指标(?EA420)均与包装的透氧率呈极显著相关(P<0.01),类黄酮和酚酸化合物含量与包装透氧性不具有显著相关性。GL瓶中橙汁DO值在120 d内稳定在0.5 mg/L左右,其橙汁贮藏效果最佳。结果表明,在贮藏期间将DO值控制在0.5 mg/L及以下可更好地保持NFC橙汁的品质,实现NFC橙汁的常温储运。


    NFC (not from concentrated) orange juice is one of the most popular beverages due to its fresh flavor and high quality. The high price of NFC orange juice always discourages consumers from buying it. In order to reduce the cost of storage and transportation of NFC orange juice and improve its storage quality,Changye orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) juice was degassed,sterilized and filled into glass (GL),polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) (oxygen permeability: GL<PP<PE) packaging,respectively. Packed juice was stored in dark at 25 ℃. The dissolved oxygen (DO) and storage quality indexes of the juice were determined at different storage time points. The results showed that the change in content of DO was consistent with the oxygen permeability of the package. The content of reducing sugar in GL,PP and PE all decreased first and then increased. The acceptable storage time for sensory evaluation were 60,15 and 7 days. VC content,? E and A420 were significantly correlated with the oxygen permeability of packaging (P<0.01),and the content of flavonoids and phenolic acid compounds was not significantly correlated with the oxygen permeability of packaging. The content of DO in the orange juice from the GL bottle was stable at about 0.5 mg/L within 120 days,and its orange juice quality was the best. It is indicated that the quality of NFC orange juice can be well maintained by controlling the dissolved oxygen at no more than 0.5 mg/L. It will provide a new possible way of NFC orange juice storage and transportation at room temperature.

    表 2 酚酸及类黄酮特征化合物的标准曲线回归方程Table 2 Standard curve regression equation for the characteristic monomer of phenolic acids and flavonoids
    表 3 贮藏过程中橙汁色泽的变化Table 3 Changes of color of orange juice during storage
    图1 不同包装材料中DO值的变化Fig.1 Changes of dissolved oxygen content in different packaging materials
    图2 GL(A)、PP(B)、 PE(C)包装橙汁感官指标评分雷达图Fig.2 Orange juice sensory index score radar chart of GL(A),PP(B) and PE(C)
    图3 不同包装的橙汁的感官评价总分Fig.3 Orange juice sensory evaluation score of GL,PP and PE
    图4 贮藏过程中褐变度(A420)的变化Fig.4 Changes of browning index (A420) during storage
    图5 贮藏过程中还原糖含量的变化Fig.5 Changes of reducing sugar content during storage
    图6 贮藏过程中VC含量的变化Fig.6 Changes of VC content during storage
    图7 贮藏过程中橙皮苷(A)、芦丁(B)和香蜂草苷(C)含量的变化Fig.7 Changes of the contents of hesperidin (A),rutin (B) and didymin (C ) during storage
    图8 贮藏过程中阿魏酸(A)、对香豆酸(B)和咖啡酸(C)含量的变化Fig.8 Changes of ferulic acid (A),p-coumaric acid (B) and caffeic acid (C) during storage
    表 1 包装材料性能Table 1 Packaging material performance
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  • 收稿日期:2021-12-29
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-12