









Effect of urease inhibitor on NH3 emission reduction and nitrogen transformation during bioconversion of chicken manure by black soldier fly

1.College of Science,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;2.The Cooperative Innovation Center for Sustainable Pig Production Co-Sponsored by Province and Ministry,Wuhan 430070,China

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    为研究亮斑扁角水虻幼虫(black soldier fly larvae,BSFL)在添加脲酶抑制剂的处理下对鸡粪中氮素的利用情况,分别选用3种不同脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)、乙酰氧肟酸(AHA)、氢醌(HQ)添加于处理组中,以不添加脲酶抑制剂的鸡粪作为对照组,每个处理组分别投入800头亮斑扁角水虻幼虫,比较不同组别NH3排放量、亮斑扁角水虻幼虫生长、转化效率及底物物理化学性质变化等情况。结果显示,与对照组相比,添加脲酶抑制剂的处理组可以有效地减少亮斑扁角水虻转化鸡粪过程中NH3的排放量并增加鲜虫质量,NBPT、AHA和HQ处理组虫体质量分别增加(64.75±3.46)、(71.33±3.38)、(78.84±1.84) g,虫体氮含量分别为(14.47 ± 1.14)%、(15.92 ± 0.34)%、(16.24±0.45)%。以上结果表明:3种处理组均可提升亮斑扁角水虻虫体质量和虫体蛋白含量,尤以HQ处理组效果最好,可以有效减少NH3排放并显著增加鲜虫质量。


    To investigate the utilization of nitrogen in chicken manure by black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) under treatment with urease inhibitors,three different urease inhibitors,N-butylthiophosphoric triamide (NBPT),acetylhydroxamic acid (AHA) and hydroquninone (HQ) were added to the treatment groups,and chicken manure without urease inhibitors was used as the control group.All groups were inoculated with 800 BSFL,and the larvae growth and transformation efficiency,NH3 emission,and changes in the physical and chemical properties of the substrate were compared among different groups.The results showed that compared with the control group,urease inhibitors could effectively reduce NH3 emission and increase fresh larvae weight during bioconversion of chicken manure by BSFL.The BSFL body weight and protein content of NBPT,AHA and HQ groups increased by (64.75±3.46) g,(71.33±3.38) g,and (78.84±1.84) g,respectively,and the BSFL nitrogen content was (14.47±1.14)%,(15.92±0.34)% and (16.24±0.45)%,respectively.The results indicated all three treatments could improve the body weight and protein content of BSFL,especially for the HQ treatment,which could effectively reduce NH3 emission and significantly increase the fresh BSFL weight.

    表 2 不同脲酶抑制剂处理下亮斑扁角水虻生长情况Table 2 Growth of BSFL under different urease inhibitors
    图1 亮斑扁角水虻转化过程中NH3日均排放量Fig.1 Daily NH3 emission during BSFL bioconversion
    图2 亮斑扁角水虻转化过程中NH3累计排放量Fig.2 Cumulative NH3 emission during BSFL bioconversion
    图3 亮斑扁角水虻转化过程中pH动态变化Fig.3 Changes of pH during BSFL bioconversion
    图4 亮斑扁角水虻转化过程中电导率值动态变化Fig.4 Changes of EC during BSFL bioconversion
    图5 转化过程中NH4+-N动态变化Fig.5 Changes of NH4+-N during BSFL bioconversion
    图6 转化过程中NO3--N动态变化Fig.6 Changes of NO3--N during BSFL bioconversion
    表 1 试验材料基本理化性质Table 1 Basic properties of raw materials
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  • 收稿日期:2022-03-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-12