
1.华中农业大学资源与环境学院,武汉 430070;2.生猪健康养殖省部共建协同创新中心,武汉430070


陈铭泽,E-mail: wy1668393284@163.com


周文兵,E-mail: zhouwb@mail.hzau.edu.cn





Optimizing process conditions for sulfuric acid hydrolysis of meat and bone meal with microwave assistance

1.College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;2.The Cooperative Innovation Center for Sustainable Pig Production Co-Sponsored by Province and Ministry, Wuhan 430070, China

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    为充分利用病死动物尸体资源,以病死畜禽经高温发酵法无害化所得肉骨粉为原料,经萃取剂去除油脂后,分别在无微波和有微波辅助下经硫酸水解获得含氨基酸水解液,筛选水解最优条件,并进行最优条件下水解前后物料中大中微量植物营养元素及重金属元素的物料平衡及其在水解产物中的分布分析。结果显示:最佳萃取剂为正己烷,在固液比1∶10,油脂萃取率达100%,萃取剂回收率达97.06%;常规硫酸水解肉骨粉最佳条件为:硫酸浓度5 mol/L、固液比1∶4、温度90 ℃、水解时间7 h,此时水解液中总氮的转化率为93.42%,氨基酸态氮转化率为42.63%;微波辅助硫酸水解肉骨粉的最佳条件为:微波功率 550 W、硫酸浓度5.0 mol/L、水解时间60 min,此时水解液中总氮的转化率为90.12%,氨基酸态氮转化率为82.13%;2种工艺在最佳条件下,各元素在水解液相和固相残渣的分布差异不大,其中N、P、K、Fe、Cu、Zn元素有66%~93%分布在水解液中,Ca、Mg、Mn元素32%以上分布在残渣中,而重金属元素Pb、Cr、Cd超过58%进入水解液,但未超出相关肥料产品农业行业标准限值。结果表明,微波辅助显著提高水解液中氨基酸态氮转化率并缩短水解时间,大、中、微量植物营养元素大部分进入液相,在制作氨基酸水解液方面具有明显的优越性。


    The meat and bone meal obtained from the harmless high-temperature fermentation of sick and dead livestock and poultry was used to develop and utilize the resources of sick and dead animal carcasses. After the oil was removed by the extractant, the amino acid-containing hydrolyzed liquid was obtained by sulfuric acid hydrolysis without or with the assistance of microwave, and the conditions for hydrolysis were optimized. The material balance of macro, medium and micro plant nutrients and heavy metal elements in the materials before and after hydrolysis and their distribution in the hydrolysis products under optimal conditions were analyzed. The results showed that the opitmal extractant was n-hexane, with the oil extraction rate of 100% and the recovery of extraction agent of 97.06% at the ratio of solid to liquid 1∶10. The optimal sulfuric acid hydrolysis conditions for degreased meat and bone meal without microwave assistance (conventional) were as follows: sulfuric acid concentration of 5 mol/L, solid-liquid ratio of 1∶4, temperature of 90 ℃, hydrolysis time of 7 h under which the conversion rates of total nitrogen and amino acid-nitrogen in hydrolysate were 93.42% and 42.63%, respectively. The optimal sulfuric acid hydrolysis conditions for degreased meat and bone meal with microwave assistance were as follows: microwave power 550 W, sulfuric acid concentration of 5.0 mol/L, hydrolysis time of 60 min. Under these conditions, the conversion rates of total nitrogen and amino acid-nitrogen in hydrolysate were 90.12% and 82.13%, respectively. Under the optimal conditions of the two processes, there was little difference in the distribution of each element in the liquid phase of hydrolysate and the solid phase of residue. Among them, 66%-93% of elements of N, P, K, Fe, Cu and Zn in the feedstock were distributed in the hydrolysate, more than 32% of the elements of Ca, Mg and Mn were distributed in the residue, and more than 58% of the heavy metal elements, Pb, Cr and Cd, entered into the hydrolysate, but did not exceed the limit of agricultural industry standard of related products. It is indicated that microwave assisted hydrolysis significantly increased the conversion rate of amino acids and decreased the hydrolysis time. Most of the medium and micro nutrient elements entered the liquid phase, which had obvious advantages in the preparation of amino acid hydrolysate. It will provide basis for the subsequent preparation of amino acid liquid fertilizer.

    表 1 微波辅助下硫酸水解去油肉骨粉正交试验设计Table 1 Factor and level design for hydrolysis of degreased meat and bone meal by sulfuric acid with microwave aid
    表 3 微波辅助硫酸水解去油肉骨粉的正交试验结果Table 3 Orthogonal test results of degreased meat and bone meal hydrolyzed by sulfuric acid with microwave aid
    表 6 最佳条件下硫酸水解去油肉骨粉中微量元素和重金属元素的物料衡算Table 6 Material balance of micro and heavy metal elements in degreased meat and bone meal hydrolyzed by sulfuric acid under the optimum conditions
    表 5 最佳条件下硫酸水解去油肉骨粉中大、中量元素的物料衡算Table 5 Material balance of macro and medium elements in degreased meat and bone meal hydrolyzed by sulfuric acid under the optimum conditions
    图1 不同硫酸浓度(A)、固液比(B)、水解时间(C)和水解温度(D)下水解液中不同形态氮的含量Fig.1 The content of nitrogen in different forms in sulfuric acid hydrolysate under different sulfuric acid concentrations (A), ratios of solid to liquid (B), hydrolysis time (C) and hydrolysis temperature (D)
    表 2 不同萃取剂及固液比下肉骨粉油脂的萃取效果Table 2 Extraction effect of grease from meat and bone meal under the conditions of different extractants and ratios of solid to liquid
    表 4 氨基酸态氮转化率的方差分析Table 4 Variance analysis of conversion rate of amino acid
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