
1.华中农业大学工学院/农业农村部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070;2.生猪健康养殖省部共建协同创新中心,武汉 430070









Effect on different additives on odor emission during thermophilic aerobic fermentation of dead pigs

1.College of Engineering,Huazhong Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-Lower Yangtze River,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Wuhan 430070,China;2.The Cooperative Innovation Center for Sustainable Pig Production Co-Sponsored by Province and Ministry,Wuhan 430070,China

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    为了筛选出能实现病死猪辅热好氧发酵过程中恶臭减排的最佳辅料,试验以病死猪为发酵原料,分别以玉米秸秆(T1)、油菜秸秆(T2)、木屑(T3)、米糠(T4)为辅料,开展病死猪辅热好氧发酵试验,并以纯病死猪(CK)发酵作为对照。发酵过程中,在0~6 h和6~72 h发酵阶段内分别以3 h和6 h为采样间隔,采集处理槽排放的尾气,分析尾气中的有机恶臭物质组分并测定其排放浓度,同时测定其中的氨气和二氧化碳浓度;并对不同处理的总臭气强度进行多重比较,以确定辅料种类对病死猪辅热好氧发酵过程中总臭气强度的影响。结果显示:(1)在5个处理的病死猪辅热好氧发酵尾气中能准确定性和定量检测的共18种恶臭物质,包括3种含硫化合物、1种烷烃化合物、12种芳香烃化合物、1种酚类化合物和1种无机气体,其中3-乙基甲苯、4-乙基甲苯、对甲酚、甲硫醇、二甲基硫醚、二甲基二硫醚和氨气为病死猪辅热好氧发酵过程中恶臭气味的主要来源;(2)玉米秸秆、油菜秸秆和木屑的添加加快了病死猪辅热好氧发酵的进程,添加玉米秸秆的处理二氧化碳排放量增加,添加油菜秸秆和木屑的处理减少了二氧化碳的排放;(3)不同辅料发酵过程中总臭气强度存在差异,从小到大依次为T3<T2<T1<T4<CK,添加辅料均能不同程度地抑制发酵过程中的臭气强度,其中添加木屑抑制效果最佳,总臭气强度为4 241.08。以上结果表明,木屑为病死猪辅热好氧发酵的最佳辅料。


    The experiment of thermophilic aerobic fermentation of dead pigs was carried out with dead pigs as fermentation raw materials,maize stovers (T1),rape stovers (T2),sawdust (T3) and rice bran (T4) as additives,and dead pigs was fermented alone (CK) as control to explore the effects of different fermentation additives on the emission of main odor pollutants and the total odor intensity of main odor pollutants.In each experiment,totally 14 times sampling would be performed according to a fixed interval.The intervals were 3 hours and 6 hours from 0 to 6th hour and from 6th hour to 72th hour,respectively.Each sample was analyzed for odor pollutants and their concentrations were determined,along with the concentrations of ammonia and carbon dioxide.And multiple comparisons of total odor intensity of different treatments were conducted to determine the effects of additive types on total odor intensity during the thermophilic aerobic fermentation of dead pigs.Finally,the results showed:(1) A total of 40 odor pollutants were detected in 5 thermophilic aerobic fermentation tests for dead pig,18 of which could be accurately detected qualitatively and quantitatively,including 3 sulfur compounds,1 alkane compound,12 aromatic hydrocarbon compounds,1 phenolic compound and 1 inorganic compound.Among them,7 odor pollutants were identified as the main source of odor,including 3-ethyltoluene,4-ethyltoluene,p-cresol,methanethiol,dimethyl sulfide,dimethyl disulfide and ammonia.(2) Maize stovers,rape stovers and sawdust accelerated the process of thermophilic aerobic fermentation of dead pigs.Maize stovers increased the carbon dioxide emission,while rape stovers and sawdust reduced the carbon dioxide emission.(3) After adding different additives,the detected total odor intensity of emitted gas was different and the order of increase of the total odour intensity was T3,T2,T1,T4 and CK,suggesting that the use of additives could inhibit the odor emission to some extent,while sawdust had the best effect with the total odor intensity of 4 241.08.The above results showed that sawdust was the best additive for thermophilic aerobic fermentation of dead pigs.

    表 2 不同处理发酵过程中主要恶臭物质及其气味活度值(OAV)Table 2 Main odor pollutants and odor activity value (OAV) during fermentation of each treatment
    表 3 不同处理发酵过程中总臭气强度Table 3 Total odor intensity during fermentation of each treatment
    图1 病死猪辅热好氧发酵过程中二氧化碳的释放规律Fig.1 Release regularity of carbon dioxide duringthermophilic aerobic fermentation of dead pigs
    图2 不同处理发酵过程中主要恶臭物质的释放规律Fig.2 Release regularity of main odor pollutants during fermentation of each treatment
    表 1 好氧发酵原料和辅料的特性Table 1 Properties of aerobic fermentation raw materials and additives
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