Page 58 - 《华农农业大学学报》2020年第3期
P. 58

第 3 期                周默 等:人参灰霉病菌 Botr y tiscinerea 的种群表型和基因型多样性                          5 3

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                           Phenot yp icandg eneticvariabilit y amon g Botr y tiscinerea

                                           p o p ulationisolatedfromg insen g

                                          1           2           1              1         1
                                ZHOU Mo , LUBaohui , LIULi p in g BAIQin g ron g GAOJie
                     1.Colle g eo fPlantProtection , JilinA g riculturalUniversit y Chan g chun130118 , China ;
                2.Colle g eo fTraditionalChineseMedicine , JilinA g riculturalUniversit y Chan g chun130118 , China
                   Abstract Inordertoex p lorep henot yp icandg eneticvariabilit yamon gBotr y tiscinereap o p ulation
               isolatedfromg insen g154B.cinereastrainsthatwerep atho g enictog insen g wereisolatedfromei g ht
               re g ionsinthemainp roducin g areasof g insen g inChina.Phenot yp ewasobservedonp otatodextrosea g ar
               for3weeks , trans p osableelements ( TEs ) and MATlocuswereidentifiedb yPCRam p lification , and
               p atho g enicit yofstrainswithdifferentTEswasdetermined.Ei g ht p henot yp es , 3TEst yp esofBot y Fli p G
               p erandTrans p osa , andnoVacumat yp ewereidentified , ofwhichTrans p osawasthehi g hest p ro p ortion
               ( 93.51% ) andthemostp atho g enic.Meanwhile , 73and75isolateswereMAT1G1andMAT1G2t yp es ,
               res p ectivel y whichwerefoundtobebalancedoverallinthe p o p ulation.Theresultsobtainedinthe p resG
               entstud y su gg estarelativel yuniforms p eciesdiversit yrichp henot yp icandg eneticdifferentiationwithin
               theB.cinereap o p ulationfromg insen g inChina.
                   Ke y words Panaxg insen g Botr y tiscinerea ; henot yp icdiversit y g enot yp ediversit y g ra ymold ;
               trans p osableelements ; matin g t yp es
                                                                                            ( 责任编辑: 边书京)
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